God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1332, Chapter, Commissioner, Employee, Good Boss

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Different in the morning, the afternoon shooting is inexplicably and is inexplicably end.

It is almost all almost all the ideas of these customers.

This is gone?

How long is this, it is too fast.

The boss is not changed by personal ...

Such a variety of, saying is strict.

Of course, this is a great relationship with the rivers and nights in the protagonist.

It is undeniable that this world is indeed a genius existence.

Everyone has different degrees of talents, and Jiang Yue is almost the kind in performance.

Just now, although quiet, it gives people an extremely special feeling. It seems that there is a death note in her hands, and it has been controlled all of the life and death.

"It's amazing in the evening, and it is almost exactly the same as the month in my heart." Gu Yunxia was amazed.

"Okay, you have said a few times." Jiang Yunshu's looks helplessly opened the Gu Yunyi.

Luochuan felt that he was very directed by himself, almost a natural director.

Especially for role selection this.

He closed the light curtain in front, closed his eyes, constantly there was a screen flash.

Luochuan is expected, if the movie is really shooting, what is the end.

It will definitely be interesting.

At this time, the sky outside the window has been dim, and the sunset is reflected as a flaming color, and the night of the winter is coming to this world early.

Dinner is made in the kitchen coming in the Snowflavo, of course, other customers have nothing to do.

After dinner, Luochuan sat lazy to sit on the sofa, watching the magic mobile phone in his hand.

After so long, the customers are fully accustomed to the existence of the magical phones.

I heard that many people have a condition that "don't watch the magical mobile phone."

Various applications are also in booming.

There are a lot of customers to upload a video above, and have become an indispensable part of their lives.

Right, the "Hagogar Lecture Hall" series of "medicine valley" series of drug valley also embarked on the right track.

Luochuan, I heard that because of these videos, many stores that make counterfeit and shoddy Dan medicine have been closed.

This is also an impact on the origin store indirect to this world.

In less than a year, this world has barely stepped into the information age under the influence of the origin store.

Whenever I think of this, Luochuan has a small feeling.

Do you know how to change the world?

He is clear like a Popular boss, look at the novel every day, playing games, but I have never thought about "I want to conquer the world".

"What are you thinking about the boss?" The demon purple smoke noticed Luochuan in the loss of ill, reached out, poke his arm.

"Movie's things." Luochuan recovered his thoughts, "What will you say after the movie is filmed?"

"Isn't the customer watch?" The demon purple smoke does not understand why Luochuan will ask this.

"Watching is just one aspect." Luochuan has a food, "will someone will take this movie?"

"Affirmation." The demon purple smoke said, "The new sea is not the case, she all writes the script, waiting to start shooting."

"Have you thought about the scene?" Luochuan took out the magical phone.

The demon purple smoke carefully thought about shook his head: "I ... I can't imagine."

She saw that many customers have changed their own lifestyle on the magical phones, with the magical mobile phone to complete various work.

Perhaps in the future, this change will also go deep into the ordinary people.

She remembers the boss before saying that this is a strange title.

"Simply, the information level has built another world, and any wisdom race can participate." Luochuan put forward his own ideas.

The third phase of Qichuan Voice opened in the same time, and the people of Qichuan gathered in the North Ting Avenue early, and they were deafening.

Before the official start, it is still a strange advertisement. This time is not a million medicine Hall, it is another shop.

Even if yesterday, the people still hold great curios, as the advertisement is played, the bursts sound.

The advertisement ends, the sound of Qichuan began to play.

This time I changed to step poetry.

No way, walking directly from the song, can only be replaced by her.

However, Tang Yi also promised to see the chaired candidates in the next time.

The content of Qichuan's voice is nothing more than a news of all parts of the Star Empire, which is extremely novel for the people of Qichuan.

Everyone is listening carefully, and has formed a very distinct contrast with the environment that has just been noisy.

"I feel that it is not a bit less suitable for so many people?" The steps on the sofa are looking at the magic mobile phone.

The content displayed on the screen is the live broadcast of Gu Yunyi. The scene is the North Ting Avenue, and the voice of Qichuan is in progress.

"What is not suitable." Jiang Shengmao made a post message, "I think it is very interesting."

The number of live broadcasts is a lot, most of them are the customers of the Star Empire, and they have expressed their views.

"I heard that Your Majesty is also ready to do this in nine." The step is suddenly thinking about it.

"Does Ji no regrets and make a sound of nine?" Luochuan, who was playing the landlord, asked with the demon purple smoke.

As a good boss, a good boss of the employee, Luochuan never clocks their rest time, and relax is the most important.

"From His Majesty, those posts and dynamics issued in the magical phone, there is indeed this idea." He nodded from the song.

Ji no regrets will definitely lead the rulers who lead to change, in Luochuan, it is sufficient to leave a strong color in the history book.

"Wang fry." Luochuan lost two cards, gave evaluation, "good idea."

Next day.

"I heard, the army under the city is like a big figure."

"Hey? Another thing? When did you happen?"

"I didn't see it on the voice of Qichuan. Everyone is talking about it."

"I have a little bit of things, tell me ..."

Because the third issue of Qichuan's voice mentioned, the rumors of a "big person" appeared soon quickly spread in Qichuan.

However, the weather is not very good, because the evidence is insufficient, it is impossible to trial, and can only take him to nine the city, let the emperor will do the final ruling.

Now passing through Qichuan, I have a few days here.

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