God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1351 is a deception

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After knowing the identity of these people in the hall, Han Mo understood a thing.

The things written on the book are lie.

Not that the strong is amazing, what is going on?

He can see the sea demon and the waiter of the Hemifake Pavilion in the past.

Han Yu sighed and re-put the attention on the magic mobile phone in the hand.

Today, he has already seen a lot of unexpected things, or let's take a look at the magical phone.

After the first time I saw the magic mobile phone from walking away from the song, he was full of this item.

"I said, how is the magical phone supplement?" Han Mo suddenly thought of a thing.

There are many items with spiritual power, and the spiritual power can also act as energy sources in the form of plenty of spirituality.

However, there is no function of other array in the magical phone, and the entire surface is in a whole.

"Lingli? No need." The step is hurried. "You don't have to worry about energy, you are not finished in this life."

Ok, it seems that you think more.

Han Yo sighed in his heart and started to understand this unfamiliar and novel information world after calming your mood.

"Why start snowing, I still want to go to the origin store, this plan is a soup. "

"About the related issues of the magic mobile phone application development tutorial, how to achieve the inscription between two different functions. "

"Help help! Is there a skill that refines the Lord Dan? It's going to be an assessment, so panic! "

"You know how the boss is now in their movies now ..."

A variety of information is like a tide in front of his eyes, but there is no dazzling feeling. It seems that the magical phone can always be pushed in the way that best suits him.

Han ink's sight moved on the screen of the magical phone. He first discovered that the world has such a bustling scene.

The world of wisdom races from all regions of Tianli Continent is active, reality and fantasy at this time.

Realizing this is only a commodity price of only one hundred Lingjing in the origin store.

"Unbelievable ..." Han ink whispered.

"Good habits." As the first customer of the origin store, the steps from the song took a shot of Han in the shoulders of Han in, and he said, "After all, it is a boss."

Han Yo noticed a word that made him very carefully, and then automatically entered that post, the relevant message also appeared.

"'About the dragon family guess the location of the world living in this world," Dragon? "Han Mo slowed the title.

"Say you may not believe in it, in fact, we are sitting in the dragon." The step is hilarious.

"I believe." Han Xia pointed to the screen, "there is a picture above."

Under the dim, the golden dragon torn clouds in the sky, bathing and showering from the broken sun.

"Dragon, I didn't expect this kind of creature in the world. I thought they had disappeared in this world." Han Mo said full of emotion.

In the Tianzhu continent, even if the ordinary people have ever heard for this mysterious creature of the dragon, a lot of rumors about the dragon are also circulated.

But after all, only the legend, even those super forces have never really seen the emergence of the dragon.

However, now Han ink feels that his world's view seems to be completely refreshed.

Speaking of a good mystery race, how can it easily appear in front of the world, and also serve as a transportation.

Thinking of this, Han Mo couldn't help but look again to Luochuan on the sofa.

It is a boss, but the dragon can make the dragon as a transportation.

"Boss, he has seen you several times." The demon purple smoke touched Luochuan's arm.

"Well, who?" Luochuan is a message in the moon, and the head does not raise it.

"It is a few people who come over every day." The demon purple smoke said.

"The normal reaction of the new customer." Luochuan has been unwilling to see this, still looking at the magical phone.

"Board you sent a message?" The demon purple cigarette feels a little unusual.

"Moon." Luochuan said.

The demon purple smoke looks up, but the content on the screen does not understand: "What is the meaning of this soul, the snowman brother? Good strange name?"

"Game." Luochuan replied, looked at the demon purple cigarette, and then added to the game, "Not those games in the holographic equipment."

Looking at the demon purple smoke, Luochuan explained to her carefully.

"It's very interesting, but the boss, why don't you release it directly in the app store, but let them go to make it?" The demon purple smoke made a problem.

"I can't always make me release, and I will give them the ability to make them have the ability to make applications." Luochuan replied.

"Step from the song, why don't you use hologram?" Anvia came over from side, and asked the goods in the light screen.

"And friends introduce you." The step is laughing and answering.

"Oh, hello, my name is Anrta." Anvilia nodded against Han Mo slightly. "

"Hello, hello, my name is Han Mo." Han Yo also nodded again, did not dare to have slightly. "

After you introduce yourself, Anvilia has returned to the position of the holographic equipment, and her glory is coming soon.

"Anvia, this name is a bit familiar, it seems to have seen it ..." Han Yu wrinkled with eyebrows, and strive to think about the source of familiarity.

The steps have referred to the magic mobile phone in Han ink.

Han ink glanced at the eye screen, soon noticed the above information.

"I really didn't expect, and the real identity of Anvilia, who often came to the originator, actually Dragon ..."

The next content Han Mo did not pay attention to, he looked not far away in the virtual world, and it felt a bit magical.

The legendary dragon is actually in front of him, and I just greeted him ...

"Han Yog, just now is the legendary dragon." A teenager who followed him whispered.

"There is no difference between us, it is very beautiful." A famous white girl also proposed its own point of view.

Several people are excited to talk about it, and what they encountered here is far more than their imagination.

"You will slowly look, I will go first." The step is hitting, and he is not preparing to take all the time in the afternoon.

Han ink just nodded, his eyes stared at the screen of the magical phone, and the heart was completely immersed in the world of information on the Haozihai.

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