God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1303 has one thing

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Xinhai Yocheng browsing the script, now she is fully immersed in the story depicted by the text.

Kira's goals, rationion of l, super dead ...

Each role has its own charm, completely present in her mind.

When the story is almost in the medium term, the new sea honeys have frowned again.

Because she found that the text style of the script has changed again, and the works of Luochuan are very similar.

Why is a script to use these two different writing methods?

Xinhai sincerity is confused, she decided to ask Luochuan.

The most important thing now is to browse the script.

The reading speed of Xinhai Hucheng is very fast, because it is just a rough reading, so I quickly saw the outcome of the script.

She put down the magical mobile phone, gently tone, some is still unfinished.

The script ended at Kira and l, but the plot did not end this.

The new sea honestly got up and walked to Luochuan.

"Boss." Xinhai Help said.

"Well?" Luochuan's landlord almost ended.

"The movie's script should have the next story?" Xinhai Chengzi directly put forward a problem.

"Of course." Luochuan nodded.

This can be seen in the script, and many volts have not been uncovered.

"Why didn't you write it out?" Xinhai Chengxiao continued to ask.

"Because I haven't thought about it." Luochuan replied.

The first part of the death note film is extremely successful, shaping the character of each person, and the death of the appearance is the existence of superfine, and there is no progress in the plot.

But the second part ...

For the first part, it is not a star half.

Various new settings, the number of dead gods also increased, inexplicable women ...

These are actually nothing, the most outrageous is that death will actually fall in love with humanity.

Good guys, the existence of the original superfine is directly intervene, and these mortals have a small amount of trouble.

Anyway, when Luochuan saw it, he felt that this plot was a bit away.

So he is not ready to take these things.

For the answer to Luochuan, the new sea is so honestly, but think about it, this is indeed normal.

Write a story, who can determine all the main lines in the beginning, is not all gradually improved, do you dig this step?

I want to understand this, the Xinhai Yocheng is in my heart: "It turned out to be like this, so the next story is thinking, the boss will then take a movie again?"

"Yes." Luochuan played a yawn.

"Why is the script that the previous and back is completely different?" Xinhai Chengzi put forward new problems.

"This, because the kind of writing is not written, so I changed my habit." Luochuan continued to answer.

Xinhai Yocheng: "... is this simple?"

"I thought I thought about it, but I feel a bit trouble, so I am now." Luochuan continued.

At this time, the customers in the hall also continued to read the script, like Xinhai, and there were a lot of doubts.

After seeing two people who were talking, they went curiously, and the questions were also known.

"So the next storyboard, what are you going to write?" Jiang Shengshi first issued,

"There is a chance to write later." Luochuan gave an answer.

Everyone: ......

Sure enough, the boss's answer.

The short episode ends, and everyone who is busy is dissipated, and the sound of the discussion from time to time in the hall, most of them are the plots described in the script.

Luochuan has made a lot of changes to the original content.

The world setting has adopted a full overhead world, and the cultivator still exists. The law enforcement team is the official organization of the maintenance of the safety of the law and safety, with great power.

Very compliant with the worldview of Tianyi continent.

"Purple smoke, hurry up." Inenena, who was half snake, came to the hall.

Because Xue Fengge is a customer of the origin store, her sure is directly used by their most familiar state.

"Oh, it is coming." The demon purple smoke should get up and get up behind the magical phone.

She has already seen the script, before writing something, can continue to be more effective.

"Where to go?" Luochuan looked up, and asked in the process.

"Spa." The demon purple smoke blinked, suddenly showed a smile, "Do you have a boss?"

Luochuan stunned, and then coughing: "Still count."

"Come hurry, are waiting for you." Inenea sighed, couldn't help but urge.

"Know know." The demon should be in the mouth.

The figure of the demon purple smoke and other people disappeared at the corner of the corridor, and Luochuan mood is some inexplicable.

I always feel missing.

He shook his head and threw this strange idea.

There are other people in addition to the demon purple smoke ...

The walk is from the song and put down the magical mobile phone, patted the cheek, converges the smile, this only gone to Luochuan: "The boss, the script also has, when will the movie began to shoot?"

"This is not a hurry, at least to give you the time to be familiar with the script." Luochuan's mood has been fixed, "said that you have already understood the character of the role you want to play?"

"This ..." stepped from the song and grabbed hair, "I saw it in the script, I feel that the role is really no sense."

"There is no sense of feelings to perform with no sense." Luochuan shook his head, "Every role has his own meaning."

I thought about it, I feel that Luochuan said it very reasonable, so he will look back, his face is full of advice: "I understand."

"Right, there is one thing." Luochuan suddenly thought about what.

"Ah, what?" The step is awaiting the next words of Luochuan.

"Where do you think it is right about the shooting place of the movie?" Luochuan wants to listen to the comments from the song.

Although the step is from the song, he left Qichuan for a long time, but then, however, it is also a few local residents here, and it is definitely familiar to the city.

"Shooting place?" The step is to grasp the hair. "The boss is preparing to shoot according to the story of the script?"

"Well." Luochuan nodded.

"Just find a place to find a place, anyway, it is a dragon set role." The step is shrugged, "the North Ting Avenue is good, the nearby buildings are quite luxurious."

"North Ting Avenue, I know." Luochuan thought of what, "Oh, there is one thing."

Step from the song: ...

How much is your boss?

"Where is the place where Snow Fengge Hot Springs?" Luochuan asked.

The step is coming out: "The hot spring is something that I can't miss, the boss should have to experience ..."

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