God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1201, the hunch must die

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It is delicious with a delicious meat, no matter whether it is not adding, it is delicious.

Of course, there is only a barbecue.

There are still many Luochuan not knowing the names and fruits of the name.

According to the division of Tianyi mainland, it should be classified into a demonstration.

Anyway, no matter what to say, the taste is very good.

Sour and sweet, taste the fruit, and Sprinkle the paprika.

Although it sounds with a dark style, it is really good to eat.

It's a little similar to pretzo mango, anyway, especially delicious.

At the end of dinner, Luochuan sits on the sofa, satisfying the sky: "It is full."

When there is no customer in the store, he has become more and more casual.

The demon purple smoke is to pack things.

No use of spiritual spiritual power, it is to clean up some wolf's desktop.

"I will help you." Luochuan couldn't stand, stand up.

He feels that he is a bit a bit good.

"Well." The demon purple smoke did not refuse, just nodded.

Time is like water, quiet flowing quiet.

The store has recovered again, and the system is more or less in this process.

I have nothing to do, I came to the coffee shop in St. Nia.

Yesterday's heavy rain has been stopped, the months of the window are thin, and the white moon is sprinkled, let all things look forward to the pale colors.

The demon purple smoke, but Si Meira has ran over, and it is very close to you.

It is more important to look at the mind of the little guy or the demon purple smoke.

After all, this time, Luochuan has not come several times, basically all the demon purple smoke.

Luochuan didn't care, and came to the counter.

Start claw cafe.

The process is very simple, put ready-made coffee powder into the cup, then pour hot water.

Then there are two spoonful of sugar, and the sweet alcoholic coffee is completed.

Simple steps, very provincial.

Mainly, he is too lazy to spend this in this regard.

Hand a cup of a cup to the demon purple smoke, Luochuan sit down on the sofa.

Soft and comfortable, the whole person seems to be trapped.

Go back to the origin store.

Oh, no, what has been said before?

Luochuan is not too clear, and the sorry is no longer thinking.

The demon purple smoke is a coffee. The first feeling is a rich sweetness, and there is a lot of alcoholic flavors that have a coffee.

She squinted, it is like laughing, this taste is not bad.

"I feel that there should be a rest area again." Luochuan put the cup down.

"Repise area?" The demon purple smoke thoughtfully thought, "If it is not changed to the holographic equipment, it can only be expanded on the original basis."

The space in the store is quite big, and the holographic equipment and shelves are added, and there is almost the area of ​​football field.

It was a bit empty. If it is expanded, there will always be a place where it is uncomfortable.

"It is also." Luochuan has never adopted the proposal of the demon purple smoke, "Then not expand, put a few sofas."

For Luochuan, this is a way of deciding, the demon purple smoke has not been blamed.

She just smiled softly and stroked the haired hair.

Even, it is, it is, it is always quiet. Luochuan looks outside the store.

Even if the city is big, the development is bustling, it will not have the zone that seems to be forgotten by the world.

Desolate, loneliness, no smoke, alone, seem to be isolated from the whole world.

Even how the Saint Nian is about to start, there is no trace of traces here.

The only thing is affected, maybe if there is only the air with the breeze in the air.

"Right, have customers come over these days?" Luochuan suddenly asked.

What he said, naturally Herman has Rona.

I saw the dreamfish that day, I met Xiaoman, Rona, but now I don't know.

"I don't know." The demon purple smoke shook his head. "I didn't encounter customers when I came."

Luochuan nodded, he didn't care about the business here.

The next time, two people have a lot of talks, the topic is extremely casual.

From the Tianzhu continent to Colol, then it is inexplicably to the Lord of Black Mist.

"Boss, you said that he and black mist signed a contract?" The demon purple smoke blinds.

The legendary god is somewhat surprised that there is no legend in the Tianyi mainland.

As if in that world, the so-called god has been completely tired.

Instead, it is a powerful cultivator, as well as the power of each race.

Things that can appear in this imagination of the mount, for the existence of the peak, it is not impossible to complete.

"Contract? Is it, but it is unilateral." Luochuan expressions were some subtle.

"What should I do if I sign a contract to become a magic girl?"

Hey, the hill must die.

Luochuan got up, took the mask from the rack and handed it to the demon purple smoke: "I can see it on this."

The demon purple smoke, naturally wear it on his face, and she is extremely trustworthy to Luochuan.

The spirit has a short embarrassment. When you wake up, the scene in front of you has already changed the earth.

In dim, endless black mist slowly, the dazzling flash has emerged inside the black fog.

Stars illusion, rules distorted, any speech is difficult to describe the scene in front of you, and it is breathable.

The breathing of the demon salastic smoke is not banned, which is just the reaction of the gods and the next awareness.

Just when her heart god was shocked, the warm hands held her hand, and Luochuan's voice sounded in the ear.

"Asanos, is called this name, His life status is like this, no fear ..."

The demon purple smoke is suddenly easy, and the original fear change will be disappeared.

I don't know if it is the illusion, the flash frequency in the black fog seems to be reduced.

The demon purple smoke above the mask, the scene in front of him returns to normal: "Is it a place where Asanos lives?"

Luochuan nodded, now take a strip of meat to do Chi Mei La: "What is the right time and space."

The demon purple smoke doesn't know what to think, the face is emotion: "I feel that this world is so complicated."

Although she has also accepted Corlo is the setting of the real world, but more than such a height plus god, still can't help but feel a little untrue.

"Think so much? We come here to be a passer." Luochuan is very clear about its own position.

He won't be gone to interfere with the normal operation of this world. Of course, the customers will not stop.

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