God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1307 sleeps together

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Luochuan sleeps without a lock door habit.

This is also true in the origin store.

On the other hand, he and the demon smoke in the store, there is no need to lock the door.

Because during the day, it costs more than half of the time, plus just bubble through the hot springs, and Luochuan lying in bed will not want to move.

The room is quiet and silent, and the awareness is soon in the state of half sleep, like floating in the warm spring water, comfortable.

I don't know how long it is, the door seems to be quietly pushed.

Some people have entered the room, or they are the illusion.

Luochuan also heard the sound, but did not pay attention to it.

He is lying on the bed, there is a sporadic fragment that has emerged in the mind, there is a planet, and there is also a Tianli mainland.

Zero straw weave together, like a movie that has not been completed, branched, but it is very true.

Dreams and realities are intertwined, he is both the boss of the origin store, and the college students in the Earth's ordinary ...

It seems that someone seems to be in the quilt.

Rare with a faint sweet breath.

Luochuan in the first night of the Snow Feng Pavilion, although many dreams, he slept very well.

The demon purple smoke doesn't know why you will be inexplicably come to the Room of Luochuan.

The accommodation of her choice is next to Luochuan accommodation, and there is no other customer to live.

After coming back from the hall, I will go back to my room in my room for a while, but there is not much sleepiness.

I was originally thought about looking at the scenery outside, but I saw the closed door next to it, he hesitated, he still opened it quietly.

She knows that there is no habit of Luochuan to sleep.

The light in the room has long been extinguished, and the rays of the snow from the window will see the rough contour according to the rays.

In the air, there is snowflake of Snow Maple, and the demon purple smoke remembers this taste. It is the tea fever provided by Xuefeng Pavilion.

She felt that her heart beat very fast.

I took a deep breath a few times, and the mood was slowly recovered, and I walked down in the past.

The cultivation of the respect has been completely forgotten, and I don't know what I want to think about it, and only the breathing of the Luochuan law can be heard.

The demon purple smoke does not let yourself move, gently drilled into the quilt from the side.

By the sun, you can see the face of Luochuan.

"Good night, boss." She whispered.

Xu is because of the reason for the springs, Luochuan sleeps very well.

In the early light, he faintly observed the rays from the window, which was slightly unwilling to open his eyes.

He saw a pair of purple glazed eyes, the face of the demon purple smoke was reflected in his sight, and there was a sweet breath in the air.

Luochuan closed his eyes.

It seems that I haven't woken up yet, now still in my dreams.

Just as Luochuan thought when he didn't wake up, he sounded a touch of sound.

"The boss, you press my hair."

Luochuan: ......

Ok, it seems that this is not a dream.

Luochuan opened his eyes, and the residual sleep quickly dissipated, sat up, watching the eyes of the demon purple smoke: "When did you come over?"

On only the night of his mind, his mind is only a monster, two different worlds overlap, with a different realistic.

"The boss came back after falling asleep." The demon purple smoke covers the quilt cover half face, and he is boring.

Only the bright purple eyes are exposed outside, blink, can't see the face on the face.

Ok, actually sneak my room in the case of I don't know.

However, it seems that ordinary is asleep.

Luochuan played a yawn and reappeared back to the warm bed.

"Board, are you not ready to get up?" The demon purple face red blunt.

"It's still early, then lying again." Luochuan answered.

This season is this season, even if you come to sleep early, then you should continue to lying on the bed, saying that you can sleep back.

Nothing soul in the winter morning of the bed!

"Really?" The demon purple cigarette is suspicious, it seems that some are not trustworthy.

"Really, when did I deceive you." Luochuan righted.

In the origin store, he is like this. Every morning, I wake up and I will lie on the bed.

So the time to start business every day is basically followed.

The demon purple smoke will look out, and the inexplicable in the mind has a memory when the origin mall is just changed, and the boss has changed much.

Snow has quietly stopped, looking at the window, and it is white.

The snow maple is also full of fluffy snow, completely obscuring branches and flowers, which seems to be like this.

The area where the Snow Fengge is high, cars can see the scene of the urban area, and there is already three or two two people in the street.

There is a smoke to increase, add a lot of life to this snow.

Compared with nine, this life rhythm is more soothing and leisure.

Luochuan is lying in the warm bed, you can smell the faint sweetness of the demon purple smoke, can't help but remember the rainy night of the two people.

If you have yesterday.

He suddenly reached out and hugged the demon purple smoke, the latter's body suddenly became slightly stigted: "Is the future time willing to stay with me this world?"

Life is long, can meet in a long journey, maybe it is destined in meditation.

The demon purple smoke, it seems that some can't believe this is the words that Luochuan said, the surprised look is replaced by Yingying smile: "Okay, are you not a store?"

"... When you open the store, you will visit the world by the way." Luochuan coughed, "said that he will come back, can you ask you?"

"Well? What?" The demon purple smoke blinked.

"How old are you age?" Luochuan asked casually.

The demon purple smoke thoughtfully thought: "Oh ... according to human timing mode, fast until 20 years old, how do you suddenly ask this?"

"It's sudden to come."


"Really ... this conversation is not just said ..."

Because there is not much sleepiness, Luochuan sure will take the magical mobile phone from the system space, ready to see if there is anything interesting.

It's almost the same, the customers are noisy, still discussing the things of the movies, and the Dragon of Anvilia's embedded dragon.

I don't know what kind of response will be aware of the big forces, will definitely be very exciting.

According to Luochuan, the annual records of the dragon on the dragon are all kinds of powerless, proud of Ling people.

Anvilia and these words are completely unimpeded, but also directly undertake the role of transportation.

The demon purple smoke also holds a magical mobile phone, Luochuan has seen it, and found that she is writing something.

"I haven't updated yesterday, I must write more today." Said the demon purple smoke.

Luochuan: "... break more, it doesn't matter."

For the suggestion of Luochuan, the demon purple smoke is very forward, but there is no adoption.

She still wants to stick to it for a few days.

If you can't hold it, it can only be broken.

"The movie is the most important, because the movie is more than that is something that is no way." Luochuan and demon purple smoke said related knowledge, "There are also out of the materials, travel to find out the inspiration, these are very good times. "

The demon purple smoke has some speechless, how to feel the boss, you are so skilled: "Is this not very good?"

"There are more times, readers are used to it." Luochuan looks seriously.

This is not a problem that readers are not used to it!

The demon purple smoke feels that he and Luochuan's ideas are not on the same channel.

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