God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1324 has changed

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Time has to go to the evening.

The North Ting Avenue gathered in many people in Qichuan early. They came here to see the sound of Qichuan.

The crowd is surging, and the noise is endless.

"Say, the sound of Qichuan really does what you mean?"

"What can I lie to you? And I will go to time, you can't see it yourself."

"I heard that the fire, the country, our country began to trade, nor did it know if it is true."

"Then, I saw the businessman who had a fire empire came to Qichuan."

"Learn, sell ice velvet, three silver coins, three silver coins ..."

Luochuan sat on the seat and looked at the scene outside the window, and drank the mouth.

Because he is so curious about the scene here, it came to the scene.

Have to say, it is really lively.

It is good to engrave the symptoms in the room, can't hear the sound on the street, but if you have to turn it off.

"It's really lively, like a festival." Stephen is insecure.

There are also a variety of festivals in the Tianxing Empire, but it is worth a few days to celebrate.

According to the knowledge of Luochuan, the country will celebrate the country.

The step is not here, and now he is preparing the sound of Qichuan, which is about to broadcast.

"To start." Luochuan has drank mouth.

His voice has just fallen, the crystal screen flashes a few times, then the screen appears.

It is not the room scene of Qichuan's voice, but ...

"Wanhalu Hall, medicine, the drug, the quality of the medicinal medicine is guaranteed ..."

The thick voice echoed on the street, everyone looked at the screen on the screen, did not know what to do.

Say, don't you broadcast Qichuan's voice? What is this?

Luochuan coughed a few times, he was caught by Cola, although it was expected, but it was still a little crying.

It seems that the merchants of each world are the same, often the most rapid group of people.

"Amount, this is the advertisement you said before?" The demon purple smoke looked at Luochuan.

Before Luochuan has told her that this thing quickly understood what these pictures about Wanhal Hall were.

"I feel that this world's business model may have changed this." Anva Ya was oscillated.

The advertisements made by the ordinary signage may have a video deep into the heart, and this video appears now, and it is absolutely letting everyone in the field knows the Hall.

"10,000 Lingjing." The people of Wanhal Hall are also in the team of onlookers.

After a discussion, the final Wancha Hall took the first time advertisement of the array in the price of 10,000 Lingjing. As for the 50,000 pure to buy breakage, Tang Yi will not agree. .

"Ten thousand Lingjing? Just count 100,000 Lingjing!" The boss of Wanli Hall is excited, 10,000 Lingjing exchanges such an opportunity to advertise, and he seems absolutely good value.

After the end of the advertisement of Wanhalo, the familiar picture appeared on the screen.

"Everyone is good at night, welcome to watch the sound of Qichuan ..."

The steps are sitting on the song, and the look is seriously on the opening.

"Hey, how did this person change?"

"I remember yesterday is a very beautiful girl, how can I become a male today?"

"Maybe it's a person in one day ..."

Sure enough, when stepped from the song, the sound of the array of discussion was once again.

Luochuan is just interested in the opening process, and there is no interest in the press itself.

When the step of the song began to read the news from Jiuzheng City, Luochuan took out the magical phone.

It is better to play the landlord this time.

Sichuan's residents and Luochuan, gathered on the streets, their attention has been completely attracted by the song.

For them, if it is normal, it may not understand the city in this life, which is just the name of the city existing in the text.

But now, this distant emperor is clearly present in front of them, and there are other cities in addition to this.

The times changed.

The heart of Chen Yan did not play such an idea.

The last time he has this idea, or the fire is fighting the Empire and the Star Empire, eventually defeated by the soldiers.

Because the Star Empire has walked at the forefront of the times because of the origin of the mall.

Chen Yan feels that the fire is not far behind.

He put down the magical phone, the live broadcast is still playing.

"An General, how do you see this thing? About Qichuan Voice."

As the emperor of the fire, Chen Yan calmed his mood in a short time.

"This ..." An Fei Yu hesitated, or decided to tell his true thoughts, "It is definitely the beginning of the era."

The proportion of ordinary people is the greatest relative to the cultivator.

"And Ji no regrets the guy is still preparing to build a transportation network throughout the Star Empire." Chen Yan thought another thing.

"This requirement is terrible." An Feiyu got a little dignified.

"The minimum million Ling Jing." Chen Yan deeply touched, the land of the fire, the Empire, and the Tianxing Empire is similar.

"That is ready ..." An Feiyu cast a look at Chen Yan.

"Oh, we also build it." Chen Yan blind eyes, "" Take millions of Ling Jing still can take it. "

Now I have gone to the time to contribute to the country on weekdays.

I saw that Chen Yan had decided that Afei Yu can only sigh helpless.

"This matter needs to be found in the edition of the world, I will send a message to him on the magic mobile phone." Chen Yan has already planned.

The duration of the sound of Qichuan is about half an hour.

"Today's Sichuan Voice is here, thank you for watching, let's see you tomorrow."

After the step of the song, I saw the array of stops, and suddenly lying on the chair.

He has regretted the mission of the host, will never come over tomorrow! Never!

When Qichuan's voice ended, the screen appeared again on the crystal panel, which is an advertisement for another store.

I don't want to say anything more to this audience.

"The final ended." Luochuan's landlord almost ended.

The demon purple smoke in the room also didn't pay attention to Qichuan's voice, some were talking, some were watching the magic mobile phone.

"I'm going back to prepare, it is officially starting tomorrow." Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, "" shooting in the order of the script. "

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