God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1363 does not want to go out

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According to the experience of the song from a small to the big accumulation, as long as the poetry shows this serious look, the first thing to do is admitted.

This is the experience you are being played.

Steps in the past day, he is basically the poetry is to manage him, and the walk is absolutely not afraid to refute the poetic words.

Of course, he also thought of resistance, but the gap between the two realm was in this.

The result is very simple, I'm a meal.

"Where are you wrong?" Stephen poeted her eyebrows.

"Which is wrong." I didn't want to answer if I wanted.

Step Shi: ......

"Sister, let me go with holographic equipment first." The step is ready to get up again.

Step poetry sighed, and put his hand: "Go."

Forget it, no matter how much it is.

The walk is not affected by the song, and it will come to the area of ​​holographic equipment.

"What are you playing, the glory is over, there will be a piece ..."

There is no noisy in the hall, and since Luochuan came here, it was so late every morning, basically became the habit of everyone.

And now there is also the light curtain and hologram equipment of the goods, it can be used as a small-scale origin store - there is no business restriction!

Luochuan immersed in the wonderful world of the novel, and the time I have forgotten the passage of time.

"Boss, boss ..."

Luochuan felt someone in poke his arm.

The awareness returns to reality, and the sound in the hall is like a tide, and Irea is standing in front of him.

Seeing Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, the sea demon girl was slightly tone: "The boss, isn't it to shoot a movie this evening?"

Luochuan thinks that there is also a film, he looks around, many of the customers in the hall are waiting.

Of course, some are also immersed in the virtual world. After all, it is not everyone who likes to join.

Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, stretching a lazy wife: "Are you ready?"

"Ready." Inena nodded, the tail continued to lit the ground.

Other customers have also responded. Anyway, they just have to watch the lively, and there is nothing to prepare.

"Then let it go." Luochuan director reached the order.

The twilight gradually, the big snow did not slow down, the thick curtain covers most of the sight, the whole world seems to become bleak white.

Luochuan just got out of the door, the cold wind wrapped in the snow, let him not help but hit it.

He has a little regret to choose to go out so late.

Waiting for a warm room to watch the magical phone? Why do you want to shoot a movie?

Or don't you count, shooting things will be said tomorrow, anyway, there is no difference, it is not bad ...

There are many ideas in Luochuan's heart.

"Wow, it is so beautiful." Chen Yiyi couldn't help but exclaimed.

The terrain of Snow Fengge is high, looking around, I can see the city that is shrouded in the snow.

Cross-crossing roads are illuminated by the street light, separated from the city, the snow maple tree on both sides is in the light of the light.

"It's so cold and cold, hurry." Gu Yunxi will be the strictty of the parcel.

"Today is so cold, do you want to shoot tomorrow?" Inena was also afraid of cold, and he regretted it after going out.

Luochuan agreed with Inena's discourse, but others didn't think so.

"What tomorrow, everyone is ready." The demon purple shot the shoulders of Inena, "and this is the story you play."

"It's time to see the death of the dead." The step is eating a spicy potato chips.

"Say, when is it round to the scene?" Jiang Shengjun is eating a spicy strip.

"I don't know." The step of wiped the sweat on the head, "but it is too fast, the script is not written immediately to the law enforcement team."

Listening to everyone's discussions, Luochuan must not regret this, although it is true in his heart.

He put his hand and walked to the direction of the door: "Depart."

"Boss, do you have some regret?" The demon purple smoke quickly said, whispered in Luochuan ear.

Luochuan consciously wanted to nod, and after the reaction, he suddenly retired: "How can you think more."

The demon purple smoke: "I found that your expression change when I just said."

Luochuan: "..."

The demon walked at the two people in front and came to the side of the green: "Green Sister."

"Well, what is it?" Qing is looking at the magical phone.

"What do you say that the boss and my sister are talking about?" The demon purple refers to the front.

The green bm has put down the magical mobile phone, and she seriously thought about shook his head: "I don't know."

She has experienced this kind of thing, how can she guess it.

Customers in the team have already seen this, but this does not hinder their whispers to talk about a few words for the topic.

At the entrance to the Shufeng Pavilion, Xiaoyu received a message soon, I was here early, and I saw Luochuan and others came up.

After all, Ji no regrets him came over to help Luochuan, now Xiaoyu has been used to it, it is busy for the filming movie.

Moreover, summer is also a member of the team, Luochuan has planned to complete the film, and give him a position of a field on the posts.

"Where is the place?" Luochuan asked.

Summer Yu nod, anyway, he is not the first time, and it is a long way to be a light car.

"Then, let's go." Luochuan put on a hat and his hands also inserted pockets.

"It's a little far away, how is the boss going?" Summer asked.

There are a lot of ways to shoot the site, transfer light gates, walk, car, and completely do not regular.

"You said a place, I opened a channel directly." Luochuan didn't want to waste time on the road, and came back to sleep early.

"Oh, good." Summer Yuetou should take the position to tell Luochuan.


The cold wind whistling, the intensive flying snow fails to fill the entire world, the sight of the sight is the gray color, and the night is confused with the curtain.

Along with the air of the torn, a red ray is full, and the traces left in the snow curtain have disappeared.

Xuanchi really likes this free feeling in the horizon, walking side by side with cloud, overlooking the land below, puts many views.

Of course, and the boss is also very interesting when they are together, just time, I will feel a bit boring.

The Xuanqi mouth issued a bright and clear, the double wings slightly earthquake, turned to the sky.

After a while, the Xuanchi in the high-speed flight seems to be noticed, the speed is rapidly lowered, hovering over halflight.

The space in front seems to be extremely unstable, and the horror of horror.

After several seconds, the space is like a mirror, and a black shadow falls from it.

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