God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1319's new era

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North Ting Avenue.

Tang Yizhang's cultivator construction team has left.

In addition to the exterior of the exterior walls, there is nothing different from us, and it is still a bustling scene.

The street light is bright, and the pedestrians come, noise, there is no coldness because of the arrival of the night.

Someone stopped and guess the specific use of the crystal panel.

More people are just curious to look at a few eyes. After all, this thing will not give them a practical impact, and there is not much significance.

The crystal panel suddenly appeared the highlight of the light, hidden in the back, starting to have spiritual operation.

The sudden change allows pedestrians on the streets to settled, surprised, curious, and doubtful.

At the same time, there is still a burst of noise.

"Say, what is this now?"

"The array seems to be running, I just missed the fluctuation of spiritual power."

"Can you tell me nonsense? This movement is that ordinary people know that the array is running well?"

"Don't quarrel noisy, just in the array just activated, now start normal operation."

"The picture, the picture above ..."

Under the patient's gaze, the clear screen started to show a clear picture on the crystal panel.

The picture looks like a room, in the middle of a white long table, a beautiful girl is sitting behind the table.

Behind the girl is a big landing window, you can clearly see the night scene of Qichuan, the glory of the stars, like a star of the star in the city.

The pedestrians looked at each other, and they also had a practitioner, but the reaction at this time did not differ much.

Everyone's look shows the same words - what is going on?

They completely impatched the mind, guess Tang Yi's thoughts, and feeding such a large work to build these array, just to display these pictures?

Ok, although these array methods have been displayed.

But in front of so many people, Tang Yi is ready to do? Do you want to fight forces?

Of course, this is definitely not reliable ...

Under countless eyes, the girls in the picture showed a touch of smile, and the sound of the pleasant sound rang in the blessing of the ampltrona.

"Everyone is good at night, welcome to watch the sound of Qichuan ..."

Luochuan et al. Standing outside the picture and looking at the poetry sitting behind the table, when it is whispered by a few words.

The voice of Qichuan is the show of the Star Empire, so it should be responsible for the people of Star Empire.

So the step poem should be the choice of no one.

After a short exercise, she has barely mastered what I need to do.

The sound of Qichuan in the first phase of the issue of Sichuan will be opened.

"... The emperor is on the news, he will say goodbye to the people of Qichuan, and the road traffic network plan for the Tiaxing Empire is already in the schedule ..."

Luochuan drunk his mouth, he always felt the scene of the scene with strange appearance.

"Transportation Network Plan, when is this?" The step is somewhat surprised to ask.

"I also saw this thing from the information sent from Your Majesty." Jiang Shengyu shrugged.

The demon purple smoke knows this matter. That night, Luochuan also praised Ji no regrets several million Lingjing.

"Boss, this road traffic network plan should have a relationship with you?" Anvilia saw something.

She clearly knows that the convenience of transportation is important to civilized development, which is definitely an epoch-making practice.

However, it is clear that Ji no regrets must not think of this.

It is possible to understand this truth, and only the mysterious place in front of you, the boss from the origin of the world.

"Of course, I gave it no regrets." Luochuan did not hide the idea.

Xinhai Chengzi is a surprising eye to Luochuan. She really didn't think that Luochuan actually tried the scenes in the story written into reality.

When this plan is really complete, you can take this directly to shoot "second speed five centimeter" story.

However, the plan should be required to complete the short time, only partially completed is enough, even if ordinary people can live in a short period of time.

This has achieved the most basic requirements of the story.

"This way of this forced intervention, maybe ..." Anva Ya is self-written, but the later words Luochuan did not listen.


"Nothing, it may be much."

Luochuan glanced deeply, but did not continue to ask.

The Dragon girl seems to know a lot of things, but never told these news.

Luochuan has been used to it.

Moreover, he is not so strong, and anything must be a question of the roots, otherwise it will eat, not sleep, and sleep well.

"Rose" high school life is already in the past, Luochuan has experienced three years of university life, and believes in "grayism".

Of course, the doped point is also good.

Things about the traffic network temporarily and ended, step poetry tells another news.

"The Star Empire and the Fire Empire have reached a consensus. The two sides have reached a consensus on the border issue. Ji no regrets and Chen Yan have said 'peace is a permanent melody'. At present, the two countries have signed relevant treaties, two businessmen can freely Trade ... "

The familiarity that Luochuan felt before.

The Northern Avenue has gathered a lot of Qichuan people, they stayed at the screen on the crystal screen, and I didn't know how to respond during one time.

The sky is on! Pretty girls in the picture are actually telling the whole star empire!

After short silence, there is a discussive discussion on a lower pressure.

"I don't mean this?"

"I just said that others said, it seems like a thing of the news."

"It is a bit similar to those who look at, but it is carried out in the way ..."

They quickly understood the content of "Sichuan Voice", curiosity, gradually occupying the heart.

For most people, the Star Empire does not have a clear concept, and the city of Qichuan is the "world" in their eyes.

But now, everything has changed.

The girl in the picture displayed by the crystal panel, they first enrolled the things outside Qichuan, even the news of other countries.

The prelude to the new era is quietly opened in front of their eyes ...

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