God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1318 News Network

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Jiuze City, Huangcheng.

Under the orders of Ji no regrets, the entire official system is all busy.

The forces that are stationed here can see that there are official looks in a hurry.

"So what is it ready for this?"

"I don't know, there is no relevant news on the magical phone."

"As far as I know, it seems to be preparing for news."

"News? What does that mean ..."

The low voice sounds in the banned army, and the topic discussed is the strange scene.

In the main hall used to age, it is a very busy state.

Various information is summarized here in various channels, induced, organized, and eventually become the text recorded on white paper.

Of course, in this process, there is certainly less than a small episode.

"Do you have a problem with your mind ?! Fengxian Building is ready to be a big bargain, can also be called a meaningful news ?! Rolling!"

"This thing is outdated, we need to be a more fresh news! The closer time happens!"

"The dragon is coming, I don't need it, I am going to prepare anything else ..."

When Dali came to the main hall, he felt that he came to the market center of Jiucheng.

There is the central location of all kinds of items, and the traffic is extremely high, and the noise can open the roof.

It seems that there is not much difference between the two places.

The reason for this is because Luochuan has no regrets in the magical phone.

"Your Majesty, what kind of thing that the boss said, is it really caused?" Diao is not asked.

"I don't know the truth." Ji no regrets shrugged, "But the boss's words can never have a mistake."

According to Ji no regrets, anyway, no matter what Luochuan says, it is, it will not be wrong.

And in his opinion, this way is absolutely called the change of the times, but he is slightly pushed.

"Real-time news spread, the boss is ready to connect the whole world." Ji no regrets are full of emotions.

The audience of the origin store is basically a cultivator, including some king's aristocrats that cannot be cultivated, and ordinary people are naturally excluded.

But this time, Luochuan's move, the main target is the most proportion of ordinary people.

Ji no regrets, the purpose of Luochuan came to this world may contain leading development and change ...

"News ... this may grab the ingredients of those intelligence organizations." White old collapsed the magical phone.

"Under the torrent of the times, any resistance is futile." Ji did no regrets and shake his head.

The Star Empire has collected many books, quite part of history is about history, one of Ji no regrets, is to read these books.

But now this hobby has been changed by the origin reading.

It is interesting to see the novel.

In the history of Tianyi Continent, liquid medicament has occupied an extremely important position.

However, with the emergence of Dan medicine, various disadvantages of the drug began to show, inconvenient storage, high cost ... Various reasons have made the drug with a historic stage.

Although it can also see the shadow of the drug from time to time, but there is no comparability with Dan medicine.

Except for those agents in the origin store, although it is called a beverage in the mouth of the boss ...

"But the boss seems to be prepared to play the plot in the movie in the news, will this be a bit less than?" Diao Suddenly thought of a thing.

The most important news is true, if it is known by those people, they have been fooled ... Anyway, they will definitely be not very good.

"Anything is cost, this small matter doesn't care." Ji no regrets are very delicious, not in the heart.

The noise in the main hall is still continuous, the collection of news is classified, and the transmission of the magical phone will then show in distant Qichuan.

In addition, there are also a variety of photographs and photos, which are the requirements of Luochuan.

"Your Majesty looks to Qichuan to see?" White guess the idea of ​​Ji no regrets.

"Of course, this is a chance to witness the change in the eyes." Ji did not regret, then sighed, "but the distance is a bit far, there is no transfer array."

If Ji has no regrets, if it is a full-speed road, it is basically able to reach the same speed of Anva, which means that from Jiucheng arrived in Qichuan almost a time for a long time.

He doesn't want to waste the time here, because there is still another crucial thing.

"What is going on about the traffic network?" Ji no regrets temporarily put the news, before Luochuan told him about the traffic transformation in emergency preparation.

It is enough to solve most of the questions, "I can't call the problem with the problem with the problem".

"Wenge owner has agreed, will come over at night to conduct specific matters." Bai old has just received a message on the magical phone.

On the entire Tianyi continent, the Heavenly Machine Court is definitely one of the most proficient forces, and Wen Tiancai is also called the first person in Tianzhu.

Adhering to the principle of receiving the month of the near-water, Ji no regrets will definitely not miss such a good resource.

"That's good." Ji no regrets, "There is a manner to participate in the participation."

Even if you have known the general plan of Luochuan, it is a bit unexpected when you understand the specific implementation methods.

"Amount, transfer the news of Jiuzheng City? I thought the boss, you only need Qichuan's news." Tang Yi was very surprised by Luochuan's plan.

"I just feel that I need to let the people understand the changes in their country." Luochuan did not explain in detail, and they will witness in the future.

Now they are in Tang Yizhi, where the room has been completely transformed, the array of "server" has been temporarily engraved here.

Some are similar to the news studio.

"I feel that I should give this program to take a name, the news broadcast." The demon purple smoke is thinking about the problem.

Luochuan thought of news broadcasts, and the familiar sound has been rang, but also a picture.

"This name is not very good." The demon purple moon has made an objection, "How is the sound of the world?"

"Qichuan is a city, called this name is more uncomfortable?" The step away from the song shook his head.

Talking about the sound of this, all kinds of raising names have been proposed, and then they are rejected by others.

"It's called Qichuan's voice." Luochuan finally made a decision.

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