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When the demon smoke and Angola are talking, the sound of sound came, and the water flowers felt.

The demon praised a head from the water, and he took a long time.

"This is not a place where you swim!" The demon purple smoke.

"What is the relationship." The demon purple is not in the heart, "I just want to try it just now."

Inena floated the water, leaning on the pool: "I feel that I have returned to the ocean."

She has been converted into a human fish form, under the sparkling pool water, slightly swing with a beautiful pattern of fish.

"I have long heard that Qichuan's hot springs, I really didn't let me down." The green kick also swimped next to it.

The demon purple smoke is looking at her: "What are you doing?"

"Curious." Qing smiled, smashing the sound, "How are you now with the boss?"

"Don't you know?" The demon purple smoke has helpless answer.

"What do we know?" I asked on the green.

"Anyway, much better than before." The demon purple smoke sinks, only eyes are obedient, and smudge the bubble.

Looking at her picture, you have to shake your head without helplessly, squinted on the pool.

Luochuan looked at the pool of fogging in front of you.

The spiritual barrier will be isolated from the outside world, and the sound of the spa injection is endless.

Some excitement in your heart.

After all, he only booked through the hot springs burned out with boilers.

Anyway, he will use himself, and use the way to diving, water flowers.

Comfortable. "

Luochuan floated the water and couldn't help but feel a sentence.

The warm water flows completely wraps the body and quickly dispersed exhaustion.

After a while, he felt boring.

Sorry from the system space out of the magical phone.

As a commodity sold in the origin store, the quality of the magical phones is undoubtedly not found to find a shortcomings.

The attackers of the lunar can harden the anti-loss, and the waterproof is naturally not in the words.

There is no difference between the origin store, still novel, live, video and irrigation.

Leaning on the pool and takes out bottles.

The cold liquid is under the belly, and I can't help but hit it.

There is a speech sound on the magical phone: "If you can't find food, the root part of these trees is actually a good choice ..."

It seems that I can't eat meat, I can only choose to graze.

Luochuan hopes to the distance, the shielding of the wall and the snow curtain, the hidden can see the spiritual dome not far away.

Said that the good bath will definitely happen, in fact, he sometimes hopes that the author will follow traditional routines.

Luochuan worn clothes and deeply stretched a lazy waist.

Bubble, the spa, fatigue, sweepers, may be for a long time, the head is somewhat halo.

Just when he was prepared to leave, he heard that there was a laughter from the laughter.

It seems to be an architecture used in the middle.

Anyway, it's coming, and it's okay, Luochuan Sori is directly in the past.

"About that movie, how do you see?" Qing sat on the sofa.

"What is it? Isn't it very interesting?" The demon purple smoke did not understand her ideas.

"It's really very interesting ..." Qing sighed, "Forget it, when I didn't say it."

"Purple Sister, do you want to play a role in a movie?" Gu Yunyi walked over the cup.

"Yes." The demon purple smoke nodded.

"I haven't heard this thing before." I asked in the green look, "which role?"

"L." The demon purple smoke answer.

"Is the boss also need to play a role in the movie?" Inena also joined the conversation.

"Who do you think it?" The demon purple smoke.

"Will it be those people in the law enforcement team?" Inena guess.

"I feel unlikely." Gu Yunyi frowned, "The possibility of bad people is bigger."

"How can this guessed." Qingyu shook his head, "You don't sell Guan Zi."

"It's very simple, L's housekeeper." The demon purple smoke has a smile.

"I will know." Qingqi mouth, "The boss has also clarified the rumors on the magical mobile phone. This turned into a house."

"How, envy?" The demon purple smoke is not reduced.

"What is I envy?" The green kitte couldn't help but turn over.

The hot spring of Qichuan is indeed, and the body is relaxed after soaking, it is the role of water elements in accordance with Inena, which may be what is the underground of Qichuan.

Luochuan pushed the door and saw such a scene, and the conversation was as flooded.

excuse me.

Luochuan closed the door.

In addition to him, he is a woman, he is not good at dealing with these things.

"Hey, isn't it the boss?" The green is looking to the direction of the door.

This is a region where the public rest is connected to two buildings.

"It seems to be." Gu Yunxi also heard the voice of opening and closing.

"You talk first, I will go first." The demon purple smoke stood.

"Slowly don't send." The green bumble sang.

The figure of the demon purple smoke disappeared in the sight, and the voice sounded, and it was nothing more than the relationship between the two.

Although there is no suspense, everyone is still discussing in the excitement.


Luochuan walked in the quiet cloister, he heard the sound and stopped, looking back, the demon purple smoke is going over.

She is wearing a purple dress, her hair is just simply, and it is because she has a slight red.

"How did you go late?" The demon purple smoke came to the side, and he walked side by side.

"It feels not appropriate." Luochuan sighed.

"Is it because it is a woman's reason?" The demon purple smoke blinds.

"Well, almost." Luochuan did not denial.

The demon purple smoke has a smile, she looks outside the corridor.

Snow has raised, and the intensive snow curtain will block most of the line of sight. The whole world seems to become a pure white color.

If you can see the moon and the stars, it is better to have this idea in my heart.

Of course, the scenery now looks very beautiful.

The two did not speak, but they were quiet in the cloist.

"how about it? "

Stephen has received the message from the song.

Outside the eye window, through the thick curtain, you can see the figure of Luochuan and demon smoke.

She laughed and returned to a "planned" expression.

"In fact, I feel that we don't do it ..."

The message of the step will appear on the screen again.

Stephen is an ideal, replying to the news.

"Although you are really good, don't you feel this is very interesting? "


The steps from the song look at the magical mobile phone screen, and sigh helpless.

He feels that his sister seems to be infected by the boss.

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