God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1205 Don't send people

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Several white clouds floating on a sunny sky, the sun is soft, occasionally there is a breeze.

The weather in the bureau is as always.

Luochuan looked up and looked at it. In his heart, it was thinking that the function of the weather cycle should be added.

Now his image is to funer into the messenger.

Dressed in light, the waist with a gold mask, and it also holds a weapon in his hand.

As for the face ...

At that time, Luochuan thought halfway did not understand what "handsome like a demon" is.

The ultimate is beautiful?

Using beautiful to describe men always feel some weird.

Luochuan's last no longer tangled this.

Junmei is like a demon, you will have a good look.

All in all, the homage of funeral giving messengers is almost half of him.

"I haven't had a teammate with the boss." The demon smoke chose the natural messenger, and the light green skirt swayed with the breeze.

"Boss, where are you going?" Anvilia turned to Luochuan.

"The line below." Luochuan looked at the translucent map of the horizons.

"The demon purple smoke ..." Anviai also looked at the demon smoke, "Forget it, I know that you are sure and the boss, I will go to the middle line."

Wei is also the same as the step entry song, only the above route is selected, and the location is successfully completed.

"A battle with the boss, think about it is a bit new." The demon purple smoke covered the sun in the sky, and it feels some glare.

In the reality, I still have heavy snow. After coming to the glory, there will always be a subtle feeling, and the Tower of Trial is also the same.

With the strength of the boss, I am afraid that I will not encounter any opponents, I can make him fight, I am afraid it is only in this game.

The demon purple smoke is inexplicably thinks about how long is the opening of the mall: "Hey, the boss, ask you something."

"Well?" Luochuan's speed is not fast, just like having dinner in the street, there is no tension that is about to start fighting.

"At the time of the Tower of the Trial, the boss, you seem to have to be a Bauhinia wolf." The demon purple speech is full of smile.

"Ah, that." Luochuan coughed, and his expression was serious. "In fact, I am in test strength, set my strength too much."

"It turned out to be like this." The demon purple smoke nodded and didn't see it from the expression.

The tall magic tower stands in the middle of the road, and the inscribed magic inscription is delivered to the huge magic, and finally gather into the tip of the tip.

"After it is over, the opponent is the boss and sister, and it must not fight." The demon saw two people, and the expression was bitter.

Such a big strength gap, even if there is a role, no matter whether it is used, it can't be played.

"I will drag it." Inena smiled, "I want to do so much? Lost is not the most important thing."

"Let us some, the boss." The demon purple moon did not hear it, shouted loudly.

Luochuan raised the weapons in his hand, "", the rods of the demon purple moon fell.

"The boss, what weapon is that weapon, how can you attack so far! Unfair!" The demon is hiding behind the magic tower, and the sound is coming.

"This, gun." Luochuan swayed the weapon in his hand. "After all, the glory world is the world of magic and scientific integration."

Several people:……

It is said that it is a gun. In fact, it is also a kind of magic weapon. After all, there is no need to install bullets, and the attacks can also come with a variety of effects.

For example, blind, deceleration.

This is the ability to act in the Glory to the Office.

For example, it is blindness. If it is true in this negative effect, then it is really dark.

I can't see anything, but also those via icons existing in the perspective.

Really blindness.

After all, glory is in the end, but the type of holographic is immersed.

Although it is a virtual world, it is created by Luochuan, but it is not bad with the real world.

Over time, the battle of the crushed the pavement and began a fierce confrontation.

Magic frying, metal gaming, fighting movement is endless.

The setting of the battle is not weak, not that kind of you a, then I will again.

They have simple wisdom, except that they will use weapons attacks, but also release simple magic.

Therefore, the glory is not worthy of stunning a fight against the bureau.

Luochuan narrowed his eyes, the weapon surface in his hand, and the black energy was circulated along the gap.

"Funeral delivery."

It seems that the low words of the dead, the black light is full.

Inenena rodd zero.

"Ah, how can I die?" Ineaa in the state of the soul couldn't touch my mind.

"Blood volume, you have just attacked the number of attacks, there are few blood, and the blood volume is very small, and the role of the boss has the ability to kill the effect."

The demon purple is sigh, she has been dedicated to the rear of the magic tower.

I didn't play it, and I left her own now, then I didn't get it.

As for the killing, as the name suggestions, it can complete the execution when the health is less than a certain ratio.

"This new role seems to be very powerful." The demon purple smile and said.

"If you can choose a form, what is better?" Luochuan pointed to the mask.

The demon purple felt that he was double strike.

The battle of glory is basically a stalemate.

Choose the frost of the undead priest, directly pressing the guard and the song, and two people are suffering.

Under the absolute suppression of strength and attributes, the two can say that as long as you dare to get out of the defense of the magic tower is the next place of being killed.

"Good grievance, don't want to play." Wei also said that life is fantastless.

"This is too screaming, how can it be so strong!" The step is from the song and can't help but bite.

The undead priest was originally a look of , so it couldn't take this to see the expression of frost.

Even if you can see it, you should also look like a faceless.

As her opponent, Wei is also a song, which is a leader, what is the absolute control of the battlefield.

There is no slightest, and the timing of any skill release is just right.

Anyway, two people are hitting.

It is the so-called oppression where there is a resistance, and the two are nature.

But after a few times of killing, they completely converge this idea.

Resist? But it's just a head.

It is the hard truth.

Just like DOTA, LOL this game.

Don't think that there is a big god in the team, you can wave

An An is stable as a tool?

If the light is delivered, the gods are not moving.

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