God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1322 Science Tips

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The faint fog is liter, and the sound is in the ear, and Luochuan leaned against the pool and looked at the sky.

The quiet ink is under the blue night, and it seems that all things have fallen into the dream, the scene in the water fog is inexplicab.

Luochuan suddenly felt an unprecedented tranquility.

Xu is to cover his mood, shaking the thickness of the sky, quietly split the gap, and the moonlight of the water is inclined.

The bright white moon covers most of the clouds, and it is gradually revealing, the night sky is clear, and there are stars around the day.

Luochuan hit a yawn, just looked at a few eyes, transferred attention to the magical mobile phone floating in the air.

"... It seems that the accommodation before I leave is a wrong choice. It is easy to get lost in the snow-covered jungle." Youth eyebrows and hair are full of white frost, "It is already very late, it is a matter of studying The place, otherwise the low temperature in the night can easily take away the life of the lost person. "

"This place is good." The youth stopped at the hillside, "If there is no way, you can dig out a cave in the snow, it can help us avoid the cold wind in the night, and can also Play to heat preservation ... "

Sure enough, there are many barcings when the screen is up, most of them are chased.

"I feel that you are flickering me, but I have no evidence! "

"Is this not colder in the snow? "

"I am a mercenary, I can testify that the live broadcast did not lie to you. "

"really? I do not believe……"

Of course, there is also a rational discourse in these questiones, and some people say that they are trying to try this evening.

Luochuan feels that these customers have absolutely do these things.

"I really play the air, fluffy snow, because it blocks the air circulation, so it can produce the effect of insulation. "

Luochuan's popularity of the audience in the live broadcast has some scientific common sense.

In this comfortable environment, I looked at others challenged nature, and it was a very interesting thing in him.

Bullying through the hot springs, Luochuan returned to the room, drinking a warm tea, lying on a soft and comfortable bed, he smelled a touch of sweetness.

It seems to be the taste of the demon purple smoke.

Looking at the magical mobile phone before going to bed, this is the habit of cultivation in Luochuan very early.

It is mainly to look at the new chapter of chasing novel updates, these authors like to update late at night.

In his opinion, this is already the late stage of delay, and there is no saved.

Lin Hao, the "Wu Bai" is still very high-yielding state, and several chapters will be updated every day.

Now the plot has been coming for three years, the protagonist's gold finger appears, the grandfather in the ring began to show the gods.

In addition to the cultivator, there have been a more identity of the pharmacist.

Luochuan feels that this ten eight or nine is the impact of information disturbance.

The "glory" written by the demon purple smoke still maintains a normal update state, and it seems that there is no time to leave the thoughts.

Perhaps it is a manuscript.

In the morning, Luochuan woke up in a suffocation.

He made a nightmare, he was trapped in a small space, and it was difficult to breathe.

Luochuan looked at the demon purple smoke him as a pillow as a pillow.

Maybe he should click on a smoke at this time?

Unfortunately, Luochuan did not smoke, and it is not ready to bring this thing to this world.

From the bottom state, the demon purple smoke should be secretly sneak after he is asleep.

Luochuan's sleep quality is very good, so as yesterday, just simply slept.

The hair of the smoke-smoke purple hair, Luochuan carefully broke his embrace.

Before the window, it was shrouded in the sky for a long time, I didn't know when I was already quiet.

The sky is twilight, not far from the ice crystals on the snow, shining in the morning.

But it is still very cold.

The sun is bright, but it can't disperse the cold in the winter month.

This kind of weather is absolutely not suitable for the door, and the house is watching the phone at home. It is the best choice to play the computer.

But this world has only a magical phone, and there is no computer, and the holographic equipment may be called a computer.

Under the influence of Luochuan, the information era is just just kicked off, as a point-to-light spot on the wilderness.

These flares absolutely have the ability to easily poke in the original.

I heard the sound, the demon purple smoke also woke up from sleep, and quickly noticed Luochuan next to the window.

"Hey, the boss is good morning."


When coming to the lobby, there is already three or two two customers.

It is still a buffet breakfast, and the waiter acts as the responsibility of the waiter.

"Boss, there is no matter today?" Gu Yunxi came to the hall early.

"No." Luochuan nodded.

"Too good." Gu Yunyi said with a smile, and it has been a plan.

Luochuan has no idea, he just wants An An quiet to stay in Snow Farm.

Take a few holographic devices here, and then conduct a glory bureau perhaps a good choice.

However, if you say it back, it seems that it is a bit less wrong. He left the origin store is not for the brigade ... Is it a movie?

However, shooting movies are a very time and energy, so adjust the status before this, and raise the accommodation.

Well, it's right, it is to grow savvy.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" The demon purple smoke poked the arm of Luchuan.

"The film is shot." Luochuan recovered his thoughts that did not know where to float.

The demon purple smoke "Oh" has a lot of things that the movie needs to be prepared, it seems that the boss is thinking about this.

Luochuan found him forgotten an extremely important thing.

For a movie, the soundtrack is definitely indispensable, but the team can not be familiar with the customers.

Perhaps you can ask the prolonel, Liu Rishi them.

Among the customers known in Luochuan, they are definitely the masters of the Masters.

This position seems to be called the talent director in the movie?

Although Luochuan will rarely pay attention to the staff watch that appear at the end, there is still a simple understanding.

After breakfast, Luochuan lies in the sofa on the sofa.

Anyway, how much is, what is going on, then let's talk, now he doesn't want to move.

There are many customers and Gu Yunxi, and they left the snow, they should be ready to explore the city.

However, there are also many choices to stay here, discuss the plots in the movie, prepare for the next shooting.

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