God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1325 needs to prepare?

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For a movie, the sequence of shooting is often not progress in normal plots.

It is possible to shoot the end of the plot today, and the protagonist will eventually go to the rope.

Tomorrow's shooting may be the middle part of the plot, everyone is happy with meals.

However, for the Luochuan director who is not in the amateur, he feels that if it is true, it is not far from the whole movie overall.

And in addition to his director, other members of the movie shooting team are also the case.

So, Anan is stable, according to the progress of normal plots, it is better.

Of course, some plots need to be slightly delayed, after all, they can't run around for several lenses.

Fortunately, there is a magical mobile phone, which is a photographing item that is known as a prostitute, solves most of the shooting problems.

The second phase of Qichuan is perfect, and it is also a very special advertisement method for the world.

Luochuan feels that the world's information age is not far away.

The information age of the fantasy model, thinking about it.

"Stepping from the song, how do you feel? "

Step Shi is in the end of the voices of Qichuan, and sent a message to the walk in the magical phone.

"not very good! It's absolute tomorrow! "

The step is quickly returned, and you can feel his mood from the steps of the text from the text.

Stepted poetry couldn't help but laugh and continue to send a message with him.

"How is it? Do you want to host the sound of Qichuan? "

"I don't care, who wants to host anyone, anyway, I don't have it. "

"Who sent a message, so happy." Gu Yunyi came over and asked in a smile.

Since the step poetry has also become a trainee of Lingyun College, they have become a classmate.

"Step from the song, who can you." Stephen looked at Gu Yunyi.

"Oh, step away from the song." Gu Yunxiao lost his most.

"How, you look very disappointed?"

"No, it must be wrong."

"I don't believe you very much."

"You see my sincere expression ..."

Returning to the Snow Far Pavilion by Taking the Twocroli, Luochuan took the meat from the system space and threw it.

Because I feel that I lack a travel tool, I bought it directly.

As for the name, it is called it directly.

I took the hairy big head, and I was sitting directly after returning to the hall.

Because I took out ten hologram equipment in the morning, I am very lively in the hall.

The holographic equipment is all in the state of use and is carrying the glory to the bureau.

According to the business hours of the origin store, it has now closed the store door to stop business.

So I want to start a glory to the bureau, I have to choose this application.

Because they are immersed in battles, there is no response to the arrival of Luochuan et al.

"All are ready, officially start movie shooting tomorrow." Luochuan director released a notice.

"Isn't it for two days?" Anvia turned to Luochuan.

Although it is still in the bureau, it does not affect her things that she pays attention to the real world, the powerful spirit of the dragon can easily achieve two use.

"I said yesterday, today is the first day, tomorrow is the next day." Luochuan sat on the sofa.

Anvilia: "... Amount, it seems to be like this."

Although this is indeed no problem, but where is she feeling a little less?

Because the boss has no delay?

Anverah thought of thinking about it, it feels that this is this reason.

What do you need to prepare before shooting a movie?

Luochuan sat on the sofa and started thinking.

The venues and actors are primarily, and the second is the specific shooting.

The props, lights, and makeup are also very important, but these are not ready.

However, from the moment, it is not prepared to have no difference.

After a few minutes, Luochuan concluded.

Nothing is ready.

Everything is ready, and the difference is started, it is officially turned on.

Think of this, I feel relaxed.

The next step is to relax, there is no extraction on the magical mobile phone.

When he bubbles the spa back to the room, the time is no longer earlier.

The room is very quiet, there is no slight sound.

The white moonlight is illuminated from the window, and it can clearly see the items in the room.

Luochuan came directly to the bed and did not open the light.

I feel ... I am a little quiet.

Surfiatively silent, only your own breathing can be heard.

"It's quiet."

He lowered his low.

Turned it over, took the magic mobile phone from the system space.

The radiating the screen illuminates the small space.

"What are you doing? "

"Bubble hot springs. "

The reply speed of the demon salastic message is very fast, after all, the magical phone is a waterproof function.

Of course, in addition to waterproofing, it also fires, anti-smashing, antifreeze, anti-lost ... anyway, anything can prevent.

It is no problem to defend with it.

And don't charge, the built-in fonts do not need to worry about energy.

All in all, this is called a magical phone ... all-around items.


Luochuan looked at the news on the screen and couldn't help but hurt.

"Sleepy, sleep first." "

"Well, the boss is good night." "

The next day, in the morning.

The soft morning sun fell on the face of Luochuan and woke him from the sleep.

Drilling out of the warm bed, smashing a big yawn, playing a big yawn, quietly squinting, sitting for a while, and gradually awake the groggy head.

I saw it next to it, the demon purple smoke did not come today.

What is the inexplicable illusion?

I took out the magic mobile phone to see the time, not late, I will take a look after the idea of ​​sleeping, this is slowly wearing clothes.

Luochuan remembers today to start movie shooting, if you sleep, I am afraid that it will be gone in a morning.

It's simple to wash, and it will experience the warm air array. The moisture on the head will soon disappear.

When you are ready to go out, you will consciously look into the room.

It seems that there is nothing to forget.

His things are placed in the system space and will not fall.

The hall is very busy, Luochuan has heard the voice of the discussion.

It looks like to shoot for the film, everyone is looking forward to, whether there is any own lens want to watch at the scene.

Simply, I want to join in trouble.

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