God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1292 crashing

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Anverah was in silence. After a long time, there was a slight sound with a slight sound: "In fact, that legend is what I spread."

The demon purple month:?

"Free boring, after all, I still don't know the origin store." Anvilian explained, "After all, it is not easy to come to this world, and always find something."

"Is it coming to this world?" The demon purple eyebrows, she detected the place where Anvanda is not in.

"This will then be said." Anva didn't want to talk about this topic, "almost like this."

"Well." The demon sighed, solved a doubt, and then a doubt.

Luochuan lying on the dragon, looked at the top of the pure and thorough sky, seemed to endure, but it was too high, and the heart seems to be sinking.

He lifted his arm to cover his eyes. Over time, the sun began to have a little glaring, and it was so warm and sleet.

Many passengers' status and Luochuan are not much, after the initial novelty and excitement, everyone's energy is almost the same.

Looking at it, in addition to a few, it is still lazy to lying on the landlord, some people still hold the magical phone.

Enveloping a lazy atmosphere.

The energy barrier of the original transparent state seems to be in order to isolate the sun, and it has become a translucent state, and the sunshine is sprinkled, and the refraction exhibits extremely beautiful glow.

Some sleepy.

Luochuan played an yaw, covered his eyes with his arms, and the line of sight was dark.

Just sleep shallow, I can't hear the customer's conversation.

Luochuan opened his eyes, first felt the glare sunshine, and his eyes couldn't help but close.

Sitting up, stretching a lazy waist while playing a big yawn, walking next to the customer who gathered together.

Not a landlord, it seems to be a new game created by itself, and Luochuan did not understand.

"How far is Qichuan?" Luochuan asked.

"It's going to be here." The demon purple smoke replied.

Anvilia's flight height gradually decline, soon, it has not entered the clouds below, and the radiance around it suddenly dim.

Dark continued time is not long, after a few seconds, strange scene is exhibited in front of everyone.

It is still a pure white world, only sporadic snowflakes and does not affect the sight.

A small city that is smaller than the size of nine is situated in this, there is a little difference in architectural style, with antique charm.

"Qichuan ..." step poetry looked at the city below, whose eyes were odorated, "I haven't come here for a long time."

"Sister, do you still remember where we stayed before?" The step is hoping in four.

"This is all snow, and I haven't come over for a long time ..." I said that I said that Step is beginning to find it. "I remember there are many snow Feng ..."

Qichuan, a city in the eastern part of Star Empire, and many distances from nine in the city, most of them come here for the first time.

Anvilia's look like the idea of ​​landing in the city center, fell to a relatively gentle hillside after the flying level.

Looking at the ground is getting closer and closer, the passengers can't help but breathe. Luochuan gradually discovered the place where the unsuccessful, and the speed of Anvilia did not seem to slow down.

Maybe the special landing method of dragons?

After all, there is a lot of surprises brought to him before, and Luochuan feels that he should not use conventional eyes to see the dragon to land this matter ...

"Anvia, you have to hit the mountain!" Alina didn't forget to collect the magical phone.

"Don't worry." Anvilia's righteous voice is full of confidence, "I am very safe in my energy barrier, I will never have something - and you have to have confidence in my flight technology ..."

Luochuan feels that the other party is lie to himself, but he has no evidence.

Other passengers on the dragon began to turn turned around because the distance between the ground was getting closer.

Although there is Angua's guarantee, but their heart is more uneasy. Under normal circumstances, who will take the initiative to say that their flight technology is very good ...

The dull roar of the impact resounded between the heavens and the earth, and therefore also produced a series of chain reactions. Many snow on the peaks were poured like a waterfall.

"Cough ..."

Luochuan coughed a few times, showing the smoke in front of the dust, while looking for four weeks.

In addition to the very few people reacted before the impact, most customers are now gray face, but they are not injured.

The part of Anverah is still trustworthy, and it is indeed safe in the energy barrier ...

The demon purple smoke is blown around the smoke and snow in the snow, and the survey of the survey is in front of everyone.

Very fierce.

The sight is exhausted, the color of the colors, the distant snow remains on the corrugated traces left by the energy impact.

As the center of the matter, Anvilia is just walking from his head. It is still rumored in the mouth: "It's impossible, I have calculated it, how can I hit it ..."

Luochuan suddenly felt that this "crash" seems to be normal.

Noting that everyone weird eyes, Anvilia himself is not very embarrassed, soft cough, said seriously: "This time is just a mistake."

"Anverah, my sister, I often do this." Xuanchi is very happy, excited to the side of Anvilia.

The topic gradually shifts to the strange place, but everyone also understands a thing. The legendary mysterious dragon is indeed like this ...

"Where are we now?" Luochuan looked at summer, his current identity was like a wizard of Ji no regrets.

"This is already in the range of Qichuan." Summer Yu mood has been completed, "I have already contacted Qichuan's city owner, they will come ..."

"Don't use it so much." Luochuan interrupted his words. "There is no need for these forms, just when we come and play ordinary tourists."

Ordinary tourists ...

Although the heart is full of vomiting, since the decision of Luochuan, the summer is not dare to refute: "Well, according to the boss you said."

He is actually a pre-expected, after all, there is a matter of character of Luochuan, hate all kinds of trouble.

But understand the understanding, it is not possible to prepare in advance, but the cancellation is.

Summer Yu took out the magical mobile phone and sent a message to the city of Qichuan.

"Original plan changes, all welcome things are all canceled, other as usual. "

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