God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1317 Everything is for the movie

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The green .

She came to the ground and looked up to see the architecture in front.

The large-scale crystal panel is inlaid in the wall, and the rear array rune is completely shaded.

Not only this, the entire North Ting Avenue has a large and small small and less than a dozen crystal panels.

In addition to the first time consuming, the remaining light cars have a lot less.

These crystal panels mainly act as the action of the display screen, responsible for the recording of the screen and the array of transmissions is set in other places.

It seems like "Server and Client Separation".

Strange naming way.

"I am gone first." The mission has been completed, and the green allee will never continue to stay here.

As for members of those construction teams, they are still working in the next work.

At this time, the sky has gradually darker, and the temperature is gradually decline, and the ink color night is coming.

Han ink looked at the street that had changed greatly, and the look was thought.

"Han Mo, do you know this is what you are going to do?" Someone asked.

Han ink smiled and shake his head: "How do I know?"

He has a related guess in his heart, but it is not sure, so he did not say it.

"Original Mall, I don't know if the boss is not in Qichuan."

"The step is not to say, even if you don't open, you will also sell goods."

"I heard that the origin store also sold something called the magical phone," can be interested. "

"What is the magical mobile phone, that holographic equipment is the most powerful!"

"To pair, it seems to reach a strange world through holographic equipment ..."

Listening to the sounds around, Han in the hearts of Han Mo couldn't help but have a lot of expectations.

When the green is back to the snow, he heard the noisy voice.

"... hahaha, I am the son of the Ducus, who can catch me!"

"Mr. Zhao, what do you think about this arrest?"

"They are! I will ask the most professional people to let them compensate my reputation!"

"But many people say you ..."

"What do I do? I am the last winner, ha, ah ..."

"Mr. Zhao, what happened to you ?! Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao ..."

:: ......

What ghost?

How long does she go out, what is the strange thing happened in Snow?

The arrival of the green is not causing how many people's attention. The demon purple smoke saw the position of the shot, indicating that she sat here.

"How?" The demon purple smoke is asked.

"Completed." The attention of the green is still attractive by the scene in front of him, and the step has been in the ground to start a convulsion. "What is they doing?"

"Performance." The demon purple smoke poured a cup of tea. "After all, let's come here to take a movie. How do you think?"

"It's very interesting." Green , give this evaluation.

The step is standing from the song, and his look is slightly stiff, because he feels some atmosphere.

Stephen is like a somewhere.

"Performance! That is just a performance!" The step is only like this.

"I know." The step poem nodded, but the look was thoughtful.

My brother seems to have a talented day, it seems that the next time needs to be taught.

After a short sunny, the voice of the applause sounded, and he had to say that they did see a arrogant.

From this point of view, it has been successful.

"Very good." Luochuan nodded.

Summer, the future, the future actors have repeatedly trying, and Luochuan has no need to participate.

"So what is the image transmission array?" The doubts in the green gyglic have lasted for a long time.

"It's very simple, playing news." The demon purple smoke gives the answer.

"Play the news?" Qing fritted frowned, she really can't understand the meaning of this sentence.

As a cultivator of the realm of the respect, she is always alone, the demon purple smoke is a few friends.

As for those ordinary people's lives and things happening, they don't cause her interest.

"Just like it is described in the script." Luochuan gave an example of a vivid image.

The greens have recalled the contents of the script, and the looks happen, suddenly, surprising.

"That is to say, what is the shooting of the movie?" Qing understood the meaning of Luochuan.

"Not only, if you know the news caused by death notes without knowing, how do you feel?" The demon purple smile.

It's awkuritating, then a surprised look of Luochuan: "The boss is preparing to flicker the people of the whole city?"

"Fudge ..." For the words of the green, Luochuan can't find the reason for the refutes.

"Everything is for movies." The demon purple smoke looks seriously looks at the eyes of friends.

"For the movie." I nodded.

She will not deliberately care for ordinary people, and this is not a big thing, but fake news.

Moreover, it is possible to participate in the shooting of the film, which is the kind of great glory to them, and have created the kind of history.

Listening to the dialogue of the demon purple smoke and green, Luochuan inexplicably feels that he is in the evil ceremony plan ...

Time is not too early, the sky has become dim, and the gloomy sky can't see whit shiny, the star of the stars dotted in this city.

Dinner is still solved in the Shufeng Pavilion.

In accordance with Luochuan's discourse, winter should be the season of eating hot pot.

Although the Snow Far Pavilion does not have the corresponding appliance, it is not more difficult to transform.

Most people present in the field can be tearful.

"Is this a hot pot?" For this strange food, the new sea is very curious.

After a customer of the origin store, there is already a lot of novel things she saw.

"Although just put all the food together, it is unexpected." Gu Yunyi nodded.

"Say, is it a meat that I just put down?" Jiang Yantang questioned.

"I didn't pay attention." Gu Yunxi said vaguely, "But what else is needed in the pot, whoever eats, whoever eats,"

"Why don't you eat these youakers you put in?" Jiang Yixuan pointed to those rolling leaves.

"Because it is not easy to eat." Gu Yun Li Li Zhuang Zhuang.

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