God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1364 Note

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Winter snow flying.

With the cold wind of whistling, the snow that has been raised in dimless night sky.

The whole world seems to be abdicated in thick nights and boundless snow curtains, mixing, and seeing unreal.

Xuanchi stopped in half an air and looked at the space in front of it.

Space is like a water, although it is beautiful, it contains devastating energy.

All the nearby snowflakes disappeared, and a weird vacuum area appeared in half an air.

The fluctuations are getting stronger and the space seems to bear, and finally crushed.

A black shadow fell from a broken space, flooded directly to the ground, and finally stopped the figure at ten meters away.

"Damn, how to meet the space and flow ... The strength of the peak is really horrible ..."

The mental state of the black shadow seems to be less stable, while slamming the words, shakes his body shape.

There is a black liquid drops from his body, which seems to be his blood, and suddenly burst out the sound of "" when touching the ground, and it seems to have extremely strong corrosive.

Many of the black shadows are already in a state of damage, and they can see the body that is covered in it.

Quirky screneous horny, proliferate weird limbs, seemingly semi-synthetic soft substances in slow flow ...

Scenes that will appear like a nightmare.

When the black shadow just appeared in the black shadow, it could be dangerous.

There is no hesitation, and the decisive is fled toward the direction.

The speed is out of the moment, and the space you have leaving extremely eye-catching traces.

"What is this ghost now? I don't know how they have two, hey, I don't want to come better than me ..."

"It's so miserable, if I still have a feeling, I am afraid that I have been fainting, this body is much stronger than the original ..."

"Forget it, first find some energy to restore ..."

The black shadow said herself in his words, and the spatial chaotic flow that came to him was great.

The movement caused by Juan Juan leaves, naturally caught the attention of the black shadow.

"Ah, it seems that my luck is not bad."

After a weird laughter, the black shadow flew to the direction of the Juancha.

The flight trajectory has just swing left and right, but it will soon control itself, and the speed is getting faster and faster, so soon disappearing in the sky.


The twilight, the snowflakes sprinkled with the dim, the eyes and their eyes were all white snow.

Occasionally, the cold wind in winter is blowing. The snow covered in the building will fall, and the curtain of the big piece of large piece on the wide street.

Street lights on both sides of the streets exudes a very bright light in this cold snow, and the lights cannot penetrate such a thick curtain. They can only see the faint pale light.

There is no pedestrian on the street, and the lights around the building have long been extinguished, and the residents inside have chosen to rest early.

I look around, the distant architectural shadow, almost integrated with the faint night, the wind and snow seem to be the only sound of the heavens and the earth.

The time is quiet, and the flusked footsteps break the quiet of the snow.

Someone ran from the street.

Jiang Yunxiao panic, when he looks back, it seems that there is any tranquake in concern.

After coming to the position of the corner, it slowly stopped the footsteps, and took out the black cover notebook from the backpack.

Open the notebook, by using the street light, you can see the information written above, it seems to be a few names.

Jiang Shun recalls what happened, I feel that my throat is somewhat dry.

The name written on the notebook will die, she has verified the authenticity of this sentence.

"You seem to like this notebook very much."

The crisp and pleasant voice sound from the sky, which is quite awkward in this environment.

The body of Jiang Yunshu seems to have a moment of stiffness, she slowly looked up, looking forward to the direction of the voice.

Under the concentrated night sky, a black figure stands above the street light, almost integrated with the night.

In addition, such a thick snowflake is hard to find out.

Behind the figure opened a big double wing, in the eyes of the river, the eyes of the river, and slowly stopped in the air, and slowly stopped in front of her.

The face is covered, the neck is covered with black feathers, and the wearing is like a unknown animal's leather, behind the double-wing slightly fan.

After standing in the ground, she shakes his neck, the double wings shrink, and then disappeared.

Jiang Yuxi has opened his eyes, and the look is shocked. This sudden appearance appears in front of the body, and I will refund the next step.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" The figure is like a laugh, "I still can't believe in the fact that I saw in front of me?"

Jiang Yun sat deeply breathed a sigh of relief, soon recovered the calm, her face also revealed a smile: "Is it a turn to the dead?"

In the world view depicted in the movie, the image of the Death exists in the legendary story.

The death of the eyes issued a laughter, reached out of the palm of the sharp nails, pointed to the notebook in the hands of Jiangyu: "I am the owner of the note."

Jiang Yixun hit her gaze to look at the notebook in his hand, then looked at the Death: "Are you coming to take this notes?"

After the previous thing, she has clearly understood the horror of this note, and it has it equivalent to controlling the authority of the god.

"When you pick it up, it is already yours." The dead god touched the body, staring at the eyes of Jiangyu.

In this case, Jiang Yunshu has been in a short shock, and it has been calm and maintains a clear mind and analyzes the situation in the heart.

"So do you want me to use life as a price?" Jiang Yantang put forward a problem.

Death seems to have heard what jokes, issued a harsh laugh: "Don't worry, don't give others, everything, everything is related to this note will disappear."

"Don't you pay for it?" Jiang Yantang once again confirmed this matter.

"If you really want to say something price, it is only the distress and fear of the user will feel." Death touched his own chin, and bowed to Jiangyu, "but it didn't seem to have any effect on you. "

Ordinary people see the legendary death in front of themselves, it will not quickly accept this kind of magical reality, and can also make a variety of problems in the dead.

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