God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1343 is still decadent everyday

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About Ji no regrets is preparing to build a traffic network in Tiaxing Empire, many of the origin stores have earned.

After all, the origin store is located in the city of Jiu, and the programs who have no regrets and Wen Tian machine have not concealed for this matter.

In the central transmission array outside the city, you can often see the staff who is busy transporting materials.

When I started to know this thing, I found that everyone felt that Ji no regrets were free.

Now the star of the star empire has developed well, and suddenly it makes a traffic network plan. What is going on?

Even if it is put through the entire Tianlun mainland.

However, in Ji No regrets, this is the proposal given by Luochuan, the wind direction of the topic has changed.

"It's a boss, the idea is always superior to these people."

"This approach to the era may declare that Tianyi mainland will enter a new era."

"I can't wait to see what is the implementation of this plan."

"To get rich first, traffic is the foundation of development ..."

Although Ji no regrets have predecessored this, but I still have a long time after I know.

If you have a boss to participate, even if you can find a reasonable reason?

Even if you can't find it, it is also thinking about the era.

These people see the skills of the rudder is definitely a full!

Ok, Ji no regrets, he is also like this.

"Amount, I almost forgot, most customers do not have the ability to span such a long distance in a short time." Agency's long tiger crashed to grasp hair.

After Rainwater reminded, he finally thought of the biggest manner of the origin store to accounted for the biggest human cultivator.

For them, if you want to cross the distance between Jiucheng and Qichuan just a few hours, it is obviously impossible.

This is like rushing from Beiping to the demon without the means of transportation, it is difficult to calculate how long it takes for your legs.

Moreover, even if the physical quality of the cultivator is strong than ordinary people, it is also a limited, only asks the top of the way, can be surpassed by the mortal.

"So, no regrets, what plan is specifically prepared?" Rainwater just bought a cup of milk tea, "According to my knowledge of the quarter of the star, it is a bit difficult."

"This doesn't have to worry." Ji no regrets laugh, "As long as the Ling Jing is enough, any difficulty is not difficult."

As the emperor of the Star Empire, he clearly understands a matter, as long as the Lingjing is enough, almost nine-nine issues can be easily solved.

"Amount, you are really strange." Yu Wei said.

The origin of the origin store is still in progress. Ji Ji no regrets help to shoot movies is just a small episode.

Customers often have too much impact, but there are many voices that talk about movies.

After all, Luochuan has to launch new products after the movie is completed.

I don't know if the boss has forgotten the new product.

According to Rainwater's understanding of Luochuan character, there is indeed this possible.

Well ... Maybe you can let the demon sam remind the boss.

"About the specific preparation of the sky is almost the same, the specific implementation is still to rely on you." Wen Tian machine came to the origin store after reading the shooting.

"This is nature." Ji no regrets and smiled nodded, "Although some problems, it is not difficult to solve it."

"You are slowly talking, I have not finished in the mission of the Corlo World." Rainwater drunk the milk tea and ended the conversation.

The leisure model of the Tower of Trial is absolutely most popular among customers, no one is slightly short enough to compare with glory.

After all, it is another real existence!

According to the description of the novel on the magical mobile phone, their identity is equivalent to "traveler" or "players."

As for the nightmare space, this is the application of the abuse, only a small number of customers will take an experience in order to defeat their inner space.

There are also many new customers who have come to the origin store to be Amway, and it is easy to identify the extent of friendship.

For Luochuan, the biggest use of nightmare space is to be used to play games.

All in all, even if Luochuan is not in the origin store, it is not too much impact.

Just some people who don't often come over, they are somewhat hanging after seeing the counter, because the next day is basically Luochuan and demon smoke sitting there.

For new customers, it is more necessary to adapt, after all, in the rumor, the boss of the origin store can not be so fierce.

Snow Feng Pavilion.

Luochuan feels a little decadent in his life.

I yawned, this sudden appearance is then thrown behind him.

Where is it decadent, isn't this a long life?

Over time, the sporadic snowflakes outside the outside is a lot, and it is ready to come to the scene.

Luochuan took a fruit from the fruit plate on the table.

The fruit is dark blue, and the flesh of the epidermis is like a crystal crystal clear, and occasionally see some arcs.

Anything of this world cannot be judged with the commonly known common sense.

Luochuan bites a bite, ice is cold, with a mint, and also with a little paralyzed feel.

It is the effect of the arcs that I just saw.

"I finally returned." Luochuan received a reminder of the transmitted optical gate.

As his voice fell, two gates appeared in the light gates in the corner of the hall, and the light gates disappeared.

"A lot of people." Chen Yiyi couldn't help but sigh after seeing the environment.

Both holograms are in the state of being used, and there are customers on the side.

"Life, you are back." Gu Yunyi gave up, the line of sight was on Chen Yiyi, "How did you follow?"

"I'm coming." Chen Yiyi answered the question.

Gu Yunxi laughed: "Well, welcome."

"The boss, I haven't seen you for a long time." Chen Yiyi has noticed Luochuan that eats fruit.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Luochuan returned to a word.

Of course, he knew Chen Yiyi, but there were many customers who made a lot of fun, and she didn't have anything.

"The boss really is still almost in the origin mall, no change." Chen Yiyi could not help but spit.

She is naturally a personality, or as a salted fish.

Originally Chen Yiyi thought that he could see the movie movie scene, the fact proved to be much more.

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