God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1311 Party A

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Luochuan has nothing to know more about architectural transformation.

He won't take the vision of pedestrians to refer to people, professional things, to give professional people.

He just proposed its own demand "Party A".

"... Almost like this." Luochuan put down the pen, full of white paper in front of him is full of cross-interlaced lines.

"Amount, what is the boss, what is your painting?" The demon purple smoke really can't find anything in Luochuan's want to express from these abstract pictures.

Tang Yi and others are also a misty water, which does not understand what these lines are.

Luochuan helpless, began to tell his own painting: "These are streets, both sides are buildings, the square above the building is where the display device is installed ..."

He has drawn a lot of things before, the sealing of the novels of the demon purple smoke is what he drawn, but it is completely two different concepts in the system space and painting in reality.

Luochuan feels that your hands and brains are not on the same channel ...

After the explanation of Luochuan, several people finally barely understand the specific meaning of this "soul painting".

"Direct news to the people directly ... this is interesting." Summer is touched the chin, if the look is thinking.

He is a long-term banned army, although there is no deliberate learning, but under the eyes of the past, there is more or less about political things.

His hidden can premonstate that such information spread is really popular, it will definitely cause great changes in this world!

Compared to practicers, the proportion of ordinary people is the largest.

"The transformation is not too difficult." Tang Yixin has a preliminary plan, "but Qichuan did not understand the person of this array ..."

The image transfer method is a relatively cold door classification, because of the difficulty of being difficult, few practitioners are deliberately study.

"This doesn't have to worry." Luochuan is expected to have it, "I have a familiar image transfer array in those people."

In fact, Luochuan is thinking about providing the system to show the device, just like the originator city, can be directly connected to the magic mobile phone and holographic equipment.

But after careful consideration, he abandoned this idea.

It is also not always on the system, and Luochuan feels that it can easily solve this thing.

Moreover, he also wants to see what the scene will achieve his idea in this world.

"That's good." Tang Yisong tone, there is a problem with the big shot, "I will send people before sending people now, I expected to be completed this evening."

Evacuation people, detailed planning, specific timely ... The cultivator has a unique advantage in building a house, and does not require a variety of large devices.

"..., so I will come to be a bitter work?" The green kick pulled the mouth, I thought that the demon purple smoke made her more interesting things, and the fact proved to be more.

"After all, I have not learned the law." The demon purple smoke laughed with the green blue. "This thing is handed over, we will go first."

"Let's go." The green kitte couldn't help but turn over the white eye, "the image transmission array, and there is a good quality display crystal ... trouble."

The North Ting Avenue is one of the most prosperous roads in Qichuan, but today seems to have something to happen.

In many curious eyes, soldiers who are always stationed here come here and start to evacuate unrelated people.

The colorful signboard on the building wall is demolished, and the raw materials used to be built are continuously transported.

"Is this ready?"

"I don't know, there is no related rumor recently."

"Let's take a look again, it seems to be prepared to build something ..."

Because there is a high traffic on the street, there are many people who have gathered many people in the vicinity, and they are guessing.

"Han Mo, do you know what is going on?" A famous teenaged vote from Han inquiry.

Han Xiao Shen is slightly helplessly shake his head: "How can I know ... But maybe it may be related to those people in the originator."

Several people surveyed have turned to him.

Han ink smiled: "It is just a simple speculation that these things can occur after they come."

"makes sense."

"So, what are these people ready?"

"How do I know, I will know if I build it ..."

When a young man suddenly talked about it, they also became one member of eating melon.

The step is not the idea of ​​the light bulb. After the manor who came to Tang Yi, she took the excuse to leave.

Wandering around, inexplicably returned to the North Ting Avenue, and also saw a few familiar bodies.

While he saw the other party, the other party also noticed his arrival.

"It's really clever." Han Mo came over and his face with a faint smile.

"Well, it is quite." The step is coming from the song.

"About the origin of the mall, you ask not to ask the boss?" Han Mo did not turn around this time.

"It seems that it is not a place to talk about the problem." A cold wind blowing, walking over the collar.

Han Yu was slightly silent for a few seconds, nodded slightly: "said it."

In the warm room, the girl in uniform put the refreshment on the desktop. As the tea poured into the cup, the soulen tea in the heart was also spread.

"... Almost like this." The steps will be said to the words of Luochuan's words, and a smile is revealed against the girl.

Han ink did not care about his expression, just slightly frowns: "See the situation? So the boss is not ready to sell goods?"

"That is of course." The step is from the song to the mouth, and the words are somewhat vague. "It's just not now, it will definitely sell it."

When I came to the exact answer, my voice of the tone came.

I think that I can buy the meridian of the origin mall immediately, and I am difficult to cover the excitement, my face is not coming to show a smile.

"Yes, what do you know about what is the construction team?" Han Du thought the scene seen in the North Ting Avenue.

Looking outside through the windows, you can see the busy sight outside, and things on a variety of building walls are violently removed.

"Know." I nodded from the song. "But you don't listen to this."

He is not ready to disclose news about movies, which will only increase the difficulty of movie shooting, Luochuan has already taken this.

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