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Ji no regrets are very busy recently.

This one of the single transportation network will make him feel the feeling of fading.

It is preliminaryly with the cooperation between the Heavenly Machine Court, and the next thing is planning and specific implementation.

And these are also the most cost-effective part.

Although there is official help, it is still an extremely large workload.

I didn't have any time for novel.

After the perception of this, he decided to put a false yourself, take a break.

Just at this time, Luochuan sent him a message, let helping some of the plot of movies.

Luochuan also said at the time, if he couldn't do it, he can solve it.

Ji no regrets naturally undertake it.

Joke, don't say it, even if you can't do it.

This is the boss gives him the test!

Ji no regrets holding a magical phone, looking at the novel you have chased.

Turning to the end, silently left a "reminder" comment.

In fact, in his opinion, these authors don't need to go out every day, and they will be in the room.

Even if you count the words, you will have the time to eat, the life that sleeps, and the time you have to do, you will be more than enough.

But why don't you do this?

Ji no regrets have discussed this issue with Dao Yue, but in the end, two people have not been able to get the answer.

"... this, the reason is very simple." The big emperor Ji Tian asked the whispers who had no regrets.

"Well? Do you talk about it?" Ji did no regrets and put down the magical mobile phone, he was very interested in this.

"I met a friend who wrote something on the magic mobile phone, listened to him, said this is a disease called delay." Ji Tian smiled.

"Dip disease?" Ji no regrets picked her eyebrows, he still heard this name for the first time, "Is there such a disease?"

"Of course." Ji Tian asked the look seriously, "almost everyone suffers from, but it is only a serious degree."

Ji no regrets have a little dignified, is this disease called "delay" is actually a certain plague, and when he has not perceived, it has been spread?

"The most obvious manifestation of this disease is like its name, doing many things to delay the time." Ji Tian asked continued to explain.

Ji no regrets have been obvious, and I asked under: "Is this?"

"That's this." Ji Tian said nodded.

Ji no regrets: ......

He saw the strong smile from the face of Ji Tian, ​​it seems that this big emperor is good because of the success of the prank.

"Well, listen to you is indeed an extremely horrible condition." Ji did no regrets and shake his head.

If you are dividing the disease, if you are divided according to the degree of seriousness, is it the kind of the boss?

If you go to find a doctor, maybe you will get "Go back, I want to eat something, what to eat, what to eat", "

Of course, these Ji no regrets are thinking in their hearts. The strong people that exist in the boss are not too interesting to the world.

There is no regrets where you have a store, you can clearly see that the opposite is busy.

It has been blocked near the street, nearby a lot of eating people can still hear some harsh horses in the nearby distance.

"What is going to do? Why do you block it here?"

"I don't know, but my Majesty is coming, it must be a big thing to happen."

"Summary time The boss and the customers of the origin stores just left the dragon, and this is to engage in things?"

"I know that I have come over ..."

Since the origin store is opened in nine city, the spirit of living here has been extremely tough.

What is going to do for Ji no regrets, but it is just a look forward to it.

"It's really lively, it seems to be here." Wei also saw the crowded street in front.

Looking at the bustling people, it seems that there is no possibility of crossing.

Wei is also seen in the same scene a few days ago, which is caused by the dragon of Anvawa's allegiance.

At that time, it was a thousand people, almost everyone came to the street, and the traffic of the entire nine city has gradually recovered.

"The residents here are really enthusiastic." Xia Ying couldn't help but sigh.

"I feel that mainly the reason why it should be habit." Wei also thought about it.

I am not used to it. When I first came here, the origin store made a big news in a few days.

At that time, the origin store didn't have this good name, and Ji did not regret it. It was only used to it in Jiucheng's life.

"So how do you pass?" Chen Yiyi said something distressed.

The moon spirit has followed it, she smiled: "This is simple."

In Chen Yiyi's exclamation, she took her on both sides of the street, and the number was stunned.

"The next thing happens is false, please don't have to panic." White is directly here to half-air, the sound is in the rush of the spirit of the spirit.

"This should be a movie that the boss said." The tiger hugs in the roof of the roof.

"Hey, how come you come over, don't go to the boss to watch the store?" Yue Ling noticed that the tiger cranes suddenly appeared.

"It doesn't matter if you don't do it for a while, no one will not obey the rules in the boss." Tiger mad understands the origin store. He feels that there is no staff in the store.

Moon Legend wants to think, feeling that the tiger is very reasonable, it is found to be refuted.

After a white explanation, the onlookers of the melon people have been completely compromising, and the talks of the opposite are also reduced.

"The next is the content of the boss, just simply talking about the view of Kella, the nightmoon of the moon," said white to the things to do.

The people of Jiuzheng City are more or less to understand Luochuan to prepare for the film. It is also very annihilated for the night god of the lead.

So the difficulty of shooting is relatively reduced.

"So, what should I say?" Tiger crashed the hair, he did not expect himself to participate in the movie.

"Simply talk about your views of Kira, with the perspective of ordinary people." Ji no regrets looked at the news from Luochuan on the magical mobile phone. "Of course, if you feel there is no short-on-shaped, you can express it."

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