God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1312 Network Addiction Team

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"This matter is temporarily unwanted to spread out, which may have an impact on what we have to do in Qichuan."

Stealing the pastel in the mouth, and drinking the tea and drinking it. This is very comfortable: "But you will know the reason soon."

Since it is the instruction of the boss, Han ink and other people are not good again, and after talking about a few words, they will leave here.

"The boss of the origin store and so many customers come to Qichuan to do what? The secret of God is secret."

"I don't know, but I am sure that this noise is too big to follow the construction team outside."

"You are not nonsense, we know ..."

Everyone in the room talked about it, the topic did not change much more than before, and the next few days should be the same.

After Luochuan and demon smoke left Tang Yi's manor, he began to go around Qichuan, and found a variety of specialties while exploring unknown things.

This is the habit he came to a strange place and is like this in Collo World.

Luochuan feels almost like this after retirement. It is full of people around the world. When you get a gourmet live broadcast on the magical phone ...

When it was about noon, I was sitting on the Snow Feng Pavilion slowly.

There are very few customers in the hall, sitting on the couch and watching the magic mobile phone in the hand.

Like salted fish married by salted.

"Boss, sister, you are coming back." The demon watched his eyes and greeted.

Luochuan sat down directly on the sofa and joined the team of salted fish. It was a bit tired for so long.

There is no feeling in the demon purple smoke, and Luochuan has formed extremely distinct contrast.

"What about the rest of the customer?" The demon purple smoke asked.

"Some go out and play, some are in your own room." The demon is like a magical phone.

"Boss, there is something to ask you." Anvilia suddenly came out.

"Say." Luochuan simple.

"The boss, I also get a few holographic equipment here." Anvilia put forward its own suggestions, "the branch of the origin store is not bad."

In the origin store on the weekday, she should now wait in the virtual world to carry out the glory to the bureau or in casual mode.

Although it is lying on the sofa, there is a magical mobile phone, but I always feel very uncomfortable.

The frost and other people in the hall are also got to Luochuan, and the ideas in my heart are self-evident.

Luochuan: ......

Say, this is not an internet addiction in the world?

As the culprit, Luochuan feels deep.

"This will then say." Luochuan shook his head, he felt that he needs to help these customers overcome the internet addiction.

"Hey." Anvilia was lying on the back of the sofa, and sighed deeply.

Others have also sighed, and the lost atmosphere is full of full halls.

"As for?" The demon purple smoke is very strange to their reaction, "After the movie shooting is completed, it will go back and use holographic equipment."

"I can't touch the hologram equipment." Anvas continued to sigh.

"I want to carry out the glory, the burial makers are the strongest." The demon is like a small moon.

"No, the undead cheers is the strongest." Frost looks up, seriously refutes.

"Said, do you have anyone who likes the arena?" The Xinhai sincerely said that there is a cold.

The demon purple smoke felt that he could not talk about these people.

Is it true that the hologram device really is so attractive?

Like Luochuan, she is in the origin store every day, how much time can be used.

But there is no idea that "I can't live with holographic equipment".

"This is called 'Internet addiction'." Luochuan whispered and demon purple smoke.

The expression of this girl is very tangled, and Luochuan feels that it is necessary to explain with her.

"Web ... addiction?" The demon purple smoke repeats this strange word.

From the mouth of Luochuan, she has heard a lot of strange words, which is just simple to be curious.

"In short, it is the virtual world addictive in holographic equipment." Luochuan is interpreted with the concept of this world and the demon purple smoke.

After all, in the Tianyi mainland, there is no network, even if it is mentioned that the demon purple smoke thinks can only be a fishing net or a spider web.

"Amount, it seems like this." The demon purple smoke puts out of the people in the hall, she seems to see a boring salted fish, sitting on the sofa.

"What did you do before you?" The demon went down the magical mobile phone, curiously asked.

"Pick the shooting site." Luochuan replied casually.

"Don't you choose?" The demon purple asked.

"Choose it, you should be ready for the plan to tomorrow." Luochuan nodded.

The construction team consisting of practitioners is very efficient. In terms of Tang Yi, there is more than a day.

"So I am ready to shoot tomorrow?" The demon purple moon is coming.

Life without holographic equipment is innocent, and it is interesting to shoot movies.

"No, I have to wait a few days." Luochuan shook his head.

The transformed content is to install the image display device, mainly used to broadcast news, which is definitely a new attempt in the Tianyi mainland.

At that time, Luochuan just mentioned this idea, Tang Yi and Xia Yu said a considerable expectation, they all expected the impact of this matter.

"Hey? Why?" The demon purple moon does not understand the meaning of Luochuan.

"Because strange things appear, it is necessary to adapt to people." Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone.

After the image display device is installed, it is natural to try for a few days, so that the people of Qichuan habits it.

Then, according to the scheme taken by the movie, the related plots will be played in the news.

The people doing in the case of uninformed are the most authentic.

The customers in the hall have also surrounded it, listening to Luochuan's explanation, and there have been a sudden look, and the eyes are full of penders.

It is a boss. In order to shoot movies, I choose to flicker the people of the whole city.

It seems that it is not only, the relevant news will definitely flow from Qichuan ...

Many people who escape legal sanctions suddenly died because of the same reasons, and then reported from news, with a number of related pictures.

Well ... I think it is very expected, absolutely true!

Perhaps it can also reduce the crime rate of this world and trigger a certain change, so this is completely three things!

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