God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1340 Kira, forever

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"Kira! Forever to the god!" Tiger mad.

Everyone: ......

"Is he usually like this?" Rainwater whispered.

"I don't know, I don't know this guy." The magic shaken his head.

The noisy noise on the street disappeared, almost everyone looked at the tiger mad.

Ji did not regret and coughed, I would recommend it to the tiger: "In fact, I think you can talk a little more."

"Is this too hot?" Tiger crashed the hair, "Ok, let me try again."

"Okay, prepare." Diagnoted the command.

The crowds of the onlookers, and the pedestrians on the streets moved normally, and occasionally some people were curious.

"As of now, the world has frequently caused deaths from heart paralysis, almost all victims have a crime or suspect."

"For this phenomenon, there is no official to give a clear response. Many people call the Kira, which is the legend of the legendary control of death."

"Now let us randomly look for people on the street, ask them to see what this matter."

The reporter faced the lens to introduce the recent things happened, and the tiger is "happiness" from the side, and the reporter shouted and stopped.

"Do you have heard that Kira?" Asked the reporter.

"Kira? Of course, I have heard." The reaction between the tiger madness and the ordinary people have no difference, giving the answer after stunning.

"Can you talk about the view of Kilra?" The reporter continued to ask.

Kira is definitely a god of death! "The look of the tiger's madness became excited." Who did he kill? You don't know? And since the Kira appeared, the crime rate did not know how much, this It can be more useful than those who eat white rice! "

After the tiger leaves, the reporter once again looks to the lens: "I don't know if the view is not the views of Kira, let us interview the next audience."

The lens followed the reporter moved, and the lakes continued to have a pedestrian to have been interviewed, and the views of their own to Killa.

"Kira? Is that people who often say recently? I think it should be true."

"Kira definitely exists, and it is a bad person, is this not very good?"

"I feel that this practice is a bit wrong, because Kelra has already driven himself on the law."

"Kira is God is God, don't try to use mortal thinking to speculate God's will ..."

Some interviewers are basically a customer passenger string from the origin store. When I know that I have to compete for a movie story.

As for those pedestrians on the street, it is nothing.

Original Luochuan is not much demanding for these lenses.

Dragon sets, and set or randomly interviewed people, even if the expression is stiff, the words are tensions belong to normal phenomena.

It is not difficult to shoot, basically one of the kind.

"So now, we are also involved in the movie shooting? Nothing to feel." Tiger mad is standing on the roof, looking at the ban on the arrangement of scenes.

Ji no regrets now become a handkerchief, basically the whole process is directed by Diao, in accordance with Luochuan gives the preparation of the preparation before shooting.

"What happened?" Yu Wei looked at the tiger's mad. "If you don't feel addicted, you will find the boss, you will take a movie."

"This suggestion is good." If the tiger nodded,

Rainwater: "... Hello, you will not be true?"

The prohibited military work is very efficient. Under the command of the old command, the scene is completed for about a few minutes.

The picture is inlaid in the opposite crystal panel.

"The two scenarios will never be a little less than a little better?" Bai old did no regrets to ask the attention.

"This doesn't have to worry." Ji did not regret laugh, "as long as it simply shot in both places, according to the boss, this seems to be the lens treatment."

"That's good." White is tone.

As shooting, the people on the streets also have more and more people.

After hearing a melon can be eaten, as long as it can come over, there are still many people who are on the road, and there is a lively and can't miss it.

Fortunately, there is no regrets, it is expected that the prohibition of all guards will finally maintain the order of the scene.

"Movie's shooting process ... very interesting." Wen Tian machine came to nine city as usual, but he did not hurry to go to the originator, but came to the scene of shooting.

"According to the discourse of the boss, the movie is to create a new world with the way of shooting." Fan Chengtian also became a member of the people of eating melon, "This is more interesting than those videos."

Now that the students of Lingyun College have magical phones, every day, it will cost a lot of time above, Fan Chengtian feels that it is necessary to consider that the limitations use the magical mobile phone.

"What happened video? Is the Fan President I can't see a video?" The medicine refurbishment also joined the conversation, and the "Pharaoh Lecture Hall" occupied an extremely important position in the origin of video.

"I didn't say that." Fan Chengtian did not recognize it.

"Start." Wen Tiancai did not care about the two people, whispered.

As the array started to run, the crystal panel flashed a few times and appeared, and the host of the seat is said to the news.

"Special News report, a cultivator has built into a Dan medicine store, hijacked a large number of ordinary people, now being confronted with the security personnel, its true identity has been found ..."

On the crystal panel, there is also the identity information and photos of the cultivator, and then the scene of the scene, the security personnel of the banned army string have maintained the scene, and the large number of people.

"Moon Sister, do you feel a bit wrong?" Chen Yiyi touched the arm of the moon.

"Where is it wrong?" Most of the opinions of Moon Spirit were in front of the shooting scene, and asked casually.

"Those pictures look well, and the boss is far more than the boss." Chen Yi refers to the crystal panel.

"Well, it seems to be the case." Yue Ling looked carefully and found this.

"This is the thing of the cost hundreds of Lingjing, how can I compare with those things in the boss." Wen Tian machine also heard two people talking, and some lazy said.

Chen Yiyi and Yue Ling carefully thought that it was really that it was.

Although the boss is usually salted, the things that come out are super-specific levels, and their items that they take out are certainly no comparative.

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