God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1337 Ping Pong

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Luochuan is sitting on the couch, holding a warm milk tea hands hands.

Just got a spa, so you need to add some moisture to your body.

Now he is located in the middle of the two hot springs to provide a rest.

Luochuan has drank his mouth milk tea, and it turned his gaze to the front.

The demon purple smoke and green are playing table tennis.

Table tennis is naturally Luochuan.

The movie has the plot of the moon and the students play basketball, but because of the sake of the name, it is natural to play basketball.

So the basketball is changed to table tennis by Luochuan.

But now it seems that this story is still a bit difficult.

Although I looked at two beautiful girls, I was very eye-catching ...

But all of you have a sound explosion and a shadow, you dare to believe!

It is good to say that the quality provided by the system is not good. It doesn't worry about it.

Luochuan has drank his milk tea and puts a cup and soothes the cup.

The setup of the script is not much more than ordinary people, so there will be such a situation.

Moreover, the realm of Jiang Nhang is the soul of the soul, but also does not reach this sound explosion, the effect of the residue.

After about a few minutes, the demon purple smoke fails to catch the ball of the green.

Luochuan only saw a bright and yellow light, and he was directly hit a wall of not far away.

The buildings here are engraved in the array, mainly functioning and defense.

However, in the face of this sudden attack, the array did not generate a slight effect at all.

"Take it everything." Gu Yunxi looked back at the round hole in the wall, and he muttered.

"I feel a little dangerous here." Jiang Yunshu could not help but swallow the mouth.

Just now, the two are talking about the plots in the movie, and after hearing the voice, the reaction has changed to the bottom.

"It is a bit tired, who is you?" The demon purple smoke shouted.

"I am coming to me!" Inena can't wait.

The demon purple smoke is sitting next to Luochuan, you are welcome to pick up a cup of cups on the table.

"How is it?" Luochuan asked the view of the demon purple smoke.

The demon purple smoke puts the empty cup and smiled nodded: "It is very interesting, it should be higher for the attraction of ordinary people."

From the explanation given from Luochuan, this thing called table tennis is originally used to entertain and relax.

The evaluation of the demon purple smoke did not appeared unexpectedly.

For customers who control powerful strength, the game of table tennis does not have much challenge.

They can easily control the overall spirit.

Like a day, the existence of the peak of the STT, can complete the achievements of the table tennis with yourself through the way of torn space.

Shake your head, throw this strange picture, Luochuan's eyes again fall into the table tennis in front.

Xu has a tribute to the house, the green and Irenena converges their strength.

At least this time it looks normally, there is no screen, which does not have any residual, and the sound burst.

However, Inenena, who looked at the half-snake form, flexiblely went to the green ball, which seems to be more strange ...

"The boss, after we have to shoot this scene of playing table tennis?" Jiang Yunshu suddenly asked Luochuan.

"This should not be difficult for you." Luochuan recovered the look at Irena and Green kitte tennis.

"Well ... It is really simple." Jiang Yunnan nodded if he thought.

The Voice of the North Ting Avenue and Qichuan are still playing in the same time.

"The current plan on the traffic network has been roughly determined, and Your Majesty and Heavenly Machine Pavilion have reached a preliminary cooperation, it is expected to be officially launched before the coming month of the month."

Step is sitting behind the table, telling the news that Ji no regrets.

The streets are bustling, almost often became a normal, and the reason is nothing more than the sound of Qichuan played every night.

For the vast majority of people, it is Qichuan's voice to open the world of the world.

"What is this Tiantian Pavilion? It can be treated so much."

"I can't believe this is from your mouth, how is your guy is inexpensive."

"Heavenly Pavilion, one of the most peaks of Tianli Continent, I heard that the owner is the peak of the respect."

"Hey! Zunner's peak ..."

Every news that step poetry will cause a burst, and the people are talking about.

"In addition, Qi Yuan, who has just arrived in Qichuan yesterday, is dead to death this morning, and the cause of death is a paralysis of the death through physician ..."

Step poetry began to tell another news, and played photos on the picture, and Qi Yuanming was unpredably lie on the stretcher and was taken away by the soldier.

Step poetry is a bit laughed. She also participated in the film's shooter. The identity is the reporter of Puttong, and I don't know if the magic phone took her in the end.

Although she is holding a show here, she is now very curious about the reactions after hearing the news.

"Qi Yuanming? Is this a big man mentioned in Qichuan's voice yesterday? How did it suddenly die?"

"I know this, I saw it!"

"I also saw it! The reporter of a large circle, Qi Yuanming replied to the question, and suddenly fell."

"Where are you see, tell me ..."

More enthusiastic noise, the audience on the street is very concerned about this matter.

After all, it is too far from what kind of transportation plan, it is really far away from their lives, even if it really does it requires a short time.

So most of these news can only be considered a chat after tea.

But Qi Yuanming is different, this is what happened to them, and many people also witnessed.

These two news can be said to be very different.

Unfortunately, step poetry can't see the lively scene on the street. She still broadcasts other news in the studio.

"It's really lively." Tang Yi looked at the scene of the streets outside the window, couldn't help but sigh, "I seem to have seen the arrival of the new era."

"It is not as if it is, the new era has begun." Summer is shaking his head and correcting his words.

"I heard that Your Majesty is also ready to do it in nine city?" Tang Yi recovered his eyes and asked casually.

Summer Yu nodded: "And not only, many buildings have also started transformation."

Tang Yi looked at: "Your Majesty This is ready to change the bottom."

"Since the new era has arrived, why not take the initiative to meet?" Summer Yu Lu has a smile.

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