God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1315, please start your performance

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When Luochuan's words fall, after a short sunny, the hall lively.

"What should I do?" The step is from the song.

"We must definitely no problem." Jiang Shengshi is very confident, and the talent varies from person to person.

"It is also." The step is that I think, I feel that Jiang Hao is very reasonable, "Is it going to fight the landlord?"

Jiang Shengshi took out the magical mobile phone: "Come, I will go to the top two hundred, don't pit, I."

This is the reaction of talent.

"What should I do?" Xie Meng dance is also in a state.

"I said, are you not coming to join in the fun?" Anverah looked at her.

"Oh, I forgot." Xie Meng Dance suddenly taught, she did not participate in the play of the movie role.

Of course, if Luochuan wants to give her a role of running dragon, she will definitely not refuse.

All in all, the reactions of customers are roughly divided into two types, and the operation is strategized and uneasy.

Half hour, long said long, say short.

"Half an hour, is it ready?" Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, looking at everyone.

He as a director and assumes the responsibility of the judges and is responsible for telling these actors to improve the place.

The speech is gradually stopped, and the customers will turn their sight to Luochuan, no matter whether they are not ready, you must meet this moment.

"Who is here?" Luochuan asked.

No one opens, the customers look at each other, and they want others to come first.

"Forget it, let me pick it up." Luochuan also saw this, the line of sight was on the summer of summer, "Let's come."

"Ah? I?" Summer Yutton opened his eyes and reached out to himself, and unbelievable.

He came to the Snow Fengge just because he received Tang Yi's suggestion, after all, he was no regrets, always touching the fish and definitely said.

As a member of the team, naturally also joined the group chat created by Luochuan, and also received a movie's script.

Although he is indeed interested in movies, but never thought of participating in shooting.

"Well, how, have any questions?" Luochuan's face could not change the change.

"Amount ..." Summer imperial colors tangled, and finally took a deep breath, nodded, "no problem."

Playing another role, he feels that this thing should be very interesting, and it seems good to personally participate in the movie.

"Now your identity is the country's official, paying a lot of bribes and arrested, and ultimately because the evidence is insufficient, the line is free to play, as well as in the script," Luochuan asked.

The worldview settings in the movie uses the law, and the practitioners and ordinary people must follow, and the law enforcement team is the official organization of the national maintenance law.

"Understand." Summer Yu nodded.

He has already seen several scripts, almost carrying the line inside, and has a full grasp for Luochuan's request.

"Please start your performance."

Summer Yu Shen sucks tone, regardless of the official who is caught and the official is not released due to the evidence, it should be very arrogant.

The customers in the hall stopped the whispering and tacit, and they took the line to summer, which made him a bit nervous.

Play another role in such a multi-person side, and you must also say that more words like yourself ...

Summer Yu felt a kind of emotional mood full of his heart.

However, embarrassing, performance is still going to continue, and he surely regards these people in front of the script "reporter."

According to the annotation given by the script, the reporter seems to be a particular occupation. Their jobs every day is to collect large and small news in a variety of ways, and then release it through a series of compilation or fabricated.

From the beginning, Luochuan's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Boss, what happened?" The demon purple smoke noted the change of Luochuan, and his body was loudly asked.

Luochuan can feel the breath in the demon salary mouth, with a touch of sweetness, but he just shakes his head, indicating that the demon purple smoke continues to look.

The demon purple smoke can also feel the violations in the summer, the arrogant airlands are indeed enough, belonging to the kind of sufficient.

It is a bit like the performance of her and Luochuan in the opera house in St. Nia, and the feelings are somewhat excessive, and the reality will not appear.

The movie can be understood as a realistic reality, which will make the viewer think that it is a real world depicted in it.

The stage drama is simply performing on the stage, very clearly told the audience a matter - this is a false story.

After approximately a few minutes, the performance of summer is welcomed.


He suddenly opened his eyes, holding his chest, and there is some embarrassment.

After standing, after a sudden, it suddenly planted to the ground, and the body was twitched a few times.

The demon purple smoke heard a few depressed laughs, she couldn't help but laugh.

There is a little smile on Luochuan's face.

But to tell the truth, he is not satisfied.

He needs actors with truly acting.

Instead of that kind of look is exaggerated, only shouting "ah, how do you as this as a subsession, or a small meat of" 12345 ".

Summer is obviously the latter.

He stood up, there was a embarrassing look on his face, and the soft cough had a few times, which turned his sight to Luochuan, and he would hear his opinion.

Summer is self-feeling is still good.

In the interim of the performance, he has been fully immersed in the role of the role, and even a lot of impromptu lines.

Summer Yu feels that if Ji No regrets know what he said, it may be necessary to consider whether the private army leader should be changed.

Although he is very satisfied, it seems that the boss seems to be unsatisfactory ...

"It's too exaggerated." Luochuan shook his head.

Is it exaggerated?

Summer Yuedi thought about the scene when you want to perform, it seems ... It is indeed so exaggerated?

But he heard the next words of Luochuan, he felt that he was as a brigade, this is a bad experience ...

"The movie is not a stage play, and the reality is not different. Your performance should be true." Luochuan director seriously emphasized.

If it is not just a demon purple smoke and he introduces the things about Tianshal, Luochuan almost forgot the experience of this girl and the world of travel.

Although this experience is exactly, it is also routing every place ...

There is also a stage play in the Tianyu mainland, just in the Star Empire, it is not a popular, so Luochuan has not heard it.

what is this? Cultural culture has reached a consensus to some extent?

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