God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1355 is busy in the afternoon

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"tonight? Isn't today holiday? "

"Don't let go of holiday, not the boss. "

"It's also ha. "

"The boss is so diligent, and I am a bit different from my memory, I am afraid that it is not a fake boss! "

"Beware of the boss is watching the magic mobile phone ..."

When Ienna sent a message in group chat, this group and Luochuan were idleless and bored when she found the topic of the discussion.

From the character of Luochuan to the story of the movie, finally, inexplicably turned into a guess for new products.

"But before the boss, the new product will be launched after the film is completed. "

"Said, what do you know?" "

"The boss didn't say, I feel that I should be a potato chips. This is similar to snacks ..."

According to the content of the guess, these customers can be divided into several factions, snacks, beverage, gamatics.

The goods sold in the originator city are almost the same.

Of course, some customers have reached a consensus - the effect of the new product is definitely the spectrum.

"Hello, can the game are new goods? "

"How, can't you play games? "

"The boss, I know that you are in group chat, I strongly recommend launching new games. "

"No, it is better than the goods such as drinks ..."

Luochuan leaving the group of groups, nothing to think, can you talk about other things.

What does the new product are he don't know.

After the film is completed, the system is just awarding the lottery opportunity. He is just a tool that takes the goods.

What is the product to be random?

"Product extraction is random, system?" Luochuan asked in his mind.


Look, there is no talk.

Didn't talk, it is equivalent to the default, so he doesn't know what the new product is.

Luochuan stretched a lazy waist and started to plan at night.

First of all, there must be an anti-vectors of running dragon. As the protagonist, Jiang Yunshu used death notes and looked at the opponent to die in front of himself.

Although this world has the existence of cultivators, but in front of this kind of ultra-common sense, she can't help but fade.

Write the other party's name to kill, which has been fully exceeded.

Although there is a Magic change in the worldview of Luochuan, in order to settle the cultivator in order to and the Tianglan mainland, death notes are clearly larger.

This modified reality is completely dominated by God.

When Jiang Nishi came to the remote unmanned street, the next scene was the scene of the death.

Although it is very simple to tell the text, how to turn it into a picture, and it is a bit difficult to shoot with the magical phone.

Really, why should he choose a movie?

It's good to wait in the store, and the waves do not meet his character settings.

Luochuan sighed a little helpless.

The sight suddenly noticed the demon salami.

No, he recovered the idea before, it is necessary to shoot movies!

"Boss, what are you watching?" The demon purple smoke noticed Luochuan's gaze.

"Look at you." Luochuan answered the consciousness.

The demon purple cheeks are slightly red, and the magical mobile phones in the hands are low, and the heartbeat can't help but get a lot.

"Sister, how is your face? Is it sick?" The demon is like the morale.

The demon purple smoke: "... I am a respect, have you heard that the monster royal sick in the realm of the respect?"

The demon purple is seriously thought about: "Amount, it seems to be."

After a long time in human country, she almost forgot what she is a monster royal family.

Luochuan is a good mood, before the boring feeling, I have already thrown into the Jiuyi cloud, and now life is so interesting, where is it bored.

It is almost time to see the magic mobile phone.

Nothing is nothing to see, there is basically finished reading, and there is not much interesting live broadcast, his favorite forest survive today, please ...

After driving the vest water in the forum, Luochuan lost the magical phone to the side.

No, you can't continue to have so waste, there are still many things to do.

On the backrest of the sofa, the consciousness will enter the game development space.

There is no difference between the last time, the vast glory of the continent is hung in virtual, and the tall glory role overlooks this world.

In front of Luochuan, the natural god of semi-finished products seems to be a little bit in such an environment.

Luochuan stretched his body and came to the front of the nature.

Work, now there is only work in his heart!

after an hour.

Luochuan looked at many natural gods in front of the previous contrast, and stretched a lazy waist.

It's so tired, today's work is here, then say it later.

Anyway, for customers, the new role of glory is certainly no more important than new products and movies.

Don't you rush to this time?

And in addition to this, the most critical point, Luochuan does not have a new role of the new role.

Therefore, how long does he use for how long does he use, even if it is worn, it will not say anything else to the film shooting.

Movies, glory new drama, new goods, this is definitely a large surprise for customers.

In addition, Luochuan, heard that the Star Empire had a holiday in the years, and strive to take the film before the film was taken.

Leaving the game development space, Luochuan found himself to cover the blanket.

How do you feel this is a little familiar?

At this time, it is almost in the evening. The sky has begun to gradually dim, and the big snow does not stop the meaning.

Xu is because he looks like it is a sleep, the customer is consciously lowered by his own conversation, basically can't hear noisy sound.

"Boss, you are awake." The demon smoke is sitting next to Luochuan, can smell a faint good scent.

He feels that you need to explain that you are not sleeping at all.

Forget it, have the opportunity to say anymore.

"I lost it again, Chen Yiyi is not suitable for glory this game." The step is deeply sighful.

The essence of glory is the role of customers playing inside, and the combat power and players who can play in the role have a great relationship.

But not all practitioners have superb active capabilities.

Just like those refining pharmacists, skills are basically in practice, and I am afraid it is not as low as a big realm.

This is the case.

"If you are not good at fighting, you can't play it?" Chen Yi said angrily, "The boss did not say what strength needs to play glory."

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