God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1326 Simple Shooting Requirements

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"Boss." The demon purple smoke saw Luochuan from the hallway, smiled and waved toward him.

"Are you ready?" Luochuan sat next to the demon purple smoke.

"Do you still need to prepare?" The demon smoke looked at Luochuan, and the cheeks were drums like hamsters.

Luochuan pressed the idea that wanted to stamp with his hand, nodded: "Also, there is no drama today."

I have told the lens that I need to shoot today in the group. It is a plot of a few anti-Dragon's death.

Because of the inspiration, Luochuan has made small modifications to the already written script.

Simply, it is to add the plot of law enforcers and criminals, which is very visual impact.

The so-called art is explosion.

Luochuan believes that movies also need to follow this concept.

"So the boss you said the battle scene, where are we shooting?" The demon purple smoke thought another critical thing.

"There is not a lot of mountains in Qichuan, there is," Luochuan has set a simple plan.

Everyone sat in the hall, more or less gathered together, and the topics discussed were movies that were about to start shooting.

"The boss says this seems to be open." The step of the song grabs the hair.

"Boot." Stephen reminded.

"To the right, it is boot." When the step is coming away, then look at the summer of the opposite side, "Xia Shu, you will have to play, how do you feel?"

As a role in the movie, it is a commonly known as a running dragon cover, and Xia Yu is honored to get the opportunity to play for the first time.

"No." Summer sighed, he didn't know what to say about the actors in the movie for himself.

"Summer uncle, you must have no problem." Jiang Shengshi said seriously, "it is a simple single single."

Simply playing a single ...

Summer is helpless, although it is really simple, but who knows what to pay attention to.

In the noisy, the breakfast time ends.

In order to save trouble, Luochuan directly opened a temporary random transmission door, and the scope was set in the mountain range near Qichuan.

Where to send it?

"... How do you feel the look of the boss?" Gu Yunxi lowered his voice.

"The habit is good, the owner of the boss, you don't know." Jiang Yunshu pinched the cheek of Yun Yun, "Go."

"But I still want to vomit." Gu Yunyi couldn't help but say, seeing the figure of Jiang Nhang, disappeared in the white light of the door, but also busy with it, "Hey, wait for me."

When the radiance around, the white snow scene has also appeared in front of Luochuan.

Due to the presence of the heat island effect, the temperature in the city is usually much higher than the surrounding environment.

The position they now is also the flat area of ​​the valley, which is a place where cold air is gathered.

Extremely cold.

Luochuan put the hat on the clothes.

"Boss, how to shoot?" Summer Yu is in Luochuan.

Luochuan is looking at the surrounding environment, the jungle, and the sight is full of snow.

"You chase Tang Yi, and finally start fighting in the position of the hillside. When the battle is most intense, Tang Yi died because of his heart."

Luochuan thought about it, giving a rough plot and request to shoot.

Tang Yi is also a tribute, but it is also a role of a running dragon.

"Amount, is there no more specific requirements?" Summer can't hold the hair.

This is also too simple, he is a bit worried that he can achieve the scene that makes Luochuan satisfied.

"No, you look at it yourself." Luochuan added another sentence. "If there is a problem, I will remind you."

"This ... ok." Summer sighed and walked towards the distance.

"How to fight?" Tang Yi also keeps the pace of summer.

"I don't know." Summer Yu shook his head.

"The meaning of the boss is to let us play freely?" Tang Yi has understood the meaning of Luochuan.

"From the current point of view, this is true." Summer Yu continues to sigh, "For, according to our own understanding."

Basic all people have followed Luochuan, but there is not much discussion on the discussion, and I think about the discourse that I just said.

Simply referred to in a refractory requirement ...

Therefore, the story of the shooting must rely on his own understanding of the script?

But they don't know what the boss wants.

If you are your own understanding, what should I do if my boss wants? Can n't you only be re-shoot?

Although this is just beginning, they are already able to expect what is the next shooting.

"This is a movie shooting, not going out a holiday."

Luochuan pays attention to the look of the people of silence, reminding them.

Since I decided to shoot a movie, then I definitely not simply and simple.

I came to Tianli Continent for so long, Luochuan is rare and serious.

Everyone collapsed the thoughts of playing, and they also began to treat this matter seriously.

"I just changed a person." Gu Yunxi whispered.

"The boss is so serious that you are so serious." Jiang Yunnan nodded.

Luochuan waved his hand, and several magical letters appeared in half.

"The system, the things of the lens are gave you."

"Please pay attention to the boss, the main responsibility of the system is to open the store."

"I know, they are coming over, hurry up."

And the system's conversation is done directly in thinking, and there is basically no time to time in reality.

Those magical phones quickly entered the invisible state themselves, each finding the azimuth angle of shooting.

"Boss, how to take so many magic phones? Are you used to shoot a picture?" The demon purple smoke is curious.

"For movies, you need to display the plot with different lenses." Luochuan made a popular science to the demon.

"Leager?" The demon purple smoke has heard unfamiliar words from the mouth of Luochuan.

"Simply, it is a picture from a different angle." Luochuan explained.

"Oh, I understand." The demon purple smoke, she understood the meaning of Luochuan.

After a short silence, the customers on the side were again noisy, and there was no more scenes that would be discussed.

Two high-ranging returned cultural practitioners made a hand, although it is certainly not asking, the respect, but the close view is definitely a visual impact.

"They are here." Some people whispered.

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