God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1328, the thief ship

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Even if many plots have passed the Magic Reform of Luochuan, the essence of the whole film is still based on suspended and smart.

The head of the head of the law enforcement team and the black robes is a lot of battle scenes in the entire movie.

The prelude to the movie through the battle, Luochuan feels this to do this to directly improve the expectance of the audience.

Although asked, in the eyes of the realm of the respect, the sorrow of summer and Tang Yi can be used to describe it.

But in the customer of the origin store, asked the proportion of the vassal and the proportion of only a small part.

For the vast majority of customers, returning to the yuan, asked, the respect is not too different, and it belongs to the realm they look up.

Coupled with various lenses filmed by the magical mobile phone, it is enough to look at it.

"The boss is strict."

"Yeah yeah."

"I still have to come now? I want to go home."

"I'm afraid not……"

In the eyes of all people, Luochuan's image has undergone great changes, similar to the era of education for the school.

They have a feeling of "being touched by the thief boat".

Who said that movies are easy, the process can be used as a tour, just take a little time.

It is a little time to say that "billion time" is no problem.

"Do you all look at me?" The steps from the Song have noticed the sight to him.

"Who is it is interesting to shoot a movie on the magical mobile phone?" Gu Yunyi laughed.

"I don't know, anyway is not me, and I don't have to do." The step is directly denyed.

Gu Yunyi couldn't help but him, from the expression to see the words that I don't believe in the song.

"Okay." Stephen smiled and joined the conversation.

"Is only 'a little'?" Anvilia didn't know where to pick it out, "I feel more than I imagined, the process of shooting is really ignorant."

Anverah's discourse has been consequently in favor of everyone, and it seems that they have a deep resentment for more than twenty times, and they will not follow their fun.

White is wasted in a morning, have you used a holographic device in the warm and comfortable snow?

"The lens has been taken, how do you come to see?"

Luochuan's voice came, gathered together to discuss the boring people of the shooting process, and walked to the position where Luochuan is located.

Although it is bored on his mouth, it is not interested, but they are still very interested in NG for more than 20 times. Curious and specific presentation.

The fog in the forest slowly drifted with the sunrise, and the frozen ice crystals on the branches were flashing with beautiful glow, and the sun shines all over the world.

The thorn of the swordsmann, collided with another horrible knife, and the horrible energy fluctuations were centered on this, and the ring-shaped shock waves were all rounded.

Wherever the energy shock, the snow in the ground turned into a snow fog, and the fog was broken, and it was shown that there was a huge mushroom cloud.

"Do you have such a big movement in the cultivator of the realm?" Xinhai Chengzi whispered.

"The boss is not saying, don't take some things in the reality into the movie." The greens listened to the new sea sincerity, and the picture on the light curtain was her assistance.

"I just have a little emotion." Xinhai is laughing, but the eyes never left the light screen.

The movie shooting method seen in your own eyes, and her imagination have a big difference, especially the boss called "lens" shooting method.

Switch through different perspectives, so that the screen has more visual impact.

Xinhai Yocheng has just witnessed the battle between summer and Tang Yi, but there is no point to point, but there is nothing worthy of the place, but only more green and other people.

But the magical mobile phone is rendered on the screen on the light screen, which is almost two distinct things that the scene you see before.

Now I am a little doubt in Xinhai, this is really what she just saw?

Like Luchuan, this is what she makes good in other places in advance, because the difference is too big.

The reactions of others are also inadvertently different from the new sea, and the face is full of surprised look.

Among them, both summer and Tang Yi are the least confident.

"Say, is this really me?" Xiaoyu looked at the members of the law enforcement team on the screen, and he murmured.

"I feel that I am a crime of crime." Tang Yisi said with a smile, "I didn't expect that I still have this type."

The setting of the Murong, which he played in the movie is a sin of the evil, but for his own image, he all wears a black surface.

"This is the special thing of the movie." Luochuan has now adapted to the director setting, which is very satisfied with the lens who took this long time.

"Although I don't understand the boss you mean, I am looking forward to the next shooting." Tang Yiping has repeatedly the mood, "Do you have anything to do?"

"Maybe a few photos are used to play in the voice of Qichuan, used to record the reactions of the people." Luochuan seriously thought about it.

"This is certainly no problem." Tang Yi relieves tone in his heart, just not tortured, he really doesn't want to experience it again.

It takes a whole morning, and finally photographed the lens, the progress seems to be a slow slow.

"I feel that it is not enough for dozens of days." The demon purple smoke received a space ring and said his own view.

Originally, many customers think that Movie shooting in Luochuan takes a little exaggeration for dozens of days. Now it seems that there is no exaggeration, it is a conservative estimate.

According to this one-day shooting, the progress of such a small plot is taken, dozens of days are not enough.

Moreover, considering the personality of the boss, I will not have to enter the fish again.

So I want to take a complete movie, at least hundreds of days.

"How is it possible, more than dozens of days." Luochuan did not agree with the words of the demon purple smoke.

"Is this in this progress today?" The demon purple smoke asked.

"Special, after all, it is a lot of battle plots in the movie, naturally we need to increase the requirements." Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, "It's so tired, rest in the afternoon."

The demon purple smoke: "... Is there even more than dozens of days?"

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