God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1310 Venue Reconstruction Program

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Compared with the Emperor of the Star Empire, Qichuan is naturally not as good as it is.

But even so, I will still have a little shock in the heart of Luochuan that came here.

Perhaps this is the special place in the fantasy world human civilization.

"Boss, this place does not work?" Stepped from song asking Luochuan's opinion.

He only got a recommended role, eventually decided not to shoot here or Luochuan.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded, "But it needs to be transformed."

According to the settings in the movie script, the world's information dissemination and the earth are similar, and there is a variety of displays type items.

Just in the Tianyi continent, the principle of the display becomes a matrix capable of moving image transmission to project the screen to the screen created by the crystal.

"Transformation?" Three people have doubtful eyes to Luochuan, do not understand what he meant.

"Is the setting in the script still remember?" Luochuan asked a sentence.

The demon purple smoke suddenly revealed: "I understand."

Xinhai Chengzi also nodded slightly: "It turned out to be like this."

Step from the song: ...

What ghosts, the boss will give a question, how do you understand?

Now he still foggy water, isn't it looks low like IQ?

"I also understand." He said seriously from the look.

Although the three people said that they understand, Luochuan feels that it is necessary to explain it.

Because he saw the blinking look of the walk from the song ...

"According to the settings in the script, the special death methods of those criminals will quickly come into the people."

Luochuan fingers referring to the street in front of you: "But in this world, in the way of information circulation, it is obviously not feasible."

In the Star Empire, there are also items similar to the newspapers and magazines, which are printed by official, mainly telling the size of the last time.

It is natural to be far from the modern society that is bombed with information.

And the most critical is that this world is really too big, and the land area of ​​the Single Star Empire is large.

It took several hours from Jiucheng to Qichuan from Jiucheng, from the usual flight speed.

Because of this, the speed of information dissemination is greatly affected.

"So the boss, are you ready to be transformed here?" The step is to understand the meaning of Luochuan.

"Calculate it." Luochuan nodded, "but it is just some of the scope of transformation."

Qichuan is a big city. If the whole city is completely realized in his heart, it doesn't know how long it takes, so as long as it is like this.

As for what impact on this world, it is not within the scope of Luochuan.

The official person of the Star Empire is not eating dry rice.

The film's shooting is sufficient as long as the picture in the lens is in line with the worldview. As for the other, it is completely backed by the audience.

After all, it is always impossible to take some shots that have been complicated with the plot.

"So, this is how it decided to shoot a venue?" Xinhai Chengzi put forward a problem.

To be honest, she feels that Luochuan's decision has some grassroots, which has just seen a few eyes ...

"Sometimes don't need to understand so detailed, feel suitable in your heart." Luochuan tells his own philosophy to Xinhai.

As a movie director, sometimes it is often the most important, inspiration is easy to reach an extraordinary result.

The above is Luochuan.

"Of course, these are my own ideas, you listen well." Luochuan added another sentence.

Xu is because he has lived on the earth, and his views on the Xinhai sincerity are somewhat surprised, and I don't want to have too much impact on her.

The Xinhai Chengzi nodded, and the look was thoughtful, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

Some pedestrians have noticed a few people who stopped on the roadside, when they cast curiosity, they can ride the second trolley definitely not ordinary people.

However, most people have not blamed this.

Whenever the winter month comes, Qichuan will usher in a lot of travelers who come and travel, and many of them are a lot of people.

"This matter needs to be said to the city owner here." Luochuan followed the basic way of doing.

Although Tang Yi will definitely agree to this matter, but the basic process is still going on. After all, he is only a normal movie director.

"Is it now?" The step is from the song, and I will prepare to tell Tang Yi in this matter.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, he didn't want to delay too much time on this little thing.

"I said to Tang Shu, let's go directly." The step has received Tang Yi's reply.

"Then I will go first." The new sea is sincere, she follows the reason for the process of choosing Luochuan chooses to shoot the site.

But from the moment, understanding and don't understand, there is not much difference ...

The second trolley is still parked on the side of the road. When you just come down, you will be away from the song except for payment of the Ling Jing, and it is directly that the air is thick.

Take it up, the other world is running to run.

Luochuan noticed that the two-haired transparent spiritual power wrapped in the limbs covered by the scales, and the process of running is not directly touching.

Filling the world of spiritual power ...

About ten minutes later, I finally arrived at the destination - a manor who looks elegant and magnificent.

The land area of ​​the Star Empire is very large, so there is basically no housing prices, and buying your own big house is not too difficult.

After all, it is a world of strength.

Strong people have a lot of resources, and in this world's concept is a matter of course.

Even so, Luochuan still can't help but "corrupt" in his heart, which keeps the footsteps of the song in front.

Once his life goals were just three rooms and one hall plus a wife ...

Summer Yu is also here, and it seems that I have already got news. I saw Luochuan and greeted it, my face was full of smiles.

"How is the boss stay in Snow Feng? Is there any place to be satisfied? Do you need to tell me directly ..."

Luochuan feels that Ji no regrets this is to arrange a housekeeper.

There is no ignifuting summer, Luochuan is straightforward to present the purpose of he came here: "I decided to make some modifications to the North Ting Avenue."

"You look at this boss." Tang Yi has learned the reason why things have been learned from the song, and it is not surprised.

In fact, he still looks forward, this kind of information that is fast-speed, he has never thought of it, no practitioners will be idle, think about playing news.

However, if you really appear in this world, you may have a big change.

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