God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1321 Experience Life

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When returning to the snow, the time is not early, but Luochuan does not have much sleep.

He feels that it should be the cold environment outside.

After leaving the jacket, Louchuan is sitting directly on a soft and comfortable sofa.

The state is "almost I have already abolished".

Waiting for in the originator, why do you want to leave a movie?

The idea of ​​all kinds of self-questioning appeared, but it quickly was thrown by Luochuan.

Think so much, you can't conform to his character.

Moreover, except for things, there is no difference between the current life and the origin store.

It's just that there is no such thing in front of you.

"It's tired." Gu Yunxi also learned Luochuan to sit on another sofa.

Luochuan feels that it may affect many members in the movie shooting team, it is difficult to determine that this situation is good.

"Hey, the teacher of Haishu sent a news." Jiang Yun said that the information popped up on the magical phone screen.

"The news of the teacher of Haishu?" It is preparing to watch the live broadcast on the magical mobile phone.

"Well." Jiang Yun Xiaotou nodded, "tell us to complete the homework, tomorrow, take a good photo to check."

Gu Yunxi:!

She was silent for a few seconds and made a decision directly, turned into the head in pillow: "I don't know! I don't know anything!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Yantang looked at her.

Gu Yunxi will rely on the pillow in his arms and smiled well: "Hey, if you don't have anything, do you help me?"

Jiang Yantan turned over a white eye: "Do you think I will agree?"

"Ah, I will not do it anyway, it will never!" Gu Yunxiao lied up, and said the words.

Look at the excitement of Luochuan silently drinking ice cola.

I always feel that the scene in front of you has a sense of touch, and it is true that any world is the same.

It's good to have passed this time.

Now everyday life is to look at the magical mobile phone, play hologram equipment, and all kinds of delicious things ...

It is a bit like a living state after retirement.

"Boss, movie is shooting at North Ting Avenue?" The demon purple smoke also sat on the couch, took a piece of snow maple cake.

Snow Fengge is a dessert, which can be used to act as a late night, and the taste is very good, in addition to this, there are also fruits that Luochuan does not know.

It is because of the existence of spiritual power, the productivity of this world is high, and the array can serve as the role of temperature in the range, which provides sufficient conditions for plants.

"It is some shot." Luochuan corrected the words of the demon purple smoke.

"Okay, some shots." The demon purple smile laughs, "When did the specific start shooting?"

"Two days later." Luochuan thought about it, he was not prepared to waste too much time.

"Two days? Understand." The demon purple smoke nodded.

The vibration caused by Qichuan's voice is still growing, and it is only a small part of the people.

But now these "small people" is spreading this news in Qichuan in their own way.

Walking on the street, the voice that can hear the ear can be almost all related to "Sichuan Voice", this program is swept through the whole Qichuan with extremely fast speed.

But now Tang Yi has no time to pay attention to this.

"Let's talk, what are you coming to me?" Tang Yi looked around these people in the room, all are familiar with faces.

Baiwei's boss, Lingbao Chamber of Commerce, the boss of Wanjiao ... Qichuan can call the name of the shop owner almost all here.

"It's not a big thing." Baiwei's boss is almost comparable to Zuo Wanjin.

"Tang Cheng Lord, our Lingbao Shang will go out of five thousand Lingjing, renting the image array!" The man with scholar appearance directly open.

"Oh, five thousand Ling Jing can't afford it, Wanjiao Hall out of 50,000!" A very beautiful girl opened.

When the room was suddenly lost, the five thousand directly added to 50,000. How did you play?

However, those people don't dare to say anything, they can only face each other, and the face has a bitter smile.

No way, can't afford it.

Tang Yi recognizes this girl, the refining pharmacist of Drug Valley, coming here to experience life, just like the boss of the origin store.

Although the boss said what to take a movie to Qichuan, Tang Yi has never believed that he is only thinking in his heart.

Wanchao is the store in Qichuan in the medicine valley.

If you say which force is the most popular in the Tianyi continent, the Khaki is definitely the first place.

Tang Yi's soft cough, everyone in the room glanced to him: "About the price of the price is first next to the price, we will first talk about the advertising."

"Advertising?" The voice of the doubtful voice sounded.

"It is what you want to do." Tang Yi briefly explained, "advertising is the name of ourselves."

This is Luochuan to leave before telling him that for this scene of this scene, Tang Yi only feels that Luochuan is like God.

Everyone has revealed that the look, it turned out to change a different call, but the name of "advertising" sound is quite good.

Luochuan is now intake in the group of magical phones, usually is the most lively time of group chat at night.

"It's boring, I know that I have left the boss. "

"If you can't play holographic equipment. "

"I don't know when they come back, I want to watch movies. "

"This only the next day, the boss didn't say a fewer days. "

"You say that the boss will be here?" "

"Not too likely, the boss is very small in the magical mobile phone ..."

It's nothing more than a movie. Now Luochuan leaves the origin store, it is finally reminded to launch new products.

Many customers are now accustomed to hiding themselves in the realistic identity, speak freely in this completely equally environment.

Of course, the premise is to obey the use of the magical phone.

If you want to challenge, you should do a good job in a short period of time or a permanent blide.

According to the statistics given by the system, there have been many customers who have experienced themselves.

After the group chat and the customer discussed the topic of "the boss in the end of the group", Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone.

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