God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1293 Snow Fengzhi

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About Anvilia's falling thing is temporarily and noted, but in accordance with her own words, this is just an accident.

Luochuan feels that it is necessary to consider the way the next trip should be changed, after all, can't always trouble this Dragon girl ...

The cultivator's physical fitness, plus this team, there is no ordinary person, so after a short trim, everyone has adapted to the environment here.

"Isn't it falling from the sky? I advance my progress to ask the realm when I just grasp the flying ability." Xie Dance station is next to Anvilia, and there is a smile in my eyes.

"This time is just an accident." Anva Ya is seriously emphasized, "I didn't control the speed of the landing and landing ..."

Because the location of Anva choice is among the mountains outside Qichuan, don't say people, there is no way, so I will take a job here.

The scenery along the way is very good, and the thousands of mysterious fog are full of sight, as in the fairy tale world.

It is a bit cold.

In the noisy, I finally came to Qichuan.

Unlike nine city, there is no tall city wall here, and the overall style of architecture is also more fresh and simple.

The pedestrians on the street are three or three two or two, and there is extraordinarily quiet, there is a kind of Jiangnan Water Township.

Luochuan naturally has never been to Jiangnan. He is only stopped in the textbook for Jiangnan.

At that time, there was such a story that specially describing the scenery of Jiangnan scenery, leaving him a very deep impression.

"What is the name of these trees?" Inena took photos with a magical mobile phone, and the most important thing for travel is to record the views of the way.

"Ice Maple, Qichuan is unique, nine city can not see this." The step is good, he is a child in this city.

Tree on both sides of the street, the leaves are present as crystal-like crystal, blooming on white flowers, and if there is no cold flowers in the air.

Dozens of people are on the road, and they are temperament, naturally causing a lot of curious attention.

Sichuan will have many foreign travelers to come here because of the scenery of the scene, so there is no riots.

A certain figure suddenly appeared at the end of the street, in the curious look of Luochuan and others, the rapid approach, then stopped.

The person is a middle-aged man-made Middle-aged people, can't see any characteristics, and the repair is good, about the peak of the summit.

"In Tang Yi, Qichuan is currently the city owner, I have seen it." After a few mouthfuls, the middle-aged person first said his identity.

Although Xiaoyu has said that there is no need to meet the ceremony, but he is definitely to appear as a city owner.

Before he also went to the origin store, he bought a variety of goods in the store, naturally known Luochuan.

At this time, Tang Yi's heart is full of excitement, and he naturally knows that Luochuan and others come to Qichuan's purpose, and according to the no regrets, anyway, no matter what to satisfy it.

However, about this news, ordinary people don't know.

The residents of Jiuwei belong to the near water building, and the ordinary residents of other cities in Tianxing Imperial, although there is also a hear of the origin store, but that is just the chat after the meal.

"Is there a place to rest?" Luochuan cares about the problem of rest.

After all, I spent so long, and now it is already afternoon, I must need to take a break in a few days to say movies.

"This is ready." Tang Yi pointed to a certain direction, where the terrain is high, and it can see several luxury buildings.

The steps from the song can't help the mouth: "Snow Fengge? Tang Shu, what do you actually come out this place?"

When he was a child, he lived in Qichuan for a long time, because the elders were very familiar with Tang Yi.

Tang Yi glared: "Why are you not willing? But so long, you didn't want to have a look at me this kid?"

"Tang Shu." Stephen was also smiled and said.

Tang Yi smiled nodded, this only coughs: "When it is not an old, the boss is still waiting here."

"This doesn't worry, it will be given to me." The step will take this task to the song.

Tang Yi is also happy, and it is simple to explain a few words.

"This snow saffron is very famous?" Luochuan is a bit curious, just step by step by the song.

"In Qichuan is very famous, it is the best place to stay in this city." The step is separated from the song, "" Jiuzhong City is almost the drunk moon, but the scale is much smaller. "

Luochuan didn't think about this, anyway, as long as it appeared, as long as it was good, there was no high demand.

Of course, the condition is good, he will not refuse.

If you really do this, don't have anything about it, you have a feeling in Luochuan.

Summer Yu also left Tang Yi, he felt that he left in the team.

? Do you need bodyguards with the strength of the boss?

A guide? It's all more than one, and the walk has been stopped.

Moreover, the team is a cultivator, and many people's strength is even more than him, but they have come to a strange place. It doesn't worry.

Moreover, it seems that Luochuan does not immediately shoot the idea of ​​movie, it should be ready to take a few days, familiar with the environment that is familiar with ...

"I felt a few ten days, now I feel a bit less than enough." Gu Yunyi looked at Luochuan's back, and noticed the brochure in Jiang Yunxiao, "Hey, what are you watching?"

"Qichuan Travel Guide, here is also the capital of Snow Feng." Jiang Yunshi continued to stare at the booklet, "the above wrote a lot of things to Qichuan can't miss, snow maple cake, Snow Feng tea, Snow Feng wine ...... "

"So Sichu Sichuan So Snow Maple is used to be ingredients?" Gu Yunyi couldn't help but Tao. "I feel that Yuan Boss should like this place."

"There is also something that I can't tell Qichuan - Spa!" Jiang Yunxia read the information on the brochure, "It looks quite good."

There is also a picture next to the introduction, the bright moon is hung, and the glory is shining, and the strange stone is shining in the hot springs, the snow maple trees on both sides are clear, the mood is quiet.

"Spa? I listened to others on the magic mobile phone." Gu Yunyi came to see the content on the booklet.

Stephen has joined the conversation: "Spa and Snowflans are the two major features of Qichuan, certainly can't miss ..."

The terrain of Snow Fengge is high, and the two sides are full of snow maple trees, Luochuan and others have walked through long ramps, and there is a noise from the front.

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