God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1202 God Gand

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The moon is clear, the two rounds of Mingyue are hung in the night sky, the star river flows.

Breeze Xu Lu, wrapped in light aroma, the whole city shrouded in the ubiquitous floral.

"It's so lively." The demon purple smoke is low.

Although it is night, St. Nia is still very lively, the number of traffic in the street is a lot, and the flowers on both sides are purple.

Luochuan doesn't know what to do, the sure and demon purple smoke are sitting on the magic cartoon that is just passing.

It has to be said that this world has reached a very high level for the development of magic attractions, and it has been closely linked to the daily life of the people.

The speed of the magic guide is not slow, sitting almost not bumps, and there is a feeling of faint sleep.

Luochuan holds the chin, watching the scenery of the side, can't help but give birth to the illusion of modern society.


Tassen helped the mask on the face, the finger came from the cold touch, the mask only revealed the position of the eyes, and the eyes were quiet as water.

He knew the architecture in front of it.

And there is no difference between the house, the gray-white wall tiles with traces left in the years, Puttong's accommodation.

It seems that there is a laughter from the mask, so soon, it will dissipate in the cold night wind.

With the sound of "", the mottled door is pushed open, Tassen is going in.

The radio in the room is very bright, the decoration is not particularly place, and the man in black is looking at the book.

Note that Tassen, came up and looked at him, and the vertical pupil was extremely weird, with a cold feeling.

Corlo's wisdom race is a lot, and the pupil is not the characteristics of ordinary humans.

"Tassen, I haven't seen you for a long time." The man opened, just like a greeting between the old friends.

"Gwees, I haven't seen you for a long time." Tassen was blind, "I didn't expect that you will come to St. Nia."

"Just happens to be nearby, and the matter you have successfully communicated the Lord of Black fog has been spread throughout the church. Now those people are negotiating, don't let you go back." Gwick's expression did not change.

"It's honored to be very strong." Tassen is like a smile, just sit down on the chair, "Forget it, don't mention those, you come here to the purpose, I want to give God."

Gwees did not speak, just silently pulled the sleeve, appearing below the skin that has been crystallized, and the two distinct energy is constantly mutual.

"I have already resist that I can't resist erosion." His voice is flat, it seems that it is not his own thing.

Tatson saw frowning, helplessly sighed, and then took out the gods from his arms.

"The great black mist is when the item is left, it also left relevant information." When mentioning the black mist, Tassen's eyes are not commended by autonomous.

"What information?" Gree frown, he didn't know this matter, Tadsen did not inform others about this news.

He came to here is very simple, just want to try the legendary gods to drive the energy of erosion.

"Restore all non-fatal injuries." Tassen's voice is full of enthusiasm, which is completely what God can do.

"Winage?" Gwis looked at his arm, "said that it is back, is this a injury?"

Tatson wandered carefully to see: "" "is hurt by the collapse."

"I owe you a human condition." The muscles on the face of Gwis moved, showing extremely weird smiles.

"Does anyone told you that you are not as good as you laugh?" Tassen said seriously.

"No." Gwish picked up the gods, "because they dare."

I have paid tones, and it seems to be able to pay my mood.

Then slow down, unscrew the cap.


The exhaust sound sounded, and there were countless small bubbles on the wall.

"God gives the thing, it is not simple." Gwish is amazed.

With the expectation, put the bottle mouth in the mouth and exhausted.

Ton ton tons tons ...

After drinking, I deeply comforted.

The mouth is good, I originally thought that God will cause great side effects.

"How?" Tassen asked, his effect of his gods was also expected.

"I feel ... and so on." Gwees is preparing to speak, suddenly look at your arm.

The skin that originally presented crystallization is back to normal, and the energy of his long-lasting energy is like ice and ice.

"Restore." He events the arm, and some can't believe it.

"The Lord of the Immortal Black Fun." Tassen next to Tassen whispered.

"The Lord of Black Mist ..." Gwis first whispered, then sighed, "indeed, praise the immortal black mist."

On the magic guide train, Luochuan turned into a direction.

"Boss, what happened?" The demon purple smoke noticed Luochuan's strange.

"I didn't say to you before, I left bottle Coke when I responded to the sacrifice." Luochuan explained.

"Oh, I did say." The demon salary is nodded. "Is it used by people?"

For those who have the goods in the origin store will appear in Colo, I don't feel surprised.

Anyway, it is a true world, and it is the matter of the boss, even if the removal spectrum is normal.

Luochuan "Well", I am bored, so I specially let the system test, I didn't expect to respond so fast.

"Forget it, no matter how much, it is used." Luochuan quickly threw this matter behind the brain, "Where are we?"

"I have a look." The demon smoke took a brochure from the pocket. "Well ... If we take the magic train route, it is now going to the center square."

The development of St. Nia is quite bustling, called the modern metropolis in the magical world, and the magic cartridge has formed a four-way transportation network, and the bus is a bit image.

"Central Square." Luochuan remembered the last time, there was still a trace of unfinished, it looked at some wolves.

In the past few days, there will be no longer left the Wanhua Expo, and I have been ready to be almost.

Leaving the magic guide train, and left the distance, suddenly appearing in front of it, is countless .

The crowd is surging, the embarrassment, the point of interest is pedestrian.

Although the Wanhua Expo has not been truly turned on, it is already full of a festive atmosphere.

"Many people." The demon purple smoke can't help but sigh.

"There seems to be interesting, and I have seen it in the past." Luochuan looked at it and soon saw the place of interest.

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