God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1362, is there a lively?

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"That is to say, you don't know what they are?" The demon emperor scratched his cheeks, and the look was thinking.

Wen Tianji mainly tells the conclusions he gets in ancient books, but also what you encounter before Chuyang.

"Yes." Wen Tian machine nodded, no choice but sighed, "The information did not have a record on them, so it can only be speculated."

"Hidden in the darkness of the super counterparts, and the plots in the novel are somewhat similar." The demon emperor couldn't help but sigh.

"The boss said before, many inspiration sources were taken from real life." Taking the novel, the mood of Wen Tiancai is also relaxed.

"Wait, is it a problem?" The Emperor realized that the conversation of the two turned to other places.

"Video is here." Wen Tian machine smiled, "According to my guess, those people should not find you again, they basically don't expose their own traces."

The demon emperor is a bit disappointing: "I still think about it to ask if they are ready ..."

Ended the conversation with the cultural machine, the demon emperor looked up to the night sky.

The star river, Mingyue, the things in Tianyi mainland did not have a slight effect on this.

"Planet ..."

The demon emperor whispered.

He thought of the words that Luochuan had said, the world of this world is a big probability is a planet.

The star in the night sky is the same.

Before the demon emperor, I have never been thinking in this regard. If the Tiangye mainland is enough, even if I ask, I can't fully explore my life, who will pay attention to the top of the head?

Refer to the line, the demon emperor made an yaw, turned and left.

Time is not too early, find a place to take a break, as for those things that end the end of the last day, then, anyway, there is no use in just now.

Snow Feng Pavilion.

After dinner, Luochuan lies in the sofa, now he just wants to stay quietly, do not take anything.

The sky is completely dark, the lights are reflected in the window, and they can clearly see the snow that will be won.

"Boss, isn't it to take a movie at night?" Gu Yunyi came to Luochuan.

"I just finished my meal, and I will say it again." Luochuan swayed, and there was no move. "

Today's dinner is done in the Snow Fengge, the demon purple smoke personally kits, the taste is much better than buying.

"Well, I know." Gu Yunyi can only sigh, she knows the character of Luochuan.

As for the reasons for coming, it is very simple - curious.

Luochuan has a very picture of this plot in the script. It belongs to the kind of look that it can't help but look forward to it. I want to see what will happen.

"Is Xuanchi?" Luochuan asked in the mouth.

He didn't forget the team and followed such a small guy. The baby who took the baby was still very interesting, but it was a bit boring.

"Xuanchi left Qichuan." Gu Yunnan shrugged.

"Leave?" Luochuan sat slightly straight.

"Amount, the boss, you won't forget the ethnicity and identity of Juan Jun?" Gu Yunyi asked a little.

Ok, Luochuan did forget this.

The true identity of Juanchi is the beast, and the strength of the realm is absolutely strong in the entire Tianyi mainland.

"I just asked casually." Luochuan's expression did not change, "said that you don't seem to have an opportunity to play this evening?"

"Don't you see the lively?" Gu Yunyi straight, "the picture of the death of the gods, I am very interesting."

This reason cannot be refuted.

"Wait for two hours, now I am early." Luochuan has taken out the magical phone.

Gu Yunyi no longer bodies Luchuan and came to the side of Jiang Nanshang.

Jiang Yunshi is now looking at the magic mobile phone. The content shown above is the script of the movie.

"How do you still see this in the evening, don't you have seen it many times?" Gu Yunyi was a little confused.

"There is no more time to see it." Jiang Yiling said with a smile.

Gu Yunxia lie on the sofa, sighed: "It's boring."

"That is not a hologram device, you can use it." Jiang Yun refers to the area where the holographic device is located.

Xu, Luochuan felt that ten are not too enough, adding ten sets, so that you want to play glory at the end of the business city business hours, no need for everyone to choose this.

"Oh, I have already played an afternoon." Gu Yunxi shook his head.

"Then look at the magic mobile phone." Jiang Yunshi put a suggestion.

"The magical phone feels too much." Gu Yunxi continued to shook his head.

Jiang Yun, I thought about it, and my face showed a touch of smile. Gu Yunyi looked at Jiang Yunshu, and inexplicably got a little pleading.

"That ... complete the homework for you to leave your teacher."

Gu Yunxi: "... In fact, I feel that the magical mobile phone is more interesting, I'm, I see this novel actually updated."

Compared with the job task, even if you are boring, it will become interesting.

Jiang Yunshi has a little funny looks in Gu Yunxia that is immersed in the magical phone, and then continues to revisit the plot in the script.

Because there is not in the origin store, there is no so-called business time limit, which is used by the holographic device in Luochuan in the hall.

In the past few days, many teams in the team experienced a process of using holographic equipment.

Don't say anything else, the process is quite cool, and it is impossible to continue to stay in the virtual world for so long.

The origin store does not open at noon, no business in the evening, the time of business is only in the morning and afternoon.

As the welfare of customers, Luochuan does not limit their game time, and it is also free to use holographic equipment.

When you know this matter, everyone is surprised for a long time, guess this is not the boss they are familiar.

You must know that from starting to open until now, the goods sold in the originator city are rarely free, and only a very small number of customers have the opportunity to experience.

This is also true of holographic equipment.

"Sister, are you not hosting the sound of Qichuan?" The step is almost the same, and it is half-lying on the sofa. The whole person is basically "I have already wandered".

"Tang Shu he found the right candidate, so we don't need me to pass." Stephen said.

"Oh." He nodded from the song. It was preparing to play the holographic equipment. He was poetic to pull the clothes, and he could only sighed without helplessness. "

"I have forgotten what I said before I haven't forgotten it?" Stephen is full of eyebrows.

"I am wrong." The step is broken by the machine.

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