God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1336, you are online addiction

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"Every place - start."


As the crisp sound of the field board, the shooting announcement begins.

The Hearing of Xinhai Sincerely came out from the position of the corner of the corridor and conducted a routine patrol.

The prisoners in alone in the single cells are always treated inside, basically eat something, occasionally there is a speech sound.

According to the story of the plot, it is now in the evening, it is time to have dinner.

The corridor is lit with spiritual polite lights, which is neither humid, no dirty, very neat and clean.

The atmosphere is also normal, but everyone knows that there must be something to happen.

Of course, a sudden heavy object is falling in the ground.

A prisoner suddenly fell to the ground, and his face was covered with his own chest. He didn't send a slight sound.

"Hey! What happened to you ?!"

Xinhai Chengzi quickly came to the door of the cell, and the look was panicked to open the door, but the prisoner quickly lost the breath of life.

This is just a beginning, and a prisoner is planted in the ground in the next second, still the same process.

"What happened this?!"

"Open the door! Open the door! Let me go out!"

"Damn! I don't want to die here ..."

When the cells on both sides of the corridor suddenly lively, see this scene they can sit.

However, this did not have a slight effect. It's like a dead god. In just a few minutes, the prisoner all fell on the ground.

The death method has no difference.

The shooting process is surprisingly smooth, and I don't know how Tang Yi did, these prisoners who act as a masses were extremely cooperated.

Even if there are several mistakes in the middle, there is no great impact on the overall, and the total of Luochuan has reached the requirements of Luochuan.

"How is it?" Luochuan noticed the new sea sincerely

"People playing roles and look at it is a very different experience." Xinhai Chengzi looks seriously.

Luochuan met the requirements of her wanted to participate in the film, the prison guard of the patrol was her play.

Although the show is a total of a few seconds, it has been strong than the vast majority of dragon set characters.

Luochuan is not too much, and the specific movie shooting process is a bit bigger than when he departs.

I haven't thought about it is necessary to prepare a variety of things, but now it seems to be excessive.

"Is this just shooting?" The attention of Xinhai sincerity quickly attracted the picture on the light curtain.

The alternation of the lens, and the skill that is called "close-up" by the boss, the suspected atmosphere is rendered to the ultimate.

Yes, there is light!

The change in light and shadow has a great impact on the screen, and the strong bright and dark contrast is very visual impact.

Xinhai Chengzi is a little doubtful. This is not her personally involved, and the picture in the light curtain is completely different.

"The transition of the lens can achieve this effect." Luochuan guessed her ideas from the look of Xinhai sincerity.

"Shot, I understand." Xinhai is so tone, nodded.

All in all, about the shooting of jail spotting, the other Juanchi is very happy to play here.

The prison in it is quite peaceful.

Lochuan feels reasonable because Juanchi accidentally disassemble the room.

Listening to Tang Yi said that the house seems to be a high cultivator used to detaine the realm.

The result was split by Xuancha.

Moreover, Irea is still tasted the taste of those metals in the demon purple, listening to her, saying that there is something like and ice cream ...

At almost noon, everyone arrived in Xue Fengge, Luochuan did not continue to ride the vehicle, and opened a transfer door directly.

The system has recorded the spatial location here, which can be easily implemented in any location anywhere.

"It's so tired." Luochuan director directly lying on the couch, using a lazy discourse to say the next plan, "Rest in the afternoon."

This morning's shooting is much more interesting than yesterday, but the consumption of energy is very large, especially for Luochuan.

As a director of the movie, what he needs to do can be more than these customers. When shooting, you must pay attention to the progress of the plot, whether it is qualified.

He is not thinking now, just sit still on the sofa quietly.

Looking at the white snow outside the window, drinking ice coaching, eating potato chips, looking at the magic mobile phone.

This is what he wants.

As for what makes movies ...

This is the next day, there is anything anxious, talk about it tomorrow.

Anyway, it does not matter this time.

It is very plenty of time for Luochuan, and now the origin store has a tiger mad, he wants to stay for a long time.

For the decision of Luochuan, there is no refuted discipline.

After all, I just hoped in one place yesterday morning, and this morning, I walked far away.

"No one uses holographic equipment? Is there anyone in the bureau?" The step has been sitting on the seat of holographic equipment.

Now is the time of the origin store ending, he wants to have a glory to find enough teammates and opponents.

"Rongguang is the bureau? For me one."

"I will come."

"I said that you are not tired ..."

Ten holographic equipment was quickly occupied, and the enthusiasm of the game was completely dispersed.

"The power of the idea is really powerful." Luochuan whispered sighed.

"The boss said before, this seems to be called 'Internet addiction'?" The demon purple smoke heard the words of Luochuan.

"The Internet addiction is also one of the idea." Luochuan returned to the eyes, "and it is a terrible class."

He witnessed, experienced, for the teachers of the Internet and the school, the bouquet of the homes, the Internet cafes are all overnight.

These are all passing youth.

The demon purple smoke doesn't understand Luochuan's discourse. After all, this world can have no network concept, but the scene in front is a good example.

"Hey ... It seems that this is true." The demon purple smoke nodded.

There is no spirit, but sitting on the seat of holographic equipment, entering the virtual world to start glory, each of the spirit is unable.

And there are also those who are watching, don't you say that you need to take a break?

It seems that these people should have the name "Internet addiction" that is called "Internet addiction".

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