God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1316 doesn't

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North Ting Avenue.

The demolition and construction of the official cultivator of Tang Yizhang is still in full swing.

The original advertising signs and buildings affected by the plan are directly cleaned up.

In this process, there is naturally less opposition.

However, any questions that can be solved with Lingjing are not called.

Under the offensive of Luochuan's bill, the impeck of transformation roads did not form a slightest resistance, and it was ruined to rush.

Original Tang Yi is not ready to charge Luochuan Lingjing.

But now Lingjing is just a simple number for Luochuan, and it will only be molded in his hand. It is better to support the reform of the world.

The construction team of the whole staff is very efficient. In the afternoon, it has completed most of the plans.

The original advertising signs swept, empty walls look like ready to install.

After the initial curiosity, the people on the streets gradually habitually used to the scenes in front of them.

Of course, it is like this, and it will not have the existence of eating melon people.

This is a big big thing to Qichuan's life rhythm, this is a big thing.

"What is going to do? Do you want to do something big?"

"I don't know, there is no relevant news at all."

"I just asked those people, they said that there is something like to install the image playing device."

"Oh, the owner of the city must be preparing for the big plan, I can't wait to see the completion, it will be very interesting."

"God, if you talk to me again, I will use the shoes to ..."

The green kitty did not care about the noisy people nearby, and her attention has been in front of the building.

As a constructor of the image transmission array, she also assumes the responsibility of directing these construction teams - of course just occasionally suggesting.

After all, she is not a profession that covers a house. It is recommended whether it is not what she is.

"Adults are already ready." A middle-aged people said respectfully.

Just now, he has already seen this beautiful woman's scene, no, there is no shot, just a look, let a cultivator who returned the realm lost awareness.

Since it is a renovation, it is naturally less questioning. After all, some ways to make other ways can really show it.

It happened that there was a famous cultural practitioner at that time, it might be a high-level person in a forces, and came to Qichuan vacation, because the noise of construction was irritated.

After all, he returned to the cultivator, and even the Tangcheng owner of Qichuan has got a little more, it is so arrogant.

It is not very good as the mood is not very good because the mood is very good because the demon purple smoke is acting as a hard work.

Can she easily do this, have her strength? Returning to Yuanfeng? Ask? Or the legendary respect ...

Middle-aged people did not dare to continue to imagine, he knew that this world is much mysterious than he knows, Qichuan is just a general city of Star Empire.

And the beautiful woman in front of me is definitely the legend of those who are not seen in the world.

He has a kind of premonition, and Qichuan has changed this.

No, not only Qichuan, Star Empire, or even the eastern region, the entire Tianli continent, may have changed.

The scene in front of you is just a change.

And now the prelude is slowly unveiled.

"Oh, I have worked hard." I nodded and took the magic mobile phone.

The middle-aged people are somewhat curious. He told this adult in the past, and the surface seems to have a variety of strange pictures.

But he didn't dare to ask.

The green jeans god down the ground, and came directly to half space, watching the gaps, thinking about the architectural array, can be very complicated.

The onlookers sounded in the people, and the human cultivator only worked to control the ability to control the flight, that is

Previously, the unlucky returned fracture has resumed awareness. When she saw the scene in front of her, I suddenly took a breath, and my heart was full.

Fortunately, he just arrived at him, did not do anything about leaving, this adult did not continue to investigate.

The world outside is really horrible. It will be in the road to encounter such a strong cultivator. He has a little regretted to play, it is better to stay in the zone.

After a short thinking, the green name has been prepared by the engraving method. Her fingertips have almost condensed the substantial white light, which is extremely pure spirit.

In short, the parafog in the Tianyi continent is an extremely special rune. Different inscription can bring different effects, this is the original rule of this world.

Some are similar to a variety of magical chemical reactions.

Of course, some people will say that the essence of chemical reactions is the generation of new substances, which also have energy changes.

But why can energy change? Why do you have new substances?

Perhaps some people will give an answer, saying what this is a micro-instable and stable exchange, and the dynamic jump between the structure.

So why do you have this exchange? Why is a dynamic jump between the structure ...

The problem is deeper, eventually exceeds the scope of human cognition.

Many things have not so much why, it is that.

Apple lost on the Newton, so he found that there were extraction, but why is there animation?

This is similar to what is the bottom, why is the quality of the material ...

This is the world's best rule, all things must follow, it is the source of the universe.

What special is so much!

Tianyi continental array has some magical arrays similar to the world of Coro, which makes energy work in a special way, thereby achieving various functions.

Over time, the complicated inscription appears in the hands of the green, it is directly imprinted on the wall.

The invisible spiritual power is like a tide, it is not completed.

It is easy to consume it for her, and this is basically neglected for her.

But still trouble!

The green appearance is sigh. She has someone who has been idle before I have been able to learn this useless thing.

In addition to being pulled out of the hardships.

She only wants to complete the work in the hand early, and I will return to the warm Snow Maple, lying on the cozy sofa looking at the magic mobile phone in the hand.

I don't know how much the novel is updated, she has a good day ...

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