God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1313 Simple Cooking

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About Qichuan street transformation is temporarily and noted.

Luochuan put down the magical phone and touched his stomach.

He is a bit hungry.

"Don't you provide lunch at noon?" I looked at the demon purple smoke. She didn't smell the taste of food, and now it is already lunch.

"I asked those service staff, they said that only in the morning will be." The demon is lazy, "but if they are commanded, they will do, and there is also a kitchen."

"Is there a kitchen? I have stored a lot of ingredients in the space ring." The demon purple smoke touched the space rings wearing the finger, she had a full preparation.

Luochuan couldn't help but read the demon purple smoke, becoming these days of the origin store clerk, she seems to cultivate hobbies.

The demon purple madness, let the magical mobile phone in the pocket, raise the hand: "I want to eat the barbecue!"

The demon purple smoke did not care, and the eyes turned to Luochuan, and Luochuan nodded: "You look do it."

Anyway, as long as it is a food made by the demon purple smoke, it is definitely not a shortcomings on the taste, and he also likes to eat.

Anvilia, etc. in the hall, and the opportunity to taste the food to taste the demon purple smoke can be uncomfortable.

Although Yuan returned to the kitchen and soared, it is a good time, but Yuan returns to the restaurant, and the demon purple smoke will not be done on weekdays.

The utensils in Snow Fengge are very complete, and it is easy to find the equipment used by the barbecue in the kitchen.

In fact, even if there is no big relationship, it is easy to solve the problem on the surface on the ground.

But in the eyes of the demon purple smoke, the barbecue made in this way has its table, and it is "the soul of the BBQ" according to the discourse of the boss.

Only the barbecue made in the most traditional way, it is in line with her standard.

Baked meat skewers showed gold brown color, you can clearly see the texture of the meat, bite it, you can feel the hot juice in which it is blocked.

If you carefully taste, you can also experience the aroma of fruit.

High-end ingredients often only need simple cuisine.

These ingredients provided by the system are definitely high-end high-end, and it is a bit more complicated in terms of ordinary fruit.

"... It sounds so complicated." Anvilia opened his eyes, she never thought that there was so much place to pay more.

In the vast majority of longan, food is only delicious and not good to eat two kinds, and there are few things in detail. They rarely consider.

This is the same, but when she came to Tiangui, taste the food made by human beings, this concept quietly changed.

Especially Yuan returns and demon smoke, but also let her see how food can be delicious.

"In short, the way to make food is not as complicated." The demon purple smoke sprinkled a little salt grain on the meat baked in charcoal fire. "Excessive seasonings will cover the original taste of food. And this taste of this food itself is often the most delicious. "

The charcoal fire is strong, emitting the red rays, the meat skewers hung above the top, have already shown golden color, and the surface is slightly blowing, and there is a tempting fragrance fluttering.

As the salt grain falls above, the fragrance seems to have become rich, and the charcoal fire below has a little flare, the demon salastic smoke is in the meat, and the small brush is applied with a small brush.

There is no spiritual force throughout the process, which is the BBQ process, but in the hands of the demon purple smoke, it seems to have magic.

Her words should not be heard, and Luochuan only heard the sound of pharyngeal water.

Isn't it a barbecue? Can you have a little bit.

"Boss, you taste it?" The demon purple smoke delivers a string of Luochuan.

After Luochuan took a bite, there was a hot bursting in the moment of teeth, and the faint fruit and the taste of the ingredients itself fill the whole oral cavity.

"Good to eat." Luochuan nodded and gave an evaluation.

In addition, the sound of the throat water seems to be more.

The ingredients are provided by systematic friendship. According to the introduction, it seems that there is a full range of integrity, enhance the spirit, and benefit the soul.

According to the level of ordinary genius, this has been able to call it a god. The meat on the beast is called God as if there is nothing wrong.

And these gods do not use the threshold, even if ordinary people can eat without scruples.

The demon purple smoke continues to bake the remaining meat back a few minutes, and sprinkle some pepper, which announced the completion of the production.

Because compared to the original flavor, Luochuan still likes to eat spicy.

"Don't grab, everyone is all."

"Can you put the things in your hands before you say this? One person took so much!"

"I will leave it, I haven't got it yet!"

"True ..."

The grilled string is finished in just a few seconds.

"It's delicious, it is a bit too spicy." The demon purple moon.

"Stop stop, it is a sign that the sign can not be eaten!" Inena took the sign in the hands of the jubous.

"The original demon purple smoke has this ability." Xinhai Chengzi has completely caught the shocking state ...

The noise is in the ear, surrounded by pure white snow, the branches of the snow maple are completely flooded in the snow, and the faint sky does not see the sun's traces.

In order to be more comfortable, Luochuan also deliberately revised the environment of the surrounding environment, allowing the temperature to remain within a constant range.

The ability to modify the rules will be a bit used at this time.

The customers who eat the barbecue have not been blamed, and the boss is like an ordinary person in the weekdays, and it will also be more wearing a jacket due to the lower temperature.

But now the rules within the scope of the scope directly ...

Anyway, it is unable to spit, perhaps the boss likes the life of ordinary people, and it is good.

However, the barbecue made by the demon purple smoke is really delicious, and the nearby rules have changed this slightly short thing to be ignored.

"These ingredients seem to be unaware." Xinhai sincerite slightly frowned, she felt the changes in the body.

As the only heir of the new sea family, she has a long life from a small to a big life, and the items such as a variety of dense drugs can be described as a hand.

Of course, she will generally do this on weekdays, even if the power of the medicine is strong, the corresponding side effects must be less than.

Although I have a wide range of people, she faced a skewers in her hands, but she only feels very powerful.

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