God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1350, you know too much.

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In the Tianyi continent, the respect is absolutely located in the top of the pyramid tower.

Basically, it is difficult to see their traces, and always come to the end of God.

For them, the space can easily tear the space, but also initially control the power of the law.

These are all Han ink seen in the book.

After all, in the area of ​​Qichuan, the realm of the yuan is a rare super master in the next day.

Asked, the respect of the book is the records in books.

The attack of the respect, it is definitely destroyed in Han ink.

"The magical phone can resist the attack of the respect?" Han ink looks at the magical mobile phone of the hand in the hands of the hand, and the eyes are slightly, and it is not so driving. "

"There is a customer trial before, it is like this." The step is nodd from the song.

Wait, test?

Han Yog's mood can't keep calming, he is consciously peeled with mouth: "The customer who is experiment will not be a respect?"

Sign, the most peak existence of Tianyi mainland, actually doing this kind of thing?

"Of course, or how can I say that the magical mobile phone can hard to resist the attack." The step is surprising to see Han in a glance, expressed doubts about his IQ.

This guy is not very intelligent in weekdays, how to see the goods sold in the boss become this, is this a wisdom blow written in the novel?

The steps are very similar to those novels on the magical mobile phone, but since it is written, there must be some strange things.

I have seen a lot of time when I step out.

The protagonist is in the blessing of the protagonist, and it is all kinds of smoothness. If you go shopping, you can encounter your baby, the auction will also meet the baby, fall down the cliff can also meet the baby ...

Ok, these are nothing, after all, is the protagonist, plot needs.

Asking is the child of the gas, the blessings of the big universe, namely the disturbance of the mysterious power of the author.

Of course, in fact, this is not what this is nothing, if it is the protagonist?

He can't see it is the plot of an inexplicable wisdom.

Good guys, the protagonist is also in the wisdom effect, how to play.

On the magical mobile phone, the customers are collectively referred to as a wisdom blow, and there will be a lot of interaction whenever it appears.

Now walking from the song, I feel that Han Yog's IQ has fallen several percentage points.

Han Mo took a deep breath, he certainly noticed the strange eyes of the song, and guess his inner thoughts, just lazy to pay attention to him.

"And not only, the magical mobile phone has many other features, such as fire and waterproof, even if it is not careful, the magical phone is bound to the owner, you can transfer directly to the owner. "The step is taken away from the song, and it is throwing it up and down in your hand.

Han ink's sight moves with the magic mobile phone in the singer, telling the truth, he is very worried that the step will not catch the magical phone.

Soon, his fear has become a reality.

A crisp snoring sounded, the magic phone of the step entry fell on the ground.

It is not enough to walk away, and it will take it together, and it is still swaying in front of Han Mo: "Look, there is something."

Han ink looked at the magical mobile phones who had just purchased in their hands, even if they know the quality is very good, he will not use it like a song.

Talking about the origin of the previous download, many novelty information instantly appeared in front of Han in, let him see the eyes.

"What does this top-top dynamic?" Han Mo quickly noticed that the top movement was on.

"The new customers of the purple smoke, it is to introduce the origin store." The steps left the song and saw the magical mobile phone of Han ink.

"Poister Sister?" Han ink is doubtful.

"It is that." The step is the song of the sofa.

The demon purple smoke and Luochuan are close, it seems that what is talking about.

"What is her relationship with the boss?" Han Mo took a little unusual meaning.

"The purple smoke sister is the owner of the origin store." The step of the song answers, "Of course, you think it is the boss."

Anyway, Luochuan rumored in the magical mobile phone, and customers basically know this.

In fact, in the eye of the song, the purpose of Luochuan opened the store is impressed at all, not for sale, may just be to find a wife.

When he just found the origin store, he only had the boss to guard her own, and the goods only had two kinds of spicy strips and cola.

Then I didn't have a few days of demon purple smoke, I became the store of the origin store. He watched the relationship between the two people from the original boss and employees who were now become like this.

What is the feeling of inexplicably gratifying?

Of course, these ideas are only thinking in their hearts, saying that he feels that Luochuan's ten will choose an exterior.

At that time, the owner looked at him indifferently, "I know too much", then gently hit a referral, then all the information in this world is all erased ...

"I know." Han Yu nodded.

Over the time, he came to the Snow Pavilion, and it was almost the same as the relationship between Luochuan and the demon salami.

Now it is only verified from the words of the song.

However, the words come back, in fact, the origin of the origin of the martial artist in his heart, but it is very mysterious, but after seeing it ...

And the imagination is completely different!

It can be said that when it is usually, there is no difference in ordinary people.

So, is this the legendary return?

"Right, purple smoke sister is also the strength of the realm of the respect." The steps I don't know what I think of suddenly added.

"Supreme." Han Mo also gave a look at the demon purple smoke and Luochuan.

"There is also the red dress is a dream dance sister, and the confusion supports. Have you heard of it?

The walk from the song and Han ink introduced the customers in the hall, "they are all respect."

Han ink does not know why should I respond.

The super masters of the midst of the midst of the mystery, now there is ahead of his eyes.

Not one, but a group!

He felt that his throat was somewhat dry, couldn't help but hurt.

In fact, he faintly faintly guess the strength of these people, but he did not dare to confirm, forced himself to ignore this.

But now, it is basically no ordinary person who can follow the boss!

Well, there is except for the guy from the song.

It is just a super power in front of these very familiarity, but there is no unique momentum of the power.

Like the boss, it looks similar to ordinary people.

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