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"Boss." After seeing Luochuan, who came to the lobby, the customers greeted three or two two two.


The Han in the bureau is immersed in the bureau to hear the voice after hearing the voice.

He came here to see what the boss's boss is in the legend.

It seems that there is nothing special.

Still playing yawn, it seems that it seems that I haven't woken up.

From the appearance, it is a young man in ordinary, and there is no energy atmosphere.

In addition to being more handsome, there is no unusual place.

However, in this boss, Han ink felt a special lazy temperament.

It seems that there is not much interest in anything, and it is indifferent.

Hundreds, it is worthy of the boss of the origin store, and it has not been in the eyes of the whole world.

Opening the Original Mall in the Tianyi Continences may be an inexpensive game, in order to find fun in a long and boring life.

As for the young appearance ...

The cultivator reaching a certain realm can actively control, so there is not much reference value.

At the same time, Han Yo also noticed that Luochuan and demon smoke, it could not help but smash it.

I heard that there is a clerk in addition to the boss in the origin store, it seems to be this, just don't know what to take a magical phone.

"Han Yog, what do we do?" A green girl also noticed Luochuan and lowered his voice.

"Harmony wanted to make a decision. After all, they did not ask, and the boss didn't look like it.

Luochuan naturally notes these strange faces in the hall.

He is a bit impression on this, it seems to be those young people who have just been encountered when they have just arrived at Snow.

A few days ago, stepped into songs as if I didn't open the branch because they deliberately asked.

Is this a strange heart that can't be can't live?

Luochuan didn't care, sitting directly next to the demon purple smoke.

"Boss, they seem to come over to find you." The demon purple smoke is still looking at the magical phone.

"Well, I know." Luochuan nodded, they came here to be in order to originate in the origin of the mall.

However, the movie has just begun to shoot. He is not ready to let the news of the origin store in Qichuan.

At least, wait until the end of the shooting is over.

"Oh, they came over." The demon purple smoke looked up and started to continue their tasks.

"I have seen the boss." Han Yog and others said neatly.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, regarding the response to the future origin store new customer.

"The boss, those who should be the holographic equipment of the origin store?" Han Yo has learned from the mouth of the song to the source of the origin store.

These messages contain all aspects of the goods sold from the origin store to the store, including customers usually call Luochuan.

Luochuan continued to nod, these people saw that they had been coming for a while, and the steps will definitely have to introduce them. He does not need to waste your tongue.

Han ink decided to cut into the topic, before the step of the song, Luochuan didn't like to turn the corner: "About the goods of the origin store, the boss is ready to sell."

What is it for the origin store? Of course, it is a variety of goods sold.

Even if Han Mo is still not counting the customer's customers, this truth has also been understood.

"This takes a time." Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, "At least after we came to Qichuan's purpose."

Regarding when to start selling the goods in the mall, Luochuan has long thought of, and it is the best choice after the film shooting.

"So, I understand." Han Yu nodded and did not continue to ask.

He clearly knows what is the idea of ​​knowing, and the purpose of Luochuan comes to Qichuan is obviously a category that should not be known.

In addition, several young people opened their mouths, and there was anything to say, but after seeing Han ink, the words can only swallow in the belly.

At the end of the conversation with Luochuan, Han ink and other people have joined the team of the onlookers.

"The boss, they are all for the goods in the store." The demon purple smoke has completed today's mission, putting down the magic mobile phone, talking to Luochuan.

"I know, if it is really selling it, I am afraid that the entire Sichuan people know that the origin store is here." Luochuan said.

Even if they guarantee that they will definitely not expose the items such as the magical mobile phone, Luochuan will not change their ideas.

When people commit their promises, they really feel that they will not betray it, and when they repent, they really feel that they can't do it.

"Well, human beings are really difficult to trust." The demon purple smoke nodded.

Luochuan: ......

Girl This is the second time you open today.

"Amount, I am not talking to you." The demon purple smoke noted that his words were inherently, and the face was added.

"I know." Luochuan never nodded.

Han ink and other people have seen it for a while, saying that don't leave the Snow Pavilion.

This is like watching someone in the Internet cafe to play games, just feel very interesting, but gradually feel boring over time.

The most important thing is that you can even experience the game, this is more uncomfortable.

The customers in the hall are noisy, and Luochuan lost the magical mobile phone to the side. He felt very bored.

Jiang Yunshu is sitting on the sofa, is working with Murong Haishu, the topic discussed is a matter of homework.

" ."

"Hey, what is the boss?"

Jiang Yunxun looked up to Luochuan and cast a look at him.

"Photographed the story of the name." Luochuan felt that it was also idle, it is better to shoot the story of the movie.

"Just starting to write the name of the name on the death note?" Jiang Yun blinks.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded.

"Is it now?" Jiang Yantai remembers the plot written in the script.

The opening of the film, in addition to the display of various dead laws, the moon uses the death note murderous lens also contains it.

The content is very simple, just in a small black house of a table, sitting on the only chair in the month, in the dark.

The scene that can be clearly seen will only write the name on the death notes, who is written in the moon. Who is cool.

Dust space, lonely light, smooth sound of Shasha ...

Simple scenes will be suspended, and the strange atmosphere is rendered to the ultimate.

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