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Before leaving, the summer is used to take a few photos to Tang Yi, use the magical mobile phone to use the "news" of Qichuan Voice.

The title Luochuan thought in advance.

"The escape criminal Murong is bizophied in the process of law enforcement team, what inside yourself behind this is hidden?"

The way to return to the snow, the same time, Luochuan opened the delivery door of the direct hall.

"If there is nothing, I will go back." Tang Yi said directly, he feels the most comfortable in his own home.

"Cough, that boss, I will go first." As a dragon set role, Xia Yu also chose to say goodbye.

The plots of the two people in the movie have ended, and the latter shooting is basically no need to participate.

Luochuan should have a sentence, then sit directly on the couch: "It's so tired."

As a director, things that need to be done during the movie shooting process are much, and he is now unlocked.

"Boss, isn't there?" Inena has become a half-snake state again, and put itself into a group.

"Well, I will continue to shoot tomorrow." Luochuan is already used to this, and this salt water creature is always wonderful.

"I am hungry." The demon purple boy stamped the arm of the Mi smoke, in the human society, and she also developed the habit of three meals a day, and occasionally come to the night.

"It's really lunch time." The demon purple smoke nodded, suddenly reached out and pinched the cheek of the Fairy, "Purple Moon, are you ... fat?"

The demon purple moon: "... how could it be! My sister is definitely a mistake."

"Okay, it is wrong." The demon purple smile.

Luochuan continues to be in a salted fish, and the exercise is extremely distant vocabulary, and there is a holographic equipment.

Lunch is solved in the Snow Fengge, which is sent from the store you have been to the store, and the container is also engraved with simple inscriptions used to inspect.

"... takeaway?" The demon purple smoke heard unfamiliar names from the mouth of Luochuan.

"Simply, that is, let the store merchants provide the meant on the door." Luochuan explained.

"It's quite good." If you think about it, "it's not really people who are too lazy to eat, do you want to go out?"

Luochuan just sent food into his mouth, and suddenly couldn't help but cough: "Cough, you can easily sin."

The demon purple smoke pours the glass of water, and some doubts: "Who can you sin?"

"Of course, readers." Luochuan said.

Monster purple smoke: ......

"And don't you think this is convenient?" Luochuan drunk the water, and the feeling of being mitigated was alleviated. "As long as you pay more, you can experience the service of the food to send the door."

"This is not too lazy to go out." The demon smoke whispered, "But if you really do it, you should have a lot of people who are willing to pay."

"If Zuantu knows that it should be implemented immediately." Luochuan thought of the fat boss of Fengxian Building, Zuo Wanjin's eyes and action absolutely unquestionable.

And there is a magical mobile phone, and this kind of thing to buy food at home is fully realized, and some people will be in this development line.

Luochuan expects this.

After lunch, Luochuan felt some sleepy, so I went back to the room and slept a nap.

He has adapted to life here, and there is a kind of snow Fenghua fragrance in the air.

I took the eyes and made a big yawn, and I closed my eyes to lying on the bed. I feel sleeping, Luochuan climbed from the bed.

I took out the magic mobile phone to see the time, almost three or four pm.

"I have been sleeping for two hours."

Luochuan whispered a sentence, stretched a lazy waist.

At this time, the sun has come to the location of the horizon, and the sun is still bright, but it is not far away from the sky. The winter month is very short.

Haven't come to the lobby yet, Luochuan heard a burst.

This makes him think of life in the origin store, it seems to have no difference.


After eating in the afternoon, Han Yo decided to come to the Snow Fengge under the suggestion of many younger brother.

He is very curious about the item called the magical phone.

There is no waiter outside the door. They are very easy to come to Xue Fengge, and I will notice the movement in the hall.

"There are many tables in the hall, what is it?"

"I don't know, I still have a helmet ... The thing can display the picture!"

"Will it be the hologram device of the origin of origin, can you connect to another world?"

"Ten eight nine should be, definitely the boss of the origin store ..."

Han ink and others have passed a short guesses, and the heart is more excited.

Holographic equipment has come out, isn't it to say that the boss is ready to open a branch?

Take a little, they decided to go to the lobby.

After all, those people look very good, there should be no problem.

It turns out that their ideas are correct.

For the arrival of them, these seemingly reactive people's big people did not react, but only read a few eyes.

"How come you come?" The step is not grabbed to the holographic device. In the team of onlookers, it is noted that the arrival of Han ink and other people.

"Curious." Han Yu said that the reason is, and the eyes are still in holographic equipment. "These are holographic equipment?"

The reactions and Hano in other people are the same, and the attention is completely attracted to the holographic equipment, accurately, the screen displayed.

"Well, holographic equipment." He nodded from the song. "Now they are going glory to the bureau, each of the characters of each person is different."

Han Mo tried to understand the words of the song, the final result nature failed.

For the expression of Han ink, the walk has not felt anything wrong, and the newcomer sees the original mall items basically this reaction.

The steps are responsible for the instrument: "In short, it is the world of a game rule, which is capable of incarring into other characters, and can be resurrected after death ..."

When Luochuan hurts to the lobby, it is the lively scene.

He feels that he seems to open a branch of the origin store.

I looked at it, I quickly noticed the demon salary smoke that sat in the corner.

Judging from the look, this girl should be writing something.

It seems to be aware of Luochuan 's eyes, the demon purple smoke looks at it, showing a smile to him.

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