God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1344 About Nature

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It is very lively in the hall, and ten holographic equipment is placed on the wall.

Luochuan is sitting on the sofa, eating fruit looking up.

The soon is like this, it seems like it is writing something.

I have no difference between it when I follow the origin store!

Chen Yiyi feels that he is still in the origin store.

"Are you here?" Chen Yiyi pulled Gu Yunxi and Jiang Najun to the side, and lowered his voice.

Say good movie?

Although Qichuan is indeed a tourist attraction of Star Empire, you can't really happen here?

I know how many customers are looking forward to the finishing of movie shooting, and you are here to touch the fish.

"Of course not, just because the boss said, the boss said to take a few days." Gu Yunyi referred to the fingers.

Chen Yiyi noticed that the snow, as well as the snow maple trees planted throughout, slightly, the eyes: "It's so beautiful."

"But it is not bad." Jiang Yunshu sneaked in Luochuan.

For the personality of the boss, as long as it is a customer of the origin store or less.

Not interested is basically not paying attention, even if there is interested thing, it is just to pay attention, and the interest of time will gradually disappear.

This is like this, and the interest of Luochuan seems to be in a digestive state.

"What is the situation in your movie? Tell me?" Chen Yiyi quickly throws the things of Lochuan.

"First of all, you need to guarantee that you can't disclose this movie." Gu Yunyi said seriously.

"I will definitely not tell others." Chen Yiyi's expression has also become serious.

"As long as you don't say it in the magical phone." Jiang Yiling swayed, "and even if you want to say, you can't say it."

"Hey, why?" Chen Yiyi was very curious about it.

"The boss said, he is directly spreading these news directly on the magical mobile phone." Jiang Yunshu asked Luochuan.

"Amount, the boss is really be careful." Chen Yili cast a look at Luochuan.

Luochuan has finished eating the fruit before, and is picking up in the fruit plate.

After all, he has never seen anything. He knows what it will taste - of course, it will definitely not be too ignorant.

"Is it still writing?" Luochuan looked at the demon salami of the magical phone.

I wrote what the meaning of interest, this girl's face is a bit ... strange.

"Well." The demon purple smoke nodded, and the sight has always looked at the screen of the magical phone.

The "glory" written by the demon purple smoke is more like the characters of the characters in the game, and each other is a separate story, but there is a corresponding connection.

"What kind of story is you writing now?" Luochuan asked in the mouth.

"The story between Caroli and Roland." The demon purple smoke said.

According to the setting in the glory game, Jialoli is the elf girl who controls the power of the natural power, and Roland is a saint that believes in the god.

Luochuan missed a little atmosphere.

"Can this two stories?" Luochuan sat slightly.

"Teachase to resist the madness of the madness." The demon purple smoke said.

Natural God, there is no concept in the original glory, it seems to be newly added.

If you come back, glory seems to have not launched a new role in a period of time.

The god of the hart, the god of nature, this idea seems quite good.

"The friendship between the two has risen to the new height and began to travel to the mainland to find ways to rest the world." The demon purple smoke continues to tell.

How can I have a guest in the world?

And what is the meaning of friendship to rise to a new height? Directly become a love story?

"The boss is so strange." The demon purple smoke noted the change of Luochuan.

It is your story very strange!

Luochuan feels that the demon purple smoke is more or less because of its own impact.

"Cough, you continue to write, will let me see." Luochuan coughed and did not prepare to continue discussing this topic.

"Oh." The demon purple smoke nodded and started to create.

The game development space Luochuan can also enter from the originator.

Anyway, it is also idle, he is going to try the idea of ​​just now.

The magical mobile phone was left behind, and the spirit of the eyes came directly to the game development space.

The glory continent quietly stagnant in pure white space, not far, it is a high body shadow of more than a dozen glory characters.

It looks quite shocked.

Luochuan has not been here for a long time. After stretching a lazy waist, it will start creating the light car.

The first is a rough image.

I called a thoughts, and the pure white square appeared in front of him.

There is a rough image in Luochuan's heart, and now it is to describe the image.

In the game development space, Luochuan is equivalent to the gods here, regardless of anything can be created.

However, it is necessary to handle problems such as various details, which is the most time-consuming.

The hand was taken on the white square with pure white rays, and the corresponding depression appeared.

Luochuan has a feeling of being a hand, it is a big bit.

About an hour, Luochuan looked at the image of the outline of the outline, and made a big yawn.

I will here today, then I will say it later.

Anyway, there is more time, and it will not be bad.

And now it is almost a lunch.

Thinking of this, Luochuan directly quits the development space, and the awareness of reality.

There are quite a lot in the hall, and the customers are basically left, and they look out that they go out.

He saw his body covered a thin blanket, there is a good aroma.

"Boss." The demon salastic smoke notes the action of Luochuan.

She still sat on the sofa, and she was deliberately waiting for Luochuan.

After all, in other people's opinion, Luochuan and sleeping when entering the game development space are not too big.

Moreover, in the origin store, Luochuan is almost almost the same, often sleeping.

Many customers talk about the boss in private, using holographic equipment overnight.

"What about customers?" Luochuan asked, from the sofa stretched out, stretched a lazy waist.

"Going out to have dinner." The demon purple smoke puts the blanket from Luochuan into the space ring.

"I am also hungry, go eat." Luochuan feels hunger in the abdomen.

"Well." The demon purple smoke point should be taken.

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