God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1365 is suitable for the ability to assassinate

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The snow is flying, the twilight is deep, the street light exudes a dim light, and the head of Jiang Yunshu and the shoulders have fallen a lot of snowflakes.

She looked at the death of the front of the wind and snow, he hesitated it or reached his palm and slowly stretched the past.

Sure enough, the palm is not hindered by the body of the dead.

The death of the eyes is like there is no entity, and the snowflakes are also drifted directly.

Jiang Yuxi looked at his palm, then looked up and looked at the eyes of the dead: "Can anyone can see you?"

"Talents who touch the death notes can see me."

Death is lazy, there is a lazy waist, and the double wing behind will appear again, then stretch it, slightly.

"Your name is?" Jiang Yun looked up.

"Hahaha, is it interested in me?" The death of the dead, "" Call me in Gouke. "

Jiang Yunxiao sent the god of the dead disappeared in the black night sky, whispering whisper: "Garbo ..."

The magical mobile phone in the invisible state is close, and then gives a close-up of Jiang Yunshi.

"Okay." Luochuan patted his hand.

The original quiet street suddenly lively, hidden in the corner, suddenly came out.

"It's amazing, the scene just now is exactly the same as I imagined!"

"Garden, Kira, I started looking forward to the next shooting."

"Say, you are not very expected when you first start ..."

Talking about the sound of the sound, it is basically the first scene of discussion, leaving a deep impression on them.

"Good evening is very powerful!" Gu Yunyi hugged the arm of the river.

"I know." Jiang Yun was helplessly pushed.

The blank sound sounded, leaving the dead and returned, fanned with a bidder landing on the air, and then came directly to Luochuan.

"Boss boss, how?" Inena still maintains the form of death.

Looking at the beautiful sea demon girl turned into this way, telling the truth, Luochuan is something wrong.

But now I don't say this.

He pointed to the image of the playback of the light screen and shook his head.

"I look very good." Inena wily swayed in confusion.

It seems that there is no tail, change your own mood with your wings?

"Hey, do you think it doesn't work? I am very good." Gu Yunnao noted the scene here.

Jiang Yunshi did not speak, carefully looked at the image on the light curtain, looking for his own shortcomings.

Luochuan only shakes his head: "There is no feeling."

He also can't say why, anyway, it feels unsatisfactory, always feel a bit weird.

"I don't feel ... well." Inena sighed without helplessness.

When I came to Qichuan for so long, the customers in the team had already understood the habits of Luochuan, and the reason for giving it is basically "no feelings".

This so-called "feeling" is what, even if you ask more answers.

Xinhai Sincerity is silently recorded on the magical mobile phone. It doesn't talk. After all, she follows the purpose of learning to study with Luochuan.

"Is it because Irea's death is a matter of normal?" The demon purple smoke lightlys his lips.

"Normal?" Inena looks confused.

Luochuan is slightly split, and Ireana in the dead state is somewhat strange.

"After all, in accordance with the settings in the script, the bok can come to the world to find fun, with a strong curiosity." The demon purple smoke put forward his own views.

"Oh ... it seems to be the case." Inena sighed without helpless, "So going back?"

Luochuan nodded.

Everyone has already seen this, I know that the summer and Tang Yi can be filmed for more than twenty times for a plot for the first day.

The noise is gradually stopped, and the street has returned to quiet. When leaving, the footprints on the ground will be cleaned clean.

"Every place - start." Luochuan's lazy voice sounded.

The demon purple smoke is in the hands of the board, although I don't know what this effect is, but it is indispensable in accordance with Luochuan's statement.

And there is nothing difference with the last time.

Jiang Yunshu ran from the end of the street, stopping the footsteps, when you want to rest, the dead came.

"It seems that it is a bit different." The demon is like a small moon.

"Don't talk." The demon salary smoke reminded.

The demon purple "Oh" has a mouthful of mouth.

Luochuan looked at the picture of the magical mobile phone on the light screen, looked up to meet the scenes of the front, month, and Garden.

"Is it going to the death of the death?"

"I am the owner of the note."

"Are you coming to take this notes?"

"When you get it, it is already yours ..."

It is still the same conversation. If it is a close contrast, it is faintly different.

Obviously, this is the kind of "feel" in Luochuan.

"Boss, how?" The story ended, Jiang Yunshu asked Luochuan's opinion.

"Well, yes." Luochuan nodded.

Jiang Yun is tone, she is actually worried about Luochuan and said anything that does not feel.

"So do you not re-shoot?" Irena also landed again to the ground.

After getting an accurate reply, she followed the tone, looked at others, but the round to the game and repeated shooting, it was torture.

"Do you really have practical effects this wings?" The demon purple moon stamps the bids behind Inena.

"Of course, there is no practical role, just look at it." Alina shaken his head.

I feel that the form is not very convenient, and the body is chemically created by a transparent water flow, the surging water flow is reinstated, and the surface gradually has a color.

Inena's figure quickly appeared in front of everyone.

She was slightly sorted out her own lazy long hair, and she deeply stretched a lazy waist, and her face showed a smile: "Still is the most habit now."

"It's an enviable ability, it is used to assassinate it." The greens can't help but say.

"Yes." Xie Meng danced nodded, "" Thoroughly change its appearance, even the breath can complete the change, this ability is simply for assassination. "

"Ha, what are you talking about?" Inena asked, she didn't listen to the words of the two.

"Cough, nothing." The green cough and shook his head.

Inenena didn't care, and attention is placed on the image displayed by the light screen. She is quite curious about the movie story of the participating shot.

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