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Qichuan is located in the eastern part of the Star Empire, although it is not more than nine city, but it is also a quite famous city.

Because of the scenery, there will be many passengers in the winter month.

Come to this city, there are two things that must not be missed.

One is the snowflavs of the blooming, this is the unique tree species of Qichuan, and all kinds of special foods that have been made, Jochuan has experienced.

Another thing that is absolutely can't be missed is a hot spring. In accordance with the previous Inena, these hot springs contain extremely rich water elements.

In addition to elemental organisms, other species are difficult to control the power of elements, but it is still very easy to use in a special way, so like a hot spring.

Regardless of ordinary people or cultivators, they can get benefiting in the environment of rich water, and don't worry about side effects.

From Jiu Yicheng to Qichuan, although it took a while in the afternoon, it was still tired, and the hot springs were definitely the best way to relax.

When Luochuan came, he heard that Qichuan's hot springs, I have long thought of personal experience.

He is just a simple way to go to the hot springs.

"Hot Spring is something that I can't miss, the boss, you should have to experience." The step is full of smiles, and the direction of Luochuan pointers, "the place where the hot springs are in the back, wear I can see this corridor, there is also a heating method and spiritual barrier. "

"Have you been there?" Luochuan noticed that you didn't know when you changed your clothes, a bit of a Japanese bathrobe.

The step is nodded from the song: "I just came back in advance, anyway, I have n'thing to do, I have passed it for a while."

At the end of the conversation, the steps returned to the original position, and the Jiang Haojun discussed the script role.

At this time, many customers have left, some returns to the room ready to rest, and some people have left the Snow Fengge, and it is looking for this unfamiliar city.

Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, and then put the magical mobile phone in the pocket, got up from the sofa, and left the hall.

"Hey, the boss is gone." Jiang Shengjun noticed Luochuan's actions.

"Amount, I saw it." The step is taken with the song, continue to look at the magic mobile phone.

"What are you watching? How have you been smirk?" Jiang Shengshi received his eyes, and some doubtally looked at the song.

"Nothing, let's continue to discuss the movies." The topic of the song is hard to move.

Jiang Shengyu looked at the song from the song, and I feel that he had something to look at himself: "I said, what about your mysterious secrets?"

The steps of the song decided to tell Jiang Hao Wei, he clearly clears the throat, and the sound is lowered.

"Really ?!" Jiang Shengjing exclaimed his eyes.

"Of course." The step is from the song.

"But I always feel a bit more." Jiang Shengshi touched the chin, "did the boss have not said it in the magical phone?"

The step is hidden, he grabs the hair: "It seems to be ... but there is no impact, just like this."

Jiang Sheng sighed: "You are happy, the boss should be very happy, continue the topic before, what do you think about this role ..."

Luochuan decided to change your clothes, follow the words of the song, there is a ready dress in the wardrobe.

Open the door, the faint wooden fragrance comes with it, and there is also the fragrant fragrance of Snow Snowflakes, and it is because it is because of tea.

When Luochuan went out, I forgot to cover the cover.

Open the wardrobe, just turned over, soon found the clothes used to replace, the people of Snow Fengge are still very intimate.

Luochuan has stacked many of the system space, but he felt that since it came to another place, it naturally went to the countryside.

Change your clothes and relax.

Well, this is the atmosphere of the spa.

Drinking a cup of tea, this leaving the room, and walked in the direction of the way you just finished.

The night is deep.

The long corridor is quiet, and the transparent spiritual barrier will be separated from the cold wind.

Through the intensive snow curtain, it is easy to see the far tree that can be planted in the distant planting, and the snowy flowers and crystal clear leaves can be seen.

Luochuan admires the four-week scene, only subtle footsteps echoed in the ear.

It's really quiet.

After approximately minutes, Luochuan stopped.

The corridor has become two directions, and the eye-catching logo is still hung.

There are more special energy in the air, which should be the water elements of Inena.

Luochuan determined that he did not read the wrong, this was moving.

At the end of the corridor is a wooden building, with an antique feeling, the spiritual condensed dome covered.

The foundation has a spiritual force to aggregate, which is the central position of the array.

Not far is a wooden building, the two buildings are also connected by the building, and it should be a region where it should be rest.

In addition to him, there is no other person here.

Luochuan pushed the door and walked over.

"The environment here is good." The demon purple smoke is curious, and she has changed my light purple clothes. Long hair is simply tied.

"You hurry up." Irea's voice faintly came, "The water elements here are so rich."

Push open the door on the inside, it is the place where the hot springs are hot.

A few pieces of strange stone protrude on the edge of the pool, and the water mist fills the view, and the air with a variety of fragrances in the air.

When you look up, you can see the night sky of the ink, and the snowfall will me memably in the spiritual dome, and the wooden wall will block the line of sight.

The sound of the water is endless, and the warm spring is constantly injecting into the pool, and the sound is also very far away in such an environment.

The demon purple smoke shot took his cheeks and felt some hot.

She came to the pool, kneeling, reaching out to explore the temperature, and then unlocked clothes and immersed the whole body in the pool.

Slowly touched, slightly smashed his eyes.

"Human beings are very high in enjoying life." Anvilia only had a head of the head, and earnestly reviewed.

"How do you live in Dragon?" The demon purple smoke heard the discourse of Anvia, curiously asked.

"Some dragons like to use your own life, and some dragons are like this to maintain human forms." Anvilia replied.

"That is to say, have two different lifestyles?" The demon purple smoke felt new knowledge.

"Almost." Anvilia nodded, "and the consumption of the two forms is very different."

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