God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1342, I only have a game in my heart.

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The chaotic land is a map of nightmare, and the difficulty of opening up wilderness is not low.

However, relative to the endless infected army, various wilderness Warcraft, the elements of the elements have a mildly.

There is no interference between the battle between the battle, and there is more dignified points.

After Luochuan came to Qichuan, he did not enter the Coro world.

Fortunately, there is a systematic watching in the coffee shop located in St. Nia, don't worry about the problems such as Stunge.

Ohia had purchased goods at the time, and it was also a demon purple smoke.

I have been in the past, I don't know if there is any interesting thing.

"You can't do this, the elements of the elements are so hard, come, let me show you." Gu Yunyi's potato chips purchased before the origin store.

"Thank you, don't need it." The awareness of the song is not fully immersed in the Corolo world, and it has declined the suggestion of Gu Yunyi.

"True is very small." Gu Yunyi bluntly, ignored him.

Stepted poems sighs tone, she feels that they must talk to the song.

Sitting on the sofa on the edge of the lobby, I took out my own magic mobile phone, and the walk from the song.

"The brother, is there now? "

After explaining the conversation with Gu Yunxi, the walk is blocked directly to the outside world.

After increasing the elements lizard, it is preparing to continue the task, and suddenly I saw the steps sent by Step.

The magical mobile phone can connect with holographic equipment, even if the customer is in the virtual world, it is also possible to receive the message sent by others.

The step is to grasp the hair, and some doubts will suddenly send a message.

She is not in the hall, have something to say, don't you come?

"First wait, I will return to a message." The step is from the song of the prizes that are in a clear point.

Jiang Shengshi "Oh" has been waiting in place.

The step is from the song in front of the empty spot, and there is only the light blue light curtain he can see.

"Sister, what? "

The step will return to the article.

"You are not young now? "

Step from the song:? ? ?

What is the ghost, what is this inexplicably problem?

"... Sister, what happened?" "

"Do you have a girl who like? "

Step from the song: ...

"Why suddenly asked this? of course not. "

"Oh, I just ask, come on. "

"Is there anything else? "

"Nothing, but you usually pay attention to your own habits. "


At the end of the conversation with step poetry, you have sighted your song.

He understands the reason why Step Shi is asked.

Isn't it just a poor attitude? As for the height of the rise to life?

"Step from the song, your expression is very exciting, do you want to shoot photos?" Jiang Shengjun noticed the look of the song.

"Don't bother me." The step is impatiently waving.

"I said, what happened, how did I suddenly become like this?" Jiang Shengshi looks a little curious.

The steps from the simple words explain, and the last has been added: "Now my heart has the game in the boss."

"Well ..." Jiang Sheng Yan touched his chin, "I suddenly be a bit fortunate."

The steps are coming away: "Hey, what do you mean by this guy?"

What is the saying that the poetry is also his sister, it certainly can't let Jiang Hao Hao say this.

"Nothing to mean." Jiang Shengshi smiled and put his hand, "What is the next thing to do next?"

"Well, I will see." The step is no longer tangled, "Hunting the tree demon, the distance is not far from here ..."

Luochuan is sitting on the sofa, looking at the magical mobile phone, the state is almost the kind of "I have already abolished".

If it is in the origin store, it is now also the same, sitting in the counter, looking at the magic mobile phone.

This seems that although there is different places where it is, there is no difference.

Previously before the shooting of Jiuze City was over, but Jiang Napo did not have an emergency.

She decided to purchase some goods in the origin store, supplementing the "stock" in the spatial ring.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Yunfu took the ice cream and milk tea just purchased.

"How did we pass?" Chen Yiyi poked the arm of the river, she had decided to go to Qichuan.

Imo can also discuss with the boss, see if there is a role in the movie in the movie.

Chen Yiyi is still confident for his own acting, before she fled a lot of learning courses.

However, this time she is solicited by the consent of Wen Tian.

After all, Wen Tiancai is here, I want to take it at all, it is impossible.

"You can go back directly through the transfer light in the store." Jiang Yun refers to the white light on the wall.

Occasionally, the sea demon came out of the sea. After purchasing the goods in the store, they have been in a hurry, they have become a self-service supermarket.

"Isn't that the city of the sea?" Chen Yiyi had a little confused.

She has received the invitation of the sea demon. I have the opportunity to go to the city of the sea. The scenery has surprised her for a long time.

"Hey, I asked the boss at the time, the boss said that this is intelligent identification." Jiang Yiling remembers Luochuan's answer.

"Smart ... well, the things in the boss shop can not be judged by ordinary ministry." Chen Yi sighed.

The two have just come to the transmitted light gate, just out from it.

"You are preparing to go to the sea of ​​the sea?" Yira is still a semi-snake form, with a beautiful pattern with a golden snake.

"No, I am going to Qichuan." Jiang Yunxuan smiled and explained.

"The transfer of light doors has functions to other locations. This owner can never say." The tail of Yilan has a point, then open the body, "I wish you a smooth journey."

"Yirajie we are gone." The figure of the two disappeared in the white rays of the transmitted light.

At this time, there are many customers in the store, they all pay attention to the scenes of the transmitted light.

"Hey, you say that the boss will not open a branch in Qichuan?" Wei also guess.

"Not too might." Xu Yao Wei shakes his head. Today is the rest time of the Xuanyue Institute. "There is no branch of the boss when he is in the sea."

"Qichuan and Jiuwei City are not far away, all in the territory of the Star Empire, don't you come to buy goods directly?" Tiger felt a lot of this store.

"Original Mall customers account for the largest of those ordinary human cultivators, the distance from the two cities can be said to be as simple as you say." Rainwater shook his head.

"After waiting for the transportation network of Tianxing Empire, this is not a problem." Ji no regrets joined the conversation.

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