God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1306 Sleeping

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"... The surrounding environment is very dark, it is not seen in the air, and the air is full of decaying atmosphere, and the sound of the water can be heard from the water."

Gu Yunli used the mouth, unconsciously cleared the palm, and asked softly: "Then?"

Luochuan's voice is extremely low, with a little faint feeling: "Because I can't see something, I can only explore advance, the ground is rugged, and I almost be stumbled by the born tree."

The demon purple smoke holds the chin, and it will listen to the gods.

Luochuan's voice is getting lower and slow, and the immersive skills are quietly launched: "I call the same name whisper, but I can hear only the empty ecruption ..."

There is a picture in everyone's mind. I seem to be in the dark space, I lost any contact, quietly shrouded the unknown fear.

"With my advancement, the water of the tick is getting closer and closer, and it is quite awkward in this silent environment."

"I stopped, I didn't dare to move again, and I also deliberately lowered my breath and strive to reduce my sense of existence."

"But this seems to be used, the existence of the dark seems to be eyeped on me, I can feel the cold eyes came behind."

"The air doesn't seem to be sticky, there is a feeling of breathing, my heart beat very quickly, slowly take the weapon of the waist."

"My body suddenly fell, I felt that a palm didn't know when I was on my shoulder, exuded a burst of bones!"

The voice of Luochuan suddenly came out, and Gu Yunxi and others were tight, and Inenena took himself into a group.

"Don't look back, I have heard the sound from the rear."

"I swallow my mouth, I didn't dare to have a moving action, because in the dark, my eyes gradually adapted to the environment here, and I can see the outline of things."

"My sight gradually moved, vaguely saw the palm of the shoulder, there is seven fingers, and the top is full, that is not a human palm!"

"A fierce knife suddenly appeared in my Yunguang, brushing from the palm of the palm, I clearly hear a scream."

"'This is a ghost vine', the person who has a attack whispered ..."

Luochuan has drank the mouth, said for so long, he is a little thirsty.

Everyone looked at each other, and most of them were still immersed in the story telling in Luochuan.

The step is taken to react the lead, he grabs the hair: "I know is a ghosty handy, the next story?"

"Nothing." Luochuan stressed, he thought so much.

Bullying through the hot springs, Luochuan and the demon purple smoke returned to the hall, and the blue alte left before, and the land will continue to come here.

Anyway time is not too late, let the waiters who are waiting for life have prepared the snacks to eat at night, they are sitting here and talk about it.

Talking, I pulled the terrorist story.

As a fantasy world, the rumors in the Tianyi mainland can have a lot of rumors, what types are there.

Then Luochuan is inexplicably a description of the terrorist story.

Anyway, it is also idle, he will talk freely.

Where is the kind of that I want to talk?

"Really gone?" Some of the steps cannot be believed.

Luochuan nodded.

"What, the boss, you are not kidding ?!"

"Ghost portat, there is really this in the world."

"The boss is so easy to be warm by the door ..."

In the noisy, the previous horror atmosphere was dispersed.

This is like watching the novel to see the wonderful place, the author suddenly abandoned the pit announced.

I heard that some people did this in the magic mobile phone, and then experienced the same paragraph to send warm-friendly services.

Luochuan doesn't care, just drink Coke.

However, Inenea seems to look very much, still on itself.

"You won't be afraid?" The demon asked a little laugh.

"Of course, I am not afraid." Inenena opened his eyes, "just don't like the environment in the story."

"Really?" The demon purple looks not to believe.

"Really." Inena looks carefully.

Luochuan played a yawn.

After having dinner, return to the snow, playing a magical mobile phone, giving the customers a script, and bubble the spa, and then telling the story.

I have done so many things, and he is very sleepy now.

Pick up the magic phone, open the screen to see the next time.

If it is in the origin store, he should have been lying in bed ready to sleep.

However, the customers in the hall look very spiritual look, still talking about the terror story telling Luochuan excited.

They have begun to divergently and start to expand the next plot.

This makes Luochuan think of some of the things on the earth.

Because the author abandoned the pit, the reader directly wrote, and the final result is still not bad.

In the area of ​​Somewhere in Qichuan, summer Yu and Tang Yi are sitting on the sofa, looking at the magic mobile phones in the hands.

"Tang Shu, the boss may be prepared to make a movie in the North Ting Avenue, remember to prepare. "

Tang Yi's magic mobile phone screen pops up the information sent by the song.

"This little child, now I started to tell me." Tang Yi smiled and shook his head after replying.

"Is it a boss?" Summer Yu put down the magical mobile phone, he clearly remember that Ji did no regrets sent himself.

Tang Yixi nodded: "What is going to do with movie viewing.

He is very concerned about the things that the movie shooting through the magical phone is very concerned about it.

After all, like the customers of the originator, I am looking forward to what the movie is really presented in front of their eyes.

"Said, don't you follow the boss?" Tang Yixi couldn't help but ask.

"What do I do with? The boss doesn't like trouble." Summer is very understanding of the character of Luochuan.

After hitting the sound, Luochuan left the hall, and rushed during the day. After he wanted to rest tonight, he was not ready to stay up late.

Xu is affected by Luochuan, and the customers are also left in three or two, since they have to shoot movies, they must maintain a good spirit.

Luochuan opened the door, because the windows were closed before leaving, the cold cold wind suddenly came.

Close the window, brush a teeth, which is lying in a soft and comfortable big bed.

I know that I will receive the bed directly in the store.

Luochuan shook his head and shook this strange idea, extinguished the light, closed his eyes and started to sleep.

In the dark, the original closed door was quietly pushed away.

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