God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1314 Assault Assessment

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"This, habit is good." The demon purple shot the shoulders of the new sea, and said with a long time.

The new sea is honestly, and it doesn't understand the meaning of the demon purple discourse. She only knows that Luochuan is not simple.

However, the demon purple moon did not continue to explain, and after leaving this sentence, she took a few strings to the grilled string and started the barbecue.

The number of meat skewers baked out of the demon purple smoke is not much, and each person can be divided into a few strings, and it is impossible to eat.

It has a lot of ingredients.

Belt the principle of doing hard-food, these customers were busy, they saw the process of just skewers that had just been demon smoke, and the heart already had "I am also on".

Xinhai is sigh, bites the baked skewers, and feel the delicious taste of fresh and juicy barbecue. She decided to ask customers on the magical mobile phone.

She became the time of the origin of the mall, not too long, did not know much about the mysterious boss.

Xinhai is a consciously looked at Luochuan, so soon, he quickly returned his gaze.

The boss of the origin store is now eating the grilled string in the demon purple smoke, and it seems to be enjoyed from the look.

I don't know if the taste of the grilled string is still because of the demon purple smoke, the new sea intersection feels the possibility of the second speculation may be higher ...

It turns out that many times, "I am also on me," this idea is not reliable, just simple impulsive.

When the demon purple and other people realized this, the grilled stroke has become a degree of reluctance to eat.

Compared with the previous demon purple smoke, it is basically two distinct food.

It is still in the essence of ingredients, there is no extent to be wasted.

"It's hard to eat." The demon purple milled wrinkled nose.

But even if so, I still eat the baked stroke, she has developed the habit of not waste food.

I saw the rest of the rest of the bunch of baked skewers, the demon purple moon fell into a contemplation.

After a few seconds, she made a decision.

Inena is in the five sons of the Juba, her look is dignified, the tail disk is up: "Can I repent?"

"Ailena sister is already your fourth time to regret." Xuanchi stood his mouth, and some dissatisfied.

"The last time, this is definitely the last time!" Inena tail pointed to the ground, and nodded.

"Okay." Juan nodded.

Inena took the black son before the previously dropped, and after a deep thinking, it was placed another position.

Juan Juan just looked at the white people in his hand on the chessboard, showing a smile on his face: "Ai Linna sister, you lost."

Inena was silent, and I asked a little carelessly: "... Can I repent and repent?"

When the demon purple is holding a grilled string, it is such a scene.

"Eat a roasting?" The demon asked a little laugh.

Inena finally ended the issue of regrets, she did not participate in the competition of the grilled skewers, for the sea demon, the ordinary food only has a difference in taste.

And even if you eat your belly, you will only be converted to water elements.

"Grilled string? Do you don't eat it yourself?" Inena took the grilled string of demon purple.

"I have already eaten." The demon purple moon maintains the look on his face.

Irea "Oh", did not think too much, then sent the grilled string into the mouth, and also evaluated the mouthful: "This is good, how is it very good, and what do you do?"

"It's very simple, the roast time is long." The demon purple coughs, telling the process of making it.

Lunch is eating a barbecue, but I can eat it, but I always feel less, at least Luochuan think it is.

Under his suggestions, the demon purple smoke has taken out the ingredients used in the spatial ring.

Luochuan feels a whole kitchen in this girl's space ring.

With the white fog of white in the pot, the sweet breath also spreads, and it is also mixed with Sichuan unique Snowflakes.

Single smells, it is enough to make people's index finger.


After lunch, Luochuan returned to the hall.

If you are full, you don't want to move.

Other customers are also similar to him, and each look at the magical phones in their hands.

Once again entered the salted fish.

Customers shared lunch on the magical mobile phone, and there was no enthusiastic response.

"Actually no one tells me, you are really enough! "

"What time is next? "

"The tears are not fast, from the corner of the mouth, I know that I don't leave the snow. "

"I will go out for a while ..."

This is the group chat created by Luochuan. The members inside are the customers who participate in the film, so they don't need to take care of anything.

After aware of this chance, I suddenly sent a mourning, and I was very excited.

The time quietly passed, Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, stood up from the sofa, and he decided to do something this afternoon.

The customer in the hall is much more than a lot of priests, and it is still regretted in the heart outside.

Note that Luochuan movements have spoken to him.

"The script should have seen it?" Luochuan asked.

Yesterday he sent the script to them, everyone did not wait for it.

"Of course, the boss asked this to do?" The step will take the lead in speaking.

When he fareped with Han ink, he chose to have a good lunch time when he came back, and it was still regretted in his heart.

"Before the movie is officially taken, first take a look." Luochuan put forward its own purpose.

Everyone suddenly, they almost forgot that they came to Qichuan's most important purpose to take a movie.

"So how do you exercise?" Jiang Yunshi is very curious about this, she is a movie in the moon.

"It's very simple, just here." Since it is a exercise, Luochuan feels not to be prepared.

And for a qualified actor, the surrounding environment does not affect the normal play.

Everyone looked at each other, and she didn't respond to the words of Luochuan.

"Is it now?" Jiang Yunxiao stunned and continued to ask.

"Yes, it is now." Luochuan felt that he was a teacher who was notified to assault the assessment.

The reactions and students of the customers are almost the same, after a short queen, the noise of the array is coming.

Luochuan picked up the magical mobile phone to see the time: "Beginning half an hour later."

Most of customers have become accustomed to this unique timing of Luochuan, understand how long it is specifically representing half an hour.

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