God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1204 Funeral Send Messenger

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"So sleepy." Luochuan got up from the position and hubburned.

Yence is infected, the demon purple smoke can't help but hurt.

I took out the magic mobile phone to see the time, and there was a little surprised: "Oh, it is already so late."

After leaving the central square of St. Nia, the two will go to the sea to play.

The store is open, you can see a very thick layer of snow in the alley.

Luochuan is too lazy to clean, directly close the store door, block the wind and snow.

With the two people on the floor, the lights in the store disappeared.

On the branches of the world trees, the small black ball moved a few times, and the store was quiet.

Go back to the room, Luochuan lying on the bed, touched the magic mobile phone, showing the news of the demon purple smoke just sent.

It is a small fox show that says good night.

Luochuan smiled and copied it once.

Start sleeping.

Did you dream overnight.

"Boss, how do you start business in the store?" Just entering the store, you can't help with songs.

The convenience of living in nine, this distance is that most customers can't experience.

"Yeah, yeah, I feel that I have been in the morning, maybe the morning business is not straightforward." Jiang Shengjun also nodded.

"Good suggestion, I will consider." Luochuan eaten potato chips, and nodded.

Last night, I stayed in St. Nia for a long time. It was already very late when I slept, and the time got up in the morning was also delayed.

Everyone:? ! !

"Don't, I will start a joke." Jiang Sheng Yugang waved his hand, trying to save the consequences of you.

"I also joked." Luochuan nodded, the expression did not change much.

"The boss, you are not like a joke." Jiang Sheng Wei glanced.

All in all, in the noisy, the business city of the origin is officially started.

The life of Luochuan has not changed, write scripts, look at the novel, play magic mobile phones ...

It is flat, there is not much wave of fluctuations.

Oh, yes, there is a new role in glory, which can make a choice in two forms.

For only three days, Luochuan has completed it.

The name is casual, funeral delivery makers.

Nothing is particularly meaning, it is very powerful.

And background stories are also some letters.

At the end of the story, as the Jun Chau, the Tu Map, eventually fell to the temptation of the gold mask, and lost self in the road to pursue power.

While buried the enemy, I also bury my country.

The general of the glory in the world disappeared, and it was replaced by a wander with the golden face.

It will bring endless disaster.

As for the Coffee Shop of San Nia, Luochuan has not been there.

Mainly don't know how to do something.

You can't get wandering every day, it is too much meant.

The Wanhua Expo in St. Nia is ready for a long time.

Just like the Spring Festival of the flower family, people began to prepare for a month in advance.

Black fog is nor moving, and Asanos is also safe to stay in its own space.

All in all, everything is well, life is like water.

"It seems quite a momentum." The demon purple smoke is commended.

The translucent light curtain was hung in half, showing the image of the eye, and his ability to introduce.

"After causing a certain number of injuries to the enemy, it is still to choose the mask." Luochuan introduced.

"What is the difference between wearing and discarding?" The demon purple smoke.

"Of course, there is a difference." Luochuan has a food, "wearing a mask is equivalent to the disappearance of self will, in accordance with those customers, it turns into the role of the Paladin."

The Paladin is a career in leisure mode, which is characterized by special meat and prevents high blood.

"The abandonment is the type of assassin?" The demon purple smoke.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded. "As for the choice, it seems to be ordinary."

"Two different forms, the ability to have is not the same?"

"Well, all three abilities are completely different."

"Hey, it is a bit like three roles directly ..."

The movement of Luochuan eats slightly.

The three characters are blended ... how to feel a little loss.

"What happened?" The demon purple smoke noticed Luochuan's strange, and some concerned.

"Nothing." Luochuan shook his head, the role made it, think so much.

The demon purple smoke, did not think too much.

"New role?" Anvia Ya slightly eyes, some surprised, "I remember that the post is released to have a few days, not like the boss's style."

When I just opened the store door, she and the frost were just over, two customers who originated in the origin store.

The habit of step is forcibly corrected, and it is not the first to enter the store in this time.

There is no expression on the frosty face, just nod, look very much agree with the view of Anvilia.

The demon purple smile and touched the head of frost, the latter smashed his eyes slightly.

Luochuan: ......

He is a bit impossible to think that what is the heart of these customers in the eyes of these customers.

Luochuan torn open potato chips, handed over the frosty: "This has been three days."

"Yes, only three days." Anva is nodded, "if it is normal, you have to have a five or six days."

"The latency is not available for two days." For the strange requirements of Anvia, Luochuan said it can be realized for her.

"Cough, delay, even if the Angui is a long cough," the boss, what kind of new role this time? "

"New role? What new role?" The step from the song just went to the store, he heard the discourse of Anvia, suddenly came.

More than a dozen customers came to the store, the bustling, the quiet origin of the mall suddenly looked up.

"The new role of glory, the burial, the messenger." The demon purple smoke began to introduce.

"This name sounds very powerful." Wei also touched the chin.

Recently, I have a holiday, and he and Xia Ying have come to nine in the morning.

I have a little premonition in the heart of the tiger's madness. With the story of the demon purple smoke, it has become a reality.

"Boss, don't you say that you want to create a role in my image." Tiger mad whispered.

"Originally, it can be changed in two forms, but there is already one in glory." Luochuan eats potato chips, "so finally uses the character in the post."

"This is ..." The tiger is helpless, and he turned to join the conversation of customers.

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