God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1334 Note Note

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When the soldiers took the scene to clean up, the people on the street did not disappear, but it was very excited to talk about what happened.

"Hey, there is no need, those who have died Qi Qi, Tang Cheng, I am afraid!"

"I just all the soldiers under Tangcheng main, I have been so fast, I am afraid I have been in secret guidelines, just unfortunately, nothing."

"I am new, you are all discussing what is going on, I look very lively, tell me about it."

"You are late, if you have to say that you can see your lively, I didn't know that Qi Quan's voice mentioned last night didn't ..."

The rumors of the people are extremely horrible, and the streets died in Qi Yuanming began to spread in Qichuan with an unusual speed.

In the empty courtyard, "Qi Yuanming" that has already been killed on the stretcher opened his eyes and stretched a lazy waist.

Along with a white light, "Qi Yuanming" disappeared, and it is a dream of Xie Dance.

"How did I play just now?" Xie Meng dance simply sorted out the hair.

As a result of a chaotic city, it is still a very simple thing for the peak practitioners in the realm of the respect.

"It's so powerful." Anva is awkward, "It is completely different from yourself, just like it is changed."

"I feel that Dream Dancers will play all the characters in the movie." Gu Yun said in the chisel.

Xie Meng dance shook his head: "Don't make a joke, how can I, I am more familiar with this type of role."

The chaos city can be described as mixed, and almost most of the people's division can be classified as a counterpart.

Living in such an environment, under the eye, Xie Meng dance naturally understands the various characteristics of these people, and there is no difficulty in playing.

Just face the evaluation of "Natural African" given by Luochuan, Xie Meng dance is not very happy.

"Well, this morning shooting progress is here, hiest." Luochuan directed never buckled the rest time of the actor.

The masses of the Tang Yi came before, because they have got a lot of the lack of crystal, and everyone's mood looks very good.

"Boss, in fact, I feel that we can still shoot some plots again." The demon purple smoke read the magic mobile phone, and there is still a short time from lunch.

Going back to the snowflavord is definitely nothing to do, and there is no difference in yesterday, it is better to find something.

"Yes, it's too early to go now."

"I feel that the demon purple smoke is very reasonable, the boss can take it."

"No, it seems that there is not much relationship with us."

"Don't you watch it on the side ..."

The movie is just beginning to shoot, all the plots are basically involved in the dragon set role, most people are now there is no chance to show.

Even so, these customers are still interested.

Of course, that is only a special situation yesterday, after all, there is no more combat story in the entire movie, so naturally, it is strict.

After understanding this, customers have been interested in the film's shooting, after all, this is the next day that officially started shooting.

"Okay." Since the actors in the team are so strong, Luochuan Director naturally does not choose to refuse.

However, "Qi Yuanming" plot has been over, if it is obviously less appropriate to come again.

Luochuan has simply thinks, so soon, it has determined a new location, and then sent a message to Tang Yi on the magical phone.

"Is there a place in prison in Qichuan? "

He wants to shoot the plot, which is roughly the prisoner in jail, the death method and Qi Yuanming are exactly the same, but also because of the paralysis of the heart.

"Yes, in the suburbs, the boss is ready to shoot new plots? "

Tang Yi quickly replied to the news, and it was guess that Luochuan contacted him on the magical mobile phone.

"Well, I will take us in the past. "

"I understand, I have already told the summer. "

"The boss is ready to go to the jail to shoot new plots?" Summer Yu, who is in the origin, listening to Tang Yi's words.

He now feels that Luochuan has completely entered the role of the director. It actually disappeared at the time, this is not scientific, does not meet the personality of the boss in the weekdays.

Tang Yixi nodded: "You go to find the boss first."

"What about you?" Summer is a magical phone.

"Of course, I am in prison." Tang Yi active, "I want to let those guys inside, not a simple thing."

"Let the boss or those customers show a little breath." Summer Yu proposes a simple and convenient way.

"Although I said this." Tang Yi temporarily did not adopt the idea of ​​summer suggestions. "If those guys don't work, do it."

In the Tianzhu continent, the concept of fear of strong is deeply rooted, and for ordinary cultivators, the rumors ask, the respect is definitely the existence of God.

When the strong, it is difficult to give a sense of resistance, even if the poor is extremely evil.

"Anyway, this is your business, I just put a suggestion." Xiaoyu took the magical mobile phone, "Then I will go first."

"Meet the meeting." Tang Yixi nodded, then evoked the servant, "prepare the car, go to the suburbs of prison."

Got Luochuan's handling, all the people in the courtyard were waiting for the summer in the noisy.

"New Sea, what are you watching?" The demon purple smoke noted the new sea sincerely looking at the magical phone, sitting next to her.

"Record something." Xinhai Chengzi got the magical mobile phone in front of the demon purple smoke.

A fragmented statement is displayed on the screen.

"Pay attention to the response of the people, it can also take it into the lens if necessary."

"Sometimes I don't have to do an important actor also occupy an important role, absolutely can't ignore (focus)."

"I always pay attention to the surrounding environment, this is the 'shot' ..."

"It's all related to movie." The demon purple smoke said somewhat surprised.

"After all, I also want to shoot a movie belonging to it." Xinhai is smile.

"Is that the end before?" The demon purple smoke remembered the story written by Xinhai Chengzi.

Violent train!

"Of course." Xinhai Chengzi nodded.

"According to the boss, you are easily read by the reader." The demon purple smoke holds the cheeks, and looked at Luochuan.

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