God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1333 starts eating melon

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What is the favorite thing in the people?

Of course it is eating melon.

Eating melon people This title is not to come.

Of course, melon is also divided, and less melon often cause more interest in eating melon people.

Especially this kind of mega-related mega, it can make countless people.

"Boss, all things are done in accordance with your instructions." Summer As early came to the progress of the Snow Feng Pavilion to report things to Luochuan.

The so-called "big person" is naturally fictitious, the purpose is to shoot for the film.

"I am ready, then start shooting." Luochuan director reached the latest order.

Since starting shooting, Luochuan felt that he became more and more director.

All this need to keep a hidden state because there is a need to record the reactions of ordinary people.

Knead the big head of the Erhal, sitting in the car and started to move forward toward the destination.

Half hour later.

"Boss, what do you say is really no problem?" The demon purple cigarette looks delicate look at the scene in front of it.

Anvilia and others have changed their faces, and they also change their faces and prepare the guests reporters.

Of course, there are also many strange faces, they are all the identity of the servant of Tang Yizhen.

Tang Yi has been embarrassed, know what you should do, although I feel doubtful to this matter but I don't dare to ask.

They saw Tang Yi to treat Luochuan et al..

"It is definitely no problem." Luochuan eaten potato chips, "Qichuan's voice mentioned that the reporter's occupation, the people are mostly curious."

"It is also said." The demon purple smoke sighed, agreed to Luochuan's view, "they have to start actions."

With the words of the demon purple smoke, these mass actors gradually spread, so soon disappeared in their sight.

On the embarrassing street, the second trolley is slowly driving.

The pedestrians on the road have cast awe, curious attention, can take the two-ha car usually a big person.

Not much time, the vehicle slowly parked on the roadside, and the long-awaited attendant opened the door, and a middle-aged man wearing a luxuriously came out.

The middle-aged people do not have a spiritual fluctuation, not a cultivator, look at the pedestrians, and there is a high high feeling.

"Who is this person, looks so arrogant."

"Hey, small spoof, I see you more arrogant, get rid of you,"

"Wait, how can this person look familiar, I seem to have seen it."

"What is joke, can your guy know what big character."

"He is Qi Yuanming, the voice of Qichuan yesterday ..."

The pedestrians loudly talked about it, and some people thought of the portrait of last night in Qichuan.

As an ordinary person, it can only talk about a few words in private in this big person.

Just when they were prepared to leave, suddenly the scene had stopped and stopped.

Even before, I didn't pay attention to the pedestrians here, and I couldn't help but cast it.

I saw that someone suddenly rushed toward Qi Yuan in the past, and it seems that I didn't take care of the fierce eyes.

On the Ming Dynasty, he revealed the surprised look, just when he was ready to leave, surrounded by people.

"Mr. Qi Yuanming, what do you think about the call of the emperor?"

"We listen to tens of thousands of Lingjing in your home are in a regular channel. Do you ask if it is true?"

"The rumors you are related to dozens of child missing cases, can you tell us more ..."

Qi Yuanming has no expression, and the guard is trying to intercept the crowd. It is worthless, and he replied with a diluted tone.

"There is no opinion, you can lead to my honor. At home, Lingjing is all business, those cases I don't know ..."

At the same time, the pedestrian on the street is still a foggy, what is this situation?

"The voice of Qichuan is not said that there is a person named reporter. This should be?" Some people thought of the screen that was seen yesterday.

These reporters belong to one of the existence of absolute can't provoke, and this big figure in front of me is a good example, I don't dare to use force.

Of course, this may also have a big relationship with many reporters' realmatic relationships.

"The reporter is really a horrible creature." The demon purple cigarette is emotion, and Qi Yuanming's panic is definitely true.

The location now is a quiet room. Through the window can clearly see the scenes on the street, the masses of the masses surrounded Qi Yuanming's players.

If it is not a guard, it is afraid that it is to directly put the sputum recorder in his hand to his face.

"It's almost the same as I imagined." The scene showing the magical phone shot on the light screen next to Luochuan.

These masses actors faithfully fulfilled his ingredients, successfully made the attention of everyone on the streets attracted.

"Hey, the effect of the magical mobile phone must appear!" The demon purple smoke slightly eyes.

The voice has just fallen, the look is not resistant, and the Qi Yuan, who has answered the question, suddenly covered his chest, and suddenly planted on the ground.

The sound of "" in his throat, the body is constantly twitching, there is no signs of life after approximately a few seconds, and there is no temptation in the sky.

"Mr. Qi! Mr. Qi! What happened to Mr. Qi ?!"

"Fast! Save people! Does anyone will medical skills!"

"What happened, what happened ..."

I was confusing on the street, and every mass actor entered the state, and did not have a slight error.

Pedestrians can't help but hold this sudden situation, and in the heart, the inner curiosity eventually occupies the upper wind, and some people have on the front of the courage.

The magical phone in the invisible state is hovering, and the scene on the street is recorded from all angles.

For film shooting, the magical phone is not extraordinarily cheats, and there is still no system control.

Of course, the most important thing is Luochuan, which is a director.

Luochuan took out the magic mobile phone and sent a "shooting end" to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's reply is also very fast, there is no news that "understand", appears on the screen of the magical phone.

About less than a minute, the end of the street appeared, and there was a gorgeous white light armor, and they were the soldiers under Tang Yizhen.

The onlookers gave these soldiers to the road, and their movements quickly lie on the stretcher, and then leaving.

The whole test time is only a few minutes.

"Hey, those reporters?"

After they came back, those quantities were quite a lot of reporters, I won't know when they disappeared, and they were hard to find as they appeared.

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