God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1356 is so good, learn

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The combat effectiveness of customers in glory is mainly determined by their own actual capabilities.

After all, it is the role of the incarnation. The realm in the real world will not have much impact.

Obviously, Chen Yiyi belongs to the kind of fighting.

On the weekdays, she is basically learning and aliens in the sky, and the measures such as megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload.

For her, the cultivation is only auxiliary role.

Not the purpose of all practitioners is to fight and kill, can only say that everyone's pursuit is different.

"I mean is just to understand the dishes playing with your glory. Don't choose the role of the output type. Is it not good to mix?" The step is from the song.

"Don't say it." Stephen poetry pulled the sleeve of the song, she noticed that Chen Yiyi has begun to bite.

The steps are not ignored to the poetic, and they turn to the next to Han ink: "There is also you, have never heard of my command once, and also choose a burial messenger, can you understand?"

Han ink: ......

I always feel that the guy is not good to look at the song, isn't it to lose the glory of the glory? As for?

When Luochuan is ready to use the holographic device, it is this scene.

"Boss." The step is swayed from the song.

Luochuan nodded and nodded, in fact, he felt that the steps were very reasonable, knowing that it is not right.

Of course, he is only thinking in his heart.

"Let a glory to the bureau?" Luochuan looked at Chen Yiyi.

"I played the dish!" Chen Yiyi is still angry.

Han ink consciously opened the position, now he is also a customer of the origin store, naturally you can use holographic equipment.

"Come, start." Luochuan sat on the seat.

Chen Yiyi looked at the song and got into the virtual world.

The step is shrugged and the spirit is also immersed in the glory.

"What is the poetic, how are you sigh?" Jiang Yantang is eating potato chips.

"Ah, there is nothing." Stephen shook his head.

"This hammer, eat potato chips, this taste is very good." Jiang Yunshi handed the potato chips past.

"No, thank you." Stephen refused.

Her gaze falls on the display screen of holographic equipment, and the glory has entered the stage of the role.

"Is the boss am very powerful in the bureau?" Han Mo noted the look around the customer.

As long as it is fine, it is tightly staring at the screen in front of Luochuan next to Luochuan.

"It's amazing, super power!"

"To the right, it is super power, when can I have the strength of the boss?"

"Don't think in this life, don't think about it in your next life."

"Hey, what do you mean by this guy ..."

Han Yu listened to the words of everyone in the ear, noted that Luochuan has identified his role.

"How is this undead priest, it looks very powerful."

Each role in the glory is that Luochuan is produced in accordance with the image in the mind. The appearance is absolutely not to say, it is the kind that is very powerful.

The undead priest is wearing a broken black robes, and the body is in the body, and the eyes are swayed in the eyes of the blue soul flame.

The bone has a stick of burning a miserable green flame, and the status is also created by the Sen White bones, and there is a kind of breath.

In the bureau, Han Yo did not encounter the role of the undead priest.

"This can be the role of the boss's first use, look at it." Summer beats shot the shoulders of Han ink.

Han ink is unclear.

He knows that the boss is very strong, but what is your watching?

Does anyone explain it in detail?

Han Mo four times looked at a circle and got a conclusion.

Ok, it seems to be no.

He is basically onlookers, and other all don't know, he is naturally not good in the past.

"Begin started." Some people whispered.

Forget it, let's take a look at it first.

Han Yu sighed, put the attention on the undead priest of Luochuan's incarnation.

Is it really so powerful?

The battle is overwhelming. In the battlefield of the glory, it has launched an attack.

The undead priest also followed the footsteps of the battle.

Next is the ordinary communication, attack, dodge ...

It seems that the boss is also very powerful in fighting.

"I said, how did the boss stop?" Han Mo was a little doubtful to grasp hair.

"There are ten eight nine people in the grass." Anvia is also in the team.

With her voice, the undead priest directly raised his stappere to release his ultimate skills.

With the harsh laughter, the top of the wand released the horror magic, the space above the upper space is completely distorted, and countless meteorite dragging the long tail flame.

At the same time, the attack of the teammates of the undead priest also came. The imprint of the Shengguang stretched with the unstoppable power slammed from the sky, and a dazzling white beam directly run through the entire battlefield!

A strong energy fluctuating in the grass, the earth is rising as a wall, and the water elements are condensed as the shield of the ice, and countless vine off the ground ...

Han Mo looked at this sudden battle.

Who are I, where am I, what is going on?

He did not react all the situation in front of him, how did it suddenly play?

The undead priest will all destroy the battle of the place, see that it is ready to go to Lock Marton, then start attacking.

Moreover, there is really ambush in the grass, and the other five people are assembled here.

Han in is absolutely not thinking about it, maybe he will take directly into the grass.

"This is gone, I am not thinking." Gu Yunxia is also watching.

"It should not be, after all, the time starting is not long, the damage caused by the magic tower attack is very low." Jiang Yun shook his head.

"Although the words are said, but do you think this is a suspense for the winning situation?" Gu Yunyi hurts.

"Well, it is said too." Jiang Yunshi couldn't find a place to refute.

The glory is indeed a team of five people, everyone plays an extremely important role.

However, when the player's strength is powerful to a certain extent, it is entirely to determine the wins of the bureau.

Obviously, Luochuan belongs to this player.

The origin of the mall, the tiger that touched the fish during work is already in the madness.

"Why is the opposite undead priest so strong ?! Actually can't catch him ..."

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