God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1359 Demon Tourism

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Nothing is not very much, this kind of identity is now, the customer of the origin store basically knows this matter.

Since the spectacle, the Buddha was educated by the boss, and the position of the commander Mi Mingshan will come out, even if it doesn't like it, it will continue to go.

Mishan is the most peak forces in the Western Region of the Tianyu, if it is in the consequences of the unresparable situation.

It is difficult to serve the strength of the other three Buddha, so this duties must be taken by day.

He hasn't only speaking on the magical mobile phone, but the Foliao is not responding at all.

Joke, after the opening of the boss, he already realized that after unloading the original position, he only knows how easy it is, how can it go back.

Several people talked, and did not avoid the meaning of the three Buddha.

Anyway, everyone's identity is almost, and in the originator, it is a common customer, even if you know it, you will not care.

"What is it?" Yuan returned to the table.

To be honest, he is a bit of time to read the song in Yuan Zeng small shop, although it is a bit noisy, but it is used to it.

The most important thing is that he is more relaxed than it is now.

"Yuan Boss is not said to launch new dishes, give us a come to taste." Xiayuan took the lead.

It is also said that the food they want will also say.

Yuan returned the magical mobile phone, nodded: "Know, wait a moment."

Xiayuan looked at Yuan returns to the kitchen, it is very expected.

"Yes, have you seen it recently?" Rainwater asked.

"The ancient ruins?" He looked at her without extremely, "Is there only ruins?"

"I just asked casually." Yu Wei smiled, she just thought of this matter.


The space exhibits an arbitrary state, and the dark crack is spread all over, and the horrible spiritual storm whistling.

The demon emperor is standing next to a lava lake, holding his own weapon, slightly frowns.

The demon emperor squatted, reached out, fishing in the magma, a broken scaned appeared in his hand.

It seems like a creature of screwliness, but contains an extremely quirky, crazy, chaotic, destroyed ...

Like a collection of countless negative energy energy.

Obviously, this is definitely not the energy that can be controlled by normal organisms.

The demon emperor is slightly hard, and the scales are broken into ashes, which contain the weird energy.


The demon emperor sighed, whispered, and the weapon was reduced into the ear.

After leaving the origin store, he began a tour of the Tianyi continent, looking for a variety of novel things.

It has passed the last hundred years of years, and there is great change in this world and his memory.

In addition, there are many dangers in the sky, there are many dangers who have never been explored, so the demon emperor has also encountered many times.

As a super power of the peak of the respect, these dangers certainly unable to threaten him.

Will only make him feel very interesting.

This is equivalent to the full level account for what you want.

However, just now, he met the situation, and the path of the monsters in the mountains were inexplicably launched to attack him.

It is indeed a geek, with a rough shape of human beings, but the black robe is a monster shape, like an organ of countless species to fight together.

The demon emperor has never heard of the Tianzhu Military mainland and this strange race.

And what is inexplicably of the attack?

The strength is also extremely powerful, almost the high-level respect, this is absolutely topped in the Tianyi continent.

Of course, the final result naturally did not have any accident.

Don't say a high-level respect, even if the three or four high-level respects will not be the opponent of the Supreme Peak Emperor.

What truly makes him feel confused, why do you want to do this?

I am not tired, so I am ready to understand myself to understand myself.

The demon emperor was speculated in his heart, and finally did not conclusion.

Sighted, just found the stone, sat down and took out the magic phone.

Just now, he noticed the prompt information sent by the magical phone, just did not come and view.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

The screen of the magical phone shows the prompt information.


The demon emperor can't help but catch the neck, what is the strange name.

I have a consent with my hand and look around.

The mountains have disappeared, and there is no number of criteria, the hot lava is a lake, and the air is full of sulfur.

The spatial crack caused by the battle has gradually succeeded, and the residual terror is still surging. If there is no external force intervention, it will also evolve into danger.

Waving waving, putting these inexhable spiritual strength, the demon emperor looks to the screen of the magical phone, and the other party has sent a message.

"Hello, I am the mentor of Ling Yun College. "

The demon emperor naturally knows Lingyun College, but there is no intersection with them.

"What is it? "

The demon emperor thought, I gave a reply directly.

"I want to ask some questions about martial arts. "

"This, I am not in the origin store. "

After the demon emperor left the city, it was a dismisively, and now he doesn't know where he is.

"This is nothing relationship, just some simple questions, you can give an answer on the magical phone. "

"Oh, you ask, now I am free." "

The demon emperor stretched a lazy waist, and the hands were lying behind the pillow, and the magical mobile phone was quietly suspended in half.

The surrounding environment is simply impossible to cause him, so the demon emperor is not anxious to leave.

It should be unpolated in his eyes is a small generation, and you will be able to give you how long it takes.

"Almost is these, thank you for your seniors. "

"That's just my understanding, how to do yourself, don't make your way forward. "

Before the conversation, the demon emperor didn't forget to remind it.

For each person has his own awareness, if you learn others, it is difficult to achieve something.

The magical mobile phone was collected, the demon emperor turned down, took out a bottle of cola, and drunk a small bottle in one breath.

It's almost the same rest, it can be started again.

"The day of the end ... It's a bit familiar ..."

The demon emperor thought of a word that the black robe said, I always feel like it's like.

Shake your head, then throw your thoughts in your mind, the demon emperor, the figure quickly disappeared in the sky.

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