God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1327 Movie First Curtain

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The forest floating in the forest, like a white yarn, and can clearly see the fine water beads in the fog in the morning sun, and the thousand mysterious fog will turn the whole world into a white color.

The quietness of the morning is quickly broken.

A ghost shadow passed from the treetop, and the accumulation of snow fell on the ground.

The black rays suddenly torn air, with a harsh blank sound attacked in front of the shadow.

The beautiful sword is flashed, then he collides with the arrow, and the horrible spiritual force fluctuates, the surrounding trees have trembled, and the fog has ridiculous.


The sound of the curse in the black people in front.

He looked back in the rear, and his body was chasing the body of silver, and his eyes were cold.

"Murong is still in the sun! Don't do unnecessary resistance! Hey, you will go back to the sanctions that will be accepted!"

"Hahaha! Is your law enforcement team to resist it? Have the ability to catch me ..."


Luochuan's voice was suddenly sounded, and the summer and Tang Yi stopped, and the two face each other, and why didn't Bai Luochuan suddenly stopped.

"What is going on?" Tang Yi felt that his performance was not right.

"The boss is dissatisfied." Summer appearance shrugged, "I went to listen to how the boss said."

Luochuan is not satisfied, it is very unsatisfactory.

But he didn't know why not satisfied, anyway, he is not satisfied.


In general, he is that there is no difference between the two people, there is a subtle violation.

"Boss, how suddenly shouted?" The step is from the song.

Luochuan placed several light curtains directly in the air, showing the pictures of the magical mobile phones in the invisible state.

"There is a problem." Luochuan only shook his head.

"I also feel some is not very right." The green blush is slightly eyebrows, "the battle of the two is a bit weird."

"It's like deliberately showing." The demon purple smoke also proposed its own point of view.

When Luochuan suddenly understood the source of violations, there was no real feeling, just like a demon purple smoke, it was just deliberately.

Tang Yi and Xia Yu came here at this time.

The two are thinking about inquiring, but Luochuan took the lead in opening, refers to the light screen: "Look."

The screen is playing on the light screen.

The two people have doubts and began to watch it quietly.

"It feels a bit wrong." Summer Yu expression is a bit weird.

"It is indeed," Tang Yi thought about it, giving a discourse, "good fake."

"Do you know the reason?" Luochuan came over from side, "completely no battle."

Summer is helplessly smirk: "If it is true to fight, if you are injured ..."

Luochuan interrupted his next words: "It is a work injury and is responsible by the origin store."

Although the words are somewhat strange, it means is not difficult to understand.

Summer isparal for forgot, the cola sold in the origin store is the effect of recovering injuries.

There is also a more outrageous Joan pulley, which can save it.

"Amount, understand." Summer isoted nodded.

"I also understand." Tang Yi followed him.

"Okay, you will be all." Luochuan took the hand, "start."

The demon purple smoke has a temporary audio board, and the new shooting announced the beginning.

"Boss, what is the use of this thing?" The demon purple smoke swayed the wattle board in his hand.

"From the actual perspective, there is no great role." Luochuan said.

Monster purple smoke: ......

I always feel that the boss is so strange in some way.

Considering that the boss is not the world, maybe this should be the habit of shooting a movie other world?

Understand the summer of your own question and Tang Yi, which has been adjusted in the state, starting again.

This time I changed this place, after all, the remaining wave of the battle, but the surrounding fog is almost.

This place is there, there is nothing else, it is a big place.

It's better to go to the next place, just don't worry about the problem of the site.

"Hahaha, this place is very great, even if you take a dozen twenty times, you will not be a problem." Tang Yi haha ​​laughed.

Summer Yuzheng is preparing to nod, the expression on his face suddenly stiff.

Tang Yi also thought of, smile gradually disappeared: "I just talk about it, it will not be like this."

Summer Yu: "... you seem to say one. Forget it, start directly."


"Murong is the sun! Do you really want to fight against the law enforcement team!"

"You have more nonsense, you are dead!"


The cracks of the spiritual power burst, and the beautiful knife swords were like a very light.


It is also an attack along with the sound explosion. The two use the chest with the chest, and the body suddenly flew out, and all the trees along the way.

The members of the law enforcement team slammed their chests, couldn't help but coughed a few times, and there was an abnormal flush on his face. He received a little injury, and the ribs were also broken.

"Oh, the captain of the law enforcement team is alive." The black robe spit out the blood in the mouth, grinned, and the white teeth were full of scarlet blood.

After a short recovery, the spiritual power of the in the body was gradually fixed, and the members of the law enforcement team cleared the weapons and was preparing to initiate an attack again.

The black robe smiled, and there was a quirky red ray.

But next moment, the expression of the black robe stiff, the red ray whispered, directly slammed on the ground, twitching, lost his life.

The captain of the law enforcement team wrinkled, and for the scene of the eyes, it was very doubtful. I was confirmed before I took the weapon. I finally got the fact that the enemy had inexplicably died.

"." Luochuan nodded, "Okay, yes."

Summer Yutton did his breath and lie on the ground after picking face.

"I have finally passed, how many times? How did you?"

"More than 20 times, the boss is really strict."

"I know that I will not come, and I will have more comfortable and comfortable in your home, and your guy will really be heavy."

"Do you have a face? My rib is broken a few ..."

It feels that the liberation is not only the summer, and Tang Yi, the other customers have also loose tones.

At the whole morning, I saw that the two were playing in the woods. I just felt very interesting, but I was bored behind.

Now they have the same idea in their hearts: more than 20 times, do you know how to finish these more than twenty times? !

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