God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1360 Agreement

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The destruction caused by the battle between the respect is extremely amazing.

The earth is tipped, and the mountains are broken, even the sky is also flooded by countless horrible energy.

Even if you ask a strong force in the realm, you cannot survive here.

The scargeous energy whistling is flooded in the heavens and the earth, and the magma continues from the ground, and the landform has changed through the bottom.

As for the living life, it has lost the signs of life when the battle has just begun.

And because the residue of the status is, even if the battle of the battle, there will be no biological patronics for a long time.

The night of the winter is very fast, I don't know that the blue night is quietly filled from the distance.

After a long time, the Magata Lake, who had just resting, has appeared in the waves, and the figure of the demon emperor has emerged.

"It seems that I think more."

The demon emperor grabs the neck, four times, after watching the space, torn space, directly entering the temporary space channel.

Over time, the night is completely coming, the night sky is clear, and the stars are embellished in the night sky of the canvas.

"Is it really me?"

The god of the demon emperor once again appeared over the magma lake, and the low sighed and chose to leave. This time it is flying.

Mingyue also gradually rose to the air, sprinkled with white moonlight, and gated a layer of white halo for all things.

On the stone before, the demon emperor went to the side of the magma lake, the horrible calories were rolling, and the air was twisted.

At this time, the surface of the magma lagging is already in a semi-coagulated state, and the dark surface is covered with countless vertical and horizontal dark red pattern, which is filled with pungent atmosphere.

The demon emperor frowned, closed his eyes carefully, the spirit spread forward to four weeks, did not know what is noticeable.

He looked softly and told the ground after the ground and did not prepare for time spent here.

After nearly an hour, there is a smooth black mist in the gap in the ground.

Black fir is condensed, and then gathered, the three of the three heads were in the figure.

"It's really fierce." A black robe issued a junk laughter.

"Challenge the peak of the respect, I really don't know how to die." Another black robes were also clear.

"Don't talk nonsense, let you come here to say nonsense." The last black robe sent a indifferent female voice.

Her status seems to be very high, and the other two stopped the words, and the body was scattered with a rich black fog. It seems to be collecting.

Female black robe reached out from the large black robe - that may be more appropriate to call it.

The entire palm has been completely twisted, covering the black stratum corneum, which seems to haunt the dark flame.

I took the time in front of my eyes, and the quirky fluctuations were discovered, and there was an inexplicable energy to gather in the claw.

The ultimate energy of the energy is a slight thin black mist, and the faint volatility is emitted.

"Black scales you can act, ready to accept punishment after going back." The female black robe said indifferent.

The spiritual fluctuation of the black fog is stagnant, and it seems that it seems to be slightly treated.

Suddenly, a subtle sound suddenly sounded.

"Stop!" Female black robe screamed.

In addition, the two black rises have stopped the mission on the hand, and they also heard the weird sound.

Watching the direction of the sound, a golden hair is quietly falling in the ground.


Female black robe people directly torn space, and the other two black roves disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the golden long stick with the unstoppable momentum from the sky, and the sound burst burst, and the space could not afford the sound of the mirror.

Under this horror pressure, the ground is instantly settled, and the magma lagging is flustered, and the glare of the dazzling is risking.

"The bugs of the tail."

The fantasy figure appeared in half, looked at the end of the world.

Being fled by the other party.

It can react so quickly, and there is also the ability to tear space under his attack, at least the high-level respect, is not far from the peak of the respect.

There is also a voice of the black robe in the ear.

"The emperor of the rumors really strong, but we just accompany it, the end of the end of the end ..."

The demon emperor put the shrinking weapon into the ear, couldn't help but catch the neck. He really didn't understand what the black robes left this sentence.

Is the confident source door?

He looks like this, many novels on the magical mobile phone are written like this. It will always be deliberately left the clue before the anti-school, or the explanation of the long story when the plan is about to succeed.

There are many words, many works have such a message.

Say, what is the last day of the end of this last day? Does these people want to destroy the world?

The demon emperor guess in his heart.

But he just wakes up from the closed customs a few months, and it is basically what the situation is now.

After a few minutes, the demon emperor ended his thoughts.

Forget it, think so much.

Even if it is really planning to destroy the world's anti-power, and it is extremely powerful - I have encountered four high-level respects ... just now.

No, there is a boss.

The boss is not the world of the world, must have exceeded the plan of these black rude people.

And there are those demon from the sea, the strength is also extremely horrible, and the racial characteristics are not too dead.

Oh is yes, there is still a dragon who is hidden in where it is hidden.

Although the demon emperor did not in the origin store, it still learned about what happened in the store through the magical mobile phone.

When he started to know that Tianwei Ya is the dragon in the rumor, it is also surprised for a long time.

The most mysterious ethnic group in the Tianli mainland, only in the rumors, did not expect to live around them.

So many extraordinary existence, the demon emperor does not feel that the secret of the secrets of these gods can turn out any waves.

"However, their breath is a bit strange ..."

The Emperor looked at the place where the three black roves disappeared, and the look was thought.

They are not common spiritual power, but another energy that is full of destruction and erosion.

Some familiar, it seems to have seen it ...

The demon emperor grabs the neck and thoughs the source of familiarity in their hearts.

Soon, the origin store appeared in his mind.

With the movement of the perspective, the eyes are finally in a jewelry in the corner.

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